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Her Pussy Needs Stitches!

Cocks like this ought to be illegal, punishable by castration. Anything above 13 inches has got to go. They'll poke your eye out, prolapse your ass and leave with you a cocktail of STD's.

3,362,544 views 09/30/08 Bizarre

He Can Suck His Own Dick

You think you've got it good? This dude has a curled mullet and a 7 inch cock that he can suck all on his own. Jealous right? Now before you do that semi backwards somersault, you should really read up on the dangers associated with autofellatio. Wouldn't want you to snap your neck or get some terrible STD.

2,080,592 views 09/28/08 Bizarre

Chef Boyardee Jizzes Upon Contact

Poor bastard, he's the real life version of the premature ejaculator from American Pie. I'd like to see him masturbate. All he has to do is poke his cock with his index finger and it's a done deal.

2,049,427 views 09/25/08 Premature

Tricked Into Having Gay Sex

Moral of the story: always be able to identify the person sucking your cock, unless you're totally cool with putting your sexuality in harms way. Some risks just aren't worth taking. See more guys tricked into being gay homosexuals on the BAIT BUS.

2,908,300 views 09/23/08 Bait Bus Gloryhole

Black Cock Causes Bodily Damage

Not quite a prolapse but it might as well be. Her asshole looks a slice of damaged grapefruit and her vagina... hmmm... I'm gonna go with a cut of ahi tuna - burnt on the edges, raw in the center. Updating this site always makes me hungry.

2,296,079 views 09/20/08 Asians

Youre Doing It Wrong

Wrong hole? No not quite. More like wrong fucking direction. His cock nearly pierces through the piece of skin seperating her ass from her pussy. Remember the 'chestburster' scene from Alien? Just watch...

1,962,373 views 09/15/08 Bizarre

Long Like The Neck Of An Ostrich

I have dreams of my penis being that big. I see myself wearing loose fitted short shorts with my wang hanging out the side as I rollerblade by the beach. Jealous men shield their girlfriends eyes as my cock sways back and forth in the wind.

2,213,050 views 09/08/08 Big Dicks

Big Dick Syndrome

Aye carumba! Nice elephant cock dood! But I forsee 1 little problem... the only creatures with big enough holes for you to fuck are large horses and gay pornstars who've been subjected to olympian gangbangs. Tough break bro!

6,590,353 views 08/26/08 Big Dicks

Fucked 3 Feet Deep

A 2 foot dildo followed by a 7 inch cock in the ass, all at once. What kind of person could accommodate such an enormous insertion? I'll give you a hint: there are 2 people in this video and neither of them are woman.

1,549,261 views 08/14/08 Insertions

Worlds Biggest Cock

God blesses him with a horse cock and what does he do? Turns into a tranny and only fucks men. What a waste... think of all the vaginas he could've decimated with that thing.

5,722,828 views 08/05/08 Big Dicks

A Good Reason Not To Do Anal

I know I know, all I ever do is boast about the greatness of anal sex. But we must not disregard a major downside to packing fudge - and that would be the fact that getting shit all over your cock is inevitable.

3,108,435 views 08/01/08 Fail

She Cant Feel His Small Dick

His snaggled toothed girlfriend can barely feel his cock so she keeps asking for it harder but she doesn't seem to realize that there is only so much you can do with 3 inches..

2,413,683 views 07/21/08 Amateur

You Suck At Fucking My Wife

This guy propositioned a black man to fuck his wife, hoping to satisfy her desires for a huge cock. The black man gladly agrees but later discovers that fulfilling his role isn't as easy as he had anticipated.

2,756,680 views 07/04/08 Fail

The Price Of Sleeping Over

Sure dude, you can spend the night. All you have to do is suck my cock in the morning. If only that approach worked on girls.

1,628,546 views 07/03/08 Amateur

Hookers Arent Very Political

If all the prostitutes in America turned political, crack would be legalized and sold through vending machines. It's best we keep their faces stuffed with cock.

1,709,276 views 06/29/08 Amateur

Not In My Pooper

Initially she makes it pretty clear that she doesn't want anything in her ass. But our hero Johnny Cock Rocket uses the powers of persuasion and before you know it he's making sweet love to her festering cornhole. Not exactly fap worthy but if you're like me you'll fap anyway.

2,367,094 views 05/27/08 Amateur

It Wont Fit

No matter how hard he tries, his cock just wont fit in her ass. Just do what I do, use full force and if you hear a shriek then you know you're in.

2,438,345 views 05/04/08 Amateur

She Loves Big Black Cocks

He tries to get her to say "you worship black cock" but she doesn't comply... so he thrusts even harder which leads to her having orgasmic spasms in a retard-like manner. Lovin it.

3,631,359 views 04/24/08 Amateur

The Troubles Of Making Porn

Apparently getting your dick hard for a hot pornstar isn't as easy as you'd think. I'd probably blow my load before even getting my cock out of my pants.

1,636,701 views 04/16/08 Fail

Goth Girl Gets Pierced

Genital piercings score you big points in the goth community. So does sucking my cock. Now get a haircut and get to work.

1,806,504 views 04/15/08 Modifications
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