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Anal Intruder

Her asshole is ambushed by a giant cock but she manages to evade the intruder. Her anal virginity is safe for now... until the camerman can come up with another $100.

2,518,117 views 04/04/08 Fail

Your Vagina Is Leaking

The cameraman is right. It does look like cottage cheese. I think I'm gonna puke.

1,429,739 views 03/31/08 Bizarre

You Beautiful Bitch

There is a new threat out there to hookers worldwide. It isn't HIV or the police, it's a dirty old man named Douglas who has made an art form out of verbally degrading prostitutes lol.

2,886,340 views 03/30/08 Amateur

Impaled By Giant Dildo

Look at how tightly her pussy clings to that dildo. I bet you anything that if she retracted really fast her vagina would prolapse. Yikes!!!!!

1,833,298 views 03/27/08 Insertions

Creamy Vagina

Look, her pussy is oozing all over his cock. I bet you'd love to lick up that pussy juice you dirty fuck.

2,696,351 views 03/24/08 Amateur

Cameraman Films Couple Fucking

If you look closely in the beginning you can see that even the neighbors were trying to get a peek haha.

1,579,677 views 03/14/08 Voyeur

Horny Couple Couldnt Wait

Luckily he's a premature ejaculator, otherwise a line would've started to form for who gets to fuck that slut next.

2,709,655 views 03/10/08 Public

Insecure Slut Tries Anal

This housewife expresses concern about shit getting on her husbands cock as they try anal for the 1st time. I wouldn't worry much, ATM solves everything.

2,228,888 views 03/06/08 Amateur

Girl Gives Birth To 14 Inch Dildo

This girl shits a massive dildo out of her pussy with no effort at all. If I keep posting shit like this people are gonna think I have a fetish for loose pussy haha.

1,478,737 views 03/04/08 Insertions

Mom Interrupts Fuck Session

Some parents that were supposed to be gone for the weekend came home early only to discover that their office is being used for an amateur porn shoot!

3,607,722 views 03/03/08 Amateur

The Conesquences Of Being A Slut

The medical bills for stitching up a busted asshole probally outweigh whatever she was paid to be in this porn. I guess being a slut isn't always profitable! She doesn't even notice the prolapse happen lol.

2,313,967 views 03/02/08 Prolapse

Record Breaking Dildo Fuck

If that dildo went any deeper it would split her in half. If she ever decides to have quadruplets she'll be well prepared.

2,623,369 views 02/29/08 Insertions

Stripper Attacked By Granny

I was considering being a stripper once but after realizing my clientele would consist of 300 pound senior citizens, I sought employment elsewhere.

2,767,849 views 02/24/08 Strippers

Oh My God

This marks the return of the emotional orgasm slut, my personal favorite. Nothing excites me more than watchin that black sausage destroy her ivory cooter.

3,054,296 views 02/20/08 Orgasms

Tree Fuck LOL

Damn. That tree has a big cock.

2,244,143 views 02/16/08 LULZ

She Looks Really Bored

Probally cause his penis is only 2 inches. His red booty shorts suit his homosexuality perfectly.

2,233,105 views 02/15/08 LULZ

Public Pissing Gone Wrong

There's this faggoty fetish for girls pissing in public. This geezer takes offense to the concept. Would've been funnier if she was shitting. Much funnier.

1,610,064 views 02/15/08 LULZ

Legless Fuck

Legs? Who needs legs? All this fat piece of shit needs is a vaginal opening. Her belly button would probally suffice.

2,300,561 views 02/08/08 Amputee


Hearing this bitch complain is quite the erection killer.

1,246,269 views 02/06/08 Amateur

Molested By Black Strippers 2

It would take a lot more than a dollar tip to get me to bury my face between the legs of one of those nasty skanks.

1,779,416 views 02/05/08 Strippers
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