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Teacher Of The Millennium

She's junior college educated, has a rack to premature ejaculate for, and isn't afraid to slob on the knob after her partner takes a trip to cornhole city. Superintendent Jackoff & Co can hate all they want, this angel is a keeper. Read the story HERE. See her nastiest videos in the source.

4,759,322 views 03/09/12 LULZ

The Worst Cumshot Of All Time

This dude ejaculates Grey Poupon. Straight up. It's the most bedazzling shit I've seen since that picture of Jesus appearing on a dog's asshole. Be sure to keep a towel handy in case you vomit and/or nut.

3,377,812 views 03/06/12 LULZ

Lonely Arab REALLY Wants Free Head

Working the graveyard shift usually sucks Golden Retriever dick, but it's not entirely absent of perks. During my tenure at the 24 hour Rite Aid, I enjoyed a 10% increase in pay and unadulterated access to the ice cream station. But as for complimentary blowjobs from tresspassing prostitutes... that one's all up to this smooth talking Apu.

2,370,882 views 02/19/12 LULZ

The Most Gentle Breakdown Ever

This girl has 1 of the nicest racks I've ever seen. But bundle that with an extremely frigid personality & you then have the biggest disappointment since Macaulay Culkin's The Pagemaster. Seriously, this chick's so uptight she wont even do a facial. It's tragic.

6,890,143 views 02/06/12 Rocco Siffredi Breakdowns

Turtling While 69'ing LOLOLOL

Pug-faced Hispanic drinks herself so numb she doesn't even notice when last night's chimichanga is hanging halfway out her asshole. Her laugh is as bad as her hygiene. Sounds like something Steven Urkel would emit while making love to the dude from Wonder Years. Watch this one all the way through.

4,443,254 views 02/02/12 Fail

Clam Chowder

Check her twat at the 1.55 mark. After no more than 15 seconds of diddling her clit, shit becomes the Niagra Falls of vaginal discharge. Camera dude says it's cum. I have 5 bucks and case of diet Mr. Pibb that says it's forgotten creampie from yesteryear.

5,026,314 views 01/14/12 Bangbros LULZ

The 24 Year Old FEMALE Virgin II

What's life's greatest mystery? god? aliens? why Lionsgate allows Tyler Perry to continue directing films? How about how the fuck this 46 year old poster boy for NAMBLA managed to pull a Russian model half his age, only to vow abstinence for half a fucking decade?

4,262,554 views 01/06/12 Ed Powers Virgins

The Worst O-Face You'll Ever See

Shit lady, as much as I loved you in the finale of Army of Darkness, I really think I could've lived without seeing you get fucked cross eyed by Oscar De La Hoya. This shit nearly left my cock inverted.

3,964,396 views 12/08/11 MILF Soup Ridiculous Orgasms

YIKES! Chick Has Crazy Breakdown!

Poor chick. Freshly brainwashed by a 24 hour marathon of Pimp My Ride, she actually thought getting anally gangbanged by Jamal, Jamal, Jamal and Donatello would be fun. Thanks be to hemorrhoids, the reality check comes with the quickness.

3,612,047 views 12/05/11 Breakdowns

The 24 Year Old FEMALE Virgin

KEY POINTS: she has not and will not fuck - (gypsy's orders), crotch shots are strictly prohbited and vibrators... well, those are as foreign to her as a condom in a Botswana whorehouse. Filmed by the legendary pioneer of gonzo porn - Ed Powers.

7,492,908 views 12/01/11 Ed Powers Virgins

Not Even A Minute Man

7 inch cock? Check. Syphilis free? Probably. Can make a girl cum? Not a fucking chance. Have yourself a hearty LOL as Jose's porn dreams go down the shitter faster than Steven Segal's music career.

4,368,463 views 11/30/11 Fucked Up Handjobs Premature

Pussy In A Box

This is actually pretty genius. Too bad it was shot in Japan, where the only thing capable of raising eyebrows is Jackie Chan doing a triple somersault directly into Lindsey Lohan's vagina. But it's okay. The lack of reactions is counteracted by a homoerotic remix of some Dr. Dre.

3,157,784 views 11/21/11 Asians

Goober Finally Loses Bukkake Virginity

Over 40 bukkake shoots and the closest this dude's come to delivering a facial was the time he soiled himself in a dark corner. But today's a game changer. Via the aid of a compassionate fluffer, this orange-haired bastard finally gets a legitimate taste of manhood.

3,745,970 views 11/19/11 American Bukkake Mildly Retarded

From HOT To CREEPY In 5 Seconds

I once heard a male performer mutter "my grandma gives better head than you, suck me better or i'll pour drano down your cunt". That used to rank pretty high on my personal list of random-as-fuck-porno-dialogue. Then I saw this.

5,257,950 views 11/14/11 Exploited Teens LULZ

The 10 Worst Orgasms Ever Filmed

Compilation of the most obnoxious, flaccidity inducing-orgasms you'll ever witness.

7,038,519 views 11/06/11 Ridiculous Orgasms

Biggest Bitch In Porn

Hemorrhoids and Scabies aside, Tanner Mayes is a pretty hot piece of ass. Too bad she's got an ego the size of Ned Flander's cock (massive). This video is a demonstration of what happens when The Cuntinator doesnt get her way. Crazy bitch is crazy.

4,898,798 views 10/25/11 Fail

Dumbest Girl In Porn

Ok, maybe not the dumbest, but there'll always be 2nd place for the special little whore that went on cable TV to brag about spreading Chlamydia, smoking crack & sodomizing costars with uncooked meats.

5,602,373 views 10/21/11 LULZ

The 24 Year Old Virgin

He's socially inept and has B cup titties. How can life possibly get any worse? If you guessed 'make a porno, creep the living fuck out of the girl, blow your load in 4 seconds and end up all over the internet", you just won my inflatable Captain Planet sex doll.

4,470,012 views 10/13/11 Virgins

Sybian Morphs Crazy Slut Into Crazier Slut

I'm pretty sure I've just uncovered a new dialect. I shall dub it 'crackwhorian'. Much like Spanglish - it cannot be taught, only evoked. Japanese electronics and bull whip required.

5,323,456 views 10/09/11 Orgasms

Pornstar Drops 'N' Bomb

I believe her first mistake was LOL'ing while getting passionately bulldozed by a 17 inch yogurt slinger. That kinda laughter tends to translate to one thing only - "your ion cannon does not phase me, please bash my ovaries harder". Invitation clearly accepted.

4,540,493 views 10/07/11 InterracialPass LULZ
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