Search results for beavis and butthead

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Biggest Whore on YouTube

Luna Bella. Maybe you've already heard of her? She's no Alexis Ren. But what she's lacking in personality, genetics and decency, she makes up for in... well, nothing actually. Her tits look like they were bolted on by a blind intern at Lego Land, and I don't know whether to run or rim.

3,155,063 views 01/01/18 Amateur

Thats Not A Ear Candle

263,648 views 12/30/17

Happy XMAS From eFukt

Bad judgement and holiday cheer combine forces like John McAffe and discounted hookers.

2,094,570 views 12/23/17 LULZ

Nothing Like Some Sandy Fisting

283,610 views 12/18/17 Fisting

Donnie's Feed and Seed

Around the 1:50 mark she denies a handful of the colonel's secret recipe. Uh uh. If that's her idea of cutting back on carbs, I'd love to know how she celebrates Thanksgiving. But the real question is: How many 2-for-1 Golden Corral coupons does it take to make this transaction possible?

1,975,958 views 12/18/17 Cuckold

Can't Stop the Pollock

Layin' pipe only has a few rules: 1) Look as little like Harvey Weinstein as possible 2) develop stamina and 3) maintain an erection harder than a bowl of Campbell's tomato soup. Not exactly a difficult list... but this Khokhol is determined to challenge at least 2 key items today. GG NO RE

3,225,537 views 12/06/17 Amateur

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure

Undoubtedly the most erotic thing I've seen since responding to an OKCupid message from a girl named The Violator. Results were similar if you replace 'cumshot' with 'Hellmans Tartar Sauce'. And 'private affair' with 'Burger King during rush hour'.

4,226,053 views 11/22/17 MHBHJ Orgasms

Tricked Into Fisting

The Oakland Doorknob. German Knuckle Cake. Mongolian Taco Punching. Not buying Bitcoin when it was 73 cents. It goes by a lotta different names. But the shame... thats always the same.

3,326,579 views 11/17/17 Girlsway Fisting

Embarrassing Moments In Cam Whoring

To all 19 active female viewers of this site: Break out the newtons and take some notes. This is what you DON'T DO to avoid becoming official Efukt alumni.

3,790,076 views 10/25/17 Chaturbate Camwhores

The Uncensored Natalia Borodina Video

Natalia Borodina died after her head was crushed in a topless holiday stunt gone wrong. The mom of one suffered serious injuries after smashing into a lamp post while leaning out of the passenger window of a car being driven by her friend Ivanna Boirachuk. As the car made its way down the street, it got too close to a curb and Borodina’s head hit a street sign. It’s unclear exactly how fast the car had been traveling at the time of impact.

3,574,627 views 10/13/17 Extreme

Cucked by a Pornstar

Arnost and his 1 inch mosquito bite take a nosedive into humiliation whilst trying to perform in front of a live studio audience. Sorry friendo, but I think it's best you take that CHUD haircut and make your way back to the subreddit you done crawled up out of.

2,759,856 views 10/11/17 Mea Melone Challenge Fail

The Bukkake Hate Comp

Nothing spells H-I-G-H M-A-I-N-T-E-N-A-N-C-E like a lady refusing a gift. TEH FACTS: They'll never look at a 2-Liter the same again, tolerance is non-negotiable and getting them to do a sequel? Well... that's about as likely as Lebron James growing a hairline.

2,540,680 views 10/05/17 Premium Bukkake Cum Haters

World's 1st Cum Hating Pornstar

Aim for dry ground and let 'er rip. That's been the formula for centuries... until Krystal "i have standards" Steal showed up. You see, she has more apathy for body fluids than Paula Deen has for low fat potato chippies. Ever wonder what it would be like if KFC had an all-you-can-eat buffet? That's the kind of 'sounds fun but always ends bad' disappointment I'm talking about here.

1,736,884 views 09/24/17 LULZ

The Living Legend: FUCKMEAT

There's a thin line between trailer park erotica, and soul-deep emotional trauma. Where that line exists I don't know... but judging by the amount of dollar store tattoos I'm seeing on that body, I'd say this human Hindenburg sure as fuck does.

2,368,383 views 09/10/17 WTF

Pornstar OD's on Set

Ever wonder how these girls are able to accommodate penises large enough to legally require airbags? HINT: They take painkillers. Lots of 'em. And I'm not talking about the kind that leave you looking like the cover of Alison Arngrim's “Heeere's Amy". (look it up)

2,903,904 views 09/02/17 Fail

The Ole' Switcharoony

She's got a secret. And it's not her immigration status.

2,711,095 views 08/28/17 Tranny

Rookie Has a Panic Attack

This one taught me two things: A) Breaking points are negotiable and B) Any case studies of being on the spectrum and in porn can now be cancelled. Dorkalina's got us covered.

3,101,802 views 08/24/17 BlowBangGirls Cum Haters

sAdisTic DJ sEtS girL on FIRE!

Apparently this is common in the grottos of Nigeria. I'm not so sure about it's entertainment value though. Some will look at this and see the peak of female empowerment... all I see is a barbecue even Homer fucking Simpson himself would've RSVP to.

2,205,793 views 08/19/17 WTF

Girlfriend Of The Year 2K17

Bridge piercing, stomach tattoos and the occasional rush to the emergency room for soft tissue damage. May I be so bold to say I haven't seen this level of intensity since The Shining.

4,135,922 views 08/13/17 Amateur

The Caught Compilation 3

A five minute crash-course on how to squeeze every moment out of your favorite side piece, as illustrated by the shameless, the morally-deprived, and the defenders of all things Insane Clown Posse. It's priceless information really. Trust me on this one.

5,987,755 views 07/22/17 Caught Compilations
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