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Public Degeneracy Volume 10

Desperate for attention and not afraid of having their pork chops on the Internet forever. If these aren't the quintessential for the independent woman of 2023, I don't wanna know what is. Now ladies, make sure to save that OF cash. The Valtrex isn't going to overnight itself.

2,522,317 views 09/11/23 Public Degeneracy

It Came Out Of Nowhere

30,292 views 09/08/23 Bizarre

Cum Hating Pornstars

The supply of seminally apathetic women is never-ending.

1,786,307 views 09/07/23 Cum Haters

Relaxing With A Good Book 2

18,328 views 09/01/23 Amateur

Uncomfortable Moments in Porn II

Somewhere in the next 4 minutes you may ask yourself: What the fuck led to the creation of this? Amphetamines? Mental illness? An unhealthy addiction to masturbating with a Vitamix Explorian [2:20 mark] I don't know but... another sequel is most definitely in the works. [-PART 1-]

1,263,217 views 08/31/23 Fail

Public Masturbator Actually Wins

The girl is [-Kesha Ortega-]. Well known. Built like a wood chipper. But the dude; He's just a bystander trying his best to appreciate the fine arts when he gets hurled into the role he was born to play. It's cinema really.

1,720,093 views 08/21/23 Public

Incredible Acts, Depraved Humans 6

One of these days I'm going to edit some OC home videos into this series. A spirited evening behind a Tim Horton's dumpster specifically comes to mind. She had the kind of lips that swung around like a basset hound's ears during a tropical storm. I never looked at recycling the same again. MORE: [-1-] [-2-] [-3-] [-4-] [-5-]

2,068,270 views 08/17/23 Incredible Acts, DEPRAVED HUMANS

This is How Juggalos Procreate

Traditional association with Juggalos tends to be littered with words like disfigured and faygo and the aroma of a Sudanese outhouse... but not today. I'll bet my bottom dollar underneath all of that Walmart makeup, Krustina the Klown is a girl worth getting to know. Support them [-HERE-] and [-HERE-]

1,123,871 views 08/14/23 Crazy

Can't Stop the Cumshots 2

idk what these goofballs were thinking when they decided going public with these acts of treason was a good idea. Something about the return on investment seems a little fucky. Possibly a decision sponsored and brought to you by [Prime™] Energy drinks. [-PART 1-]

2,360,315 views 08/03/23 Premature

Probably Legal in Oklahoma

I could be in the minority here, but Barnum & Bailey should be kept as far away as possible from any and all sexual situations. If I wanted to be repeatedly violated by a clown, I'd pay for a day trading discord. Pretty amazing body tho. [-RELEVANT-]

1,990,078 views 07/24/23 LULZ


I've seen a lot of people do a lot of repulsive shit just to keep their rent paid. But whatever backyard bangcock bumblefuck blownout butthole bullshit is going on in the last clip? That's a level of holistic hemorrhoidal care I hope to never see IRL. Discuss your disgust [-HERE-]

1,902,548 views 07/20/23 CAMTASTROPHES

Anal Ends Career Before it Begins

Honest. Natural. Doesn't run more filters on herself than an industrial fish tank. Cindy had all the tools to become the next big thing. But 20 seconds into some Sacramento turtlenecking & she's out the door quicker than me watching Fast X. Want to steal his look? [-BUY A SHIRT-]

1,762,170 views 07/10/23 Backroom Casting Couch Mildly Retarded

Dentist Approved 2

25,775 views 07/10/23 Nasty

Public Degeneracy Volume 9

Today's visuals couldn't get better if you slammed an Ambien cocktail and hit the boardwalk wearing nothing but a smile and Walmart's finest body spray. Speaking of New Jersey, not even [-carl-] himself would be caught $7 dollars deep in whatever spawned in the last clip.

2,815,665 views 06/29/23 Public Degeneracy

Uncomfortable Moments in Porn

Emphasis on the 2nd clip. I laughed, I cried, I wondered if this was the backup plan for Cliff Hanger 2 if Stallone's medicine cabinet ran out of human growth hormone. And now you get to experience the same thing for the ultra low price of $0.00. Suck it Apple Vision Pro.

1,065,520 views 06/22/23 Mildly Retarded

Cum Haters 2023B

Browse the catalogue of Day-1 pornstars long enough and you're sure to end up finding women that treat getting hit with a couple of snowballs is akin to being put in front of a North Korean firing squad. And today my friends, there is no exception. More here.

1,463,669 views 06/08/23 Cum Haters

Invaded, Violated and Victimized

In Pasadena no one can hear you cream. [-song-]

1,562,098 views 06/05/23 Parasited Bizarre

Real Cowboy Shit

♫18 naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch ♫ Big, hard, throbbing cocks wanting to be sucked ♫ 18 naked cowboys wanting to be fucked ♫ Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch

950,540 views 05/29/23 WTF

The 6 Levels of Cringe

Many a question will arise while shuffling through this one, but none more important than whatever comes out of your mouth around the 3:30 mark. Don't worry, you're not alone. I don't fucking know either.

1,359,533 views 05/08/23 WTF
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