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OOPS! I Stabbed Your Cervix!

Some "feels" I am glad I will never experience in life. Child birth, menstrual cramps, bamboo fingernail torture, or when a unlubed and unwelcome penis randomly kicks open the door to the house of pain.

5,362,727 views 06/26/13 Wrong Hole

Skater Bro Fucks His Own Grandmother

He's 18, shops at Tilly's, listens to Rise Against and is a full time connoisseur of pussy older than Jesus; A sexual 'Rambo' of the nursing homes if you will. Extreme caution advised. This will probably ruin your day and/or life.

2,691,004 views 06/03/13 TAC Amateurs LULZ

The Return Of 'Gentle Breakdown' Girl

Remember the frigid chick that randomly started sobbing in the middle of a Rocco shoot? It was actually pretty touching, to both my heart & my penis. But apparently that encounter was only chapter 1 in a saga of piss-poor decisions.

5,227,357 views 06/04/12 LULZ

From HOT To CREEPY In 5 Seconds

I once heard a male performer mutter "my grandma gives better head than you, suck me better or i'll pour drano down your cunt". That used to rank pretty high on my personal list of random-as-fuck-porno-dialogue. Then I saw this.

5,259,953 views 11/14/11 Exploited Teens LULZ

Brazillian Fucks 600 Men For Nothing!

She took in 596 cocks, ended up with a vagina blacker than Bill Cosby's stinkhole and lost a $50,000 grand prize to some Ukranian POLISH skag. But on a more positive note, she actually looks surprisingly hot when she cries her eyes out.

6,373,573 views 11/11/11 LULZ

LOL: She Rather Fuck A Horse!

Aspiring whore confesses to beastial relations with family pets and a lingering desire to suck off Mr. Ed, but when the idea of sleeping with a black man is proposed.. she balks! LOL @ Max Hardcore's random cameo, criticizing her weight and declaring her unfit for a golden shower.

3,158,314 views 05/24/11 LULZ

Dont Fuck With Gianna

Raided grandpa's porno war-chest last night, nabbed a copy of Manhandled 3. Halfway in there's an interesting scene where Steve Homles randomly baits Gianna Michaels into slapping him. Well, she delivers... and it aint no fucking love tap. Lets just say Mr. Homles is less than appreciative of Gianna's sense of humor.

4,510,786 views 04/29/11 EvilAngel Fights

Grandma, I Just Got DP'ed!

Congratulations. You just got simutaneously bulldozed up the ass and in the twat for a 1 time payment of $350. What will you ever do? A) 3 day stay at Disneyland. B) shopping spree at ROSS, dress for less or C) scar your grandmother for life. This ones easy.

3,509,792 views 04/19/11 Fail

Bad Aim

German dude gets blasted in the face by a fat wad of his own man sauce and nearly pukes all over himself. I guess this kinda invalidates that saying "everyone loves their own brand" haha.

2,864,700 views 10/30/10 Fail

LOL Sexual Inferiority

Ya know what... when you're stuck with 4.2 inch weiner and the endurance of that fat fuck from ABC's Lost... propositioning a random big-dicked black dude to bang your wife really might not be all that great of an idea.

4,278,316 views 08/17/10 Premature

Daughter Of The Year 2

Hot ass outtake from Bring Um Young 27 in which a pornstar rings her mom as she takes it up the ass. Check out the full DVD to catch a separate outtake of some crazy bitch making small talk with grandma after getting DP'ed. Good stuff.

5,273,682 views 08/17/10 LULZ

Dont Slap The Titties!

This is an outtake from Rough Sex 2 where Regan Starr has a breakdown after some dude goes all Mr. Miyagi on her flapjacks. I absolutely LOVE how her asshole is randomly gaping in the beginning of the scene. Lucky bitch will never know the pains of constipation. NEVER.

2,457,292 views 08/03/10 Fail

Cheating Fail

Grandpa Willy's sexual escapade is derailed after the Mrs. makes an unexpected visit to his dungeon of spunk. After unleashing a fit of rage, a wild herd of Ukrainian crackwhores appear out of nowhere and make a run for the front door. One doesn't seem to make it. LOL.

4,681,145 views 07/21/10 Busted!

A Random Act Of Kindness

Want hard proof that Americans are all about charity? Look no further friend. This zesty little 19 year old slut offers a mild mannered vagrant the ultimate handout - a free whiff of her soiled panties. It's generosity like this that warms my heart.

4,490,042 views 06/09/10 LULZ

Homo Fail

As if getting reamed up the ass by a 300 pound tranny isn't bad enough, this gangster fruit gets bonked in the head by random shit falling out the sky. The shrapnel of gay love.

2,166,122 views 05/30/10 Tranny

LOL GTFO Grandma

This is rather odd. I mean the dude gets caught pissing on the face of his 20 year old girlfriend by a lady older than Jesus and doesn't even bother to cover up. For a solid 10 seconds the old hag just stands there eyeing his cock. There's no embarrassment. No dialogue. Just one baffled senior citizen trying to make sense of a contemporary sex act.

1,868,502 views 05/29/10 Busted!

The Craziest Of All Crazy Bitches

Who the fuck refers to stripping butt naked in Grand Central Station as a 'declaration of indviduality'? The same person that dubs themselves a multimedia conceptual performance artist. I believe that's just fancy talk for stupid crackwhore.

2,333,844 views 05/06/10 Exhibition

The Sex Offender Strikes Back

Interesting choice in victims. Random hot chicks, disabled senior citizens, and now ambulance drivers. Variety really is the spice of life.

909,956 views 08/12/09 Exhibition

The Sex Life Of A Dwarf

Repost? Technically yes. But the addition of Beetlejuice getting titty-blasted by some random bitch makes it well worth a second viewing. I promise.

1,921,021 views 07/25/09 Mildly Retarded
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