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Fattest Pussy Ever

Her vagina looks a lot like a baseball mit, same color too. If you're gonna be 69'ing her with you on bottom, do yourself a favor and bring along a snorkel.

1,618,146 views 10/24/08 Beef Curtains

Eat Your Own Pussy!

LOL @ the dialogue and fap fap fap @ the forced cunnilingus. I love these variety videos.

2,682,658 views 10/20/08 Vintage

No Bitch I Aint Eating Your Pussy

She tries to blame the fowl taste on the lube but that doesn't really explain the cheese whiz dripping out of her pussy. Douche with hydrogen peroxide + Mentos and get on with the show.

1,701,321 views 10/11/08 Fail

Her Pussy Needs Stitches!

Cocks like this ought to be illegal, punishable by castration. Anything above 13 inches has got to go. They'll poke your eye out, prolapse your ass and leave with you a cocktail of STD's.

3,363,739 views 09/30/08 Bizarre

Search Her Pussy For Contraband

I love how this is a real procedure. They do it before admitting woman into correction facilities. Imagine having that job, getting paid to raid pussies for contraband. Imagine all the treasures you could find.

1,721,475 views 09/17/08 Groped

Youre Doing It Wrong

Wrong hole? No not quite. More like wrong fucking direction. His cock nearly pierces through the piece of skin seperating her ass from her pussy. Remember the 'chestburster' scene from Alien? Just watch...

1,962,837 views 09/15/08 Bizarre

Make Sure My Pussy Works

She hits up the doctor cause she's having difficulty getting pregnant. I'm no gynecologist but if shaved that bush her husband would probably have an easier time finding the right hole.

1,903,921 views 09/05/08 Documentary

Bruno Stop Sniffing Her Pussy

Just imagine if that was an unneutered Golden Retriever... I think wifey would've quickly gained a strong understanding of the term "unwanted threesome".

1,783,037 views 08/29/08 LULZ

Pornstar Gets A New Vagina

Her vagina lips looked like they belonged in an Arbys roast beef sandwhich. This was bad for her career so she set out on a perilous journey to unbeef her pussy and close the gape once and for all.

1,675,325 views 08/17/08 Beef Curtains

Pissed Off Crackwhore

She's coked out and on the rag. If that isn't an invitation for AIDS I don't know what is. Luckily this skank got kicked off the set before anyone had a chance to stick their dick in festering pussy hole.

1,891,715 views 07/30/08 Fail

Fucking In An Internet Cafe

All I wanna know is how the fuck did he do that without the employee noticing? Some sort of pussy pounding stealth mode... I gotta learn that so I can fuck my hookers without waking up mom and dad.

2,282,594 views 07/29/08 Public

Ouch Her Pussy Hurts

Big penises can be dangerous. Better be careful or they'll poke your eye out.. and maybe your cervix too.

2,713,967 views 07/27/08 Fail

The Biggest Vagina In porn

That green football in her pussy has an extremely negative effect on the appearance of her asshole. It vaguely resembles the Star Trek symbol. I'm afraid that is a salad I simply cannot toss.

1,196,642 views 07/26/08 Insertions

Biggest Pussy Ever

When I posted this clip 2 years ago I somehow left out a key component - the scene where he seperately inserts his arms, left leg, and entire head into her vagina. Seeing as this is the most popular video on eFukt, I think it's about time the full version was posted.

12,368,907 views 07/06/08 Bizarre

Spank That Pussy

Contents under pressure. I wonder what would happen if you poked that thing with a needle. Would tapioca pudding leak out?

2,445,491 views 06/08/08 Beef Curtains

It Wont Go Any Deeper

Alright so last night I was on that Ask Alice site or some shit and it says the average vagina is only 6 inches deep. So I'm dying to know how the fuck does this guy fit a 2 foot balloon in his wifes pussy?

1,509,394 views 05/19/08 Insertions

Light Bulb Pussy

This is probably the most dangerous insertion I've seen yet. If her pussy was just a bit tighter, the pressure would've caused the bulb to shatter and the glass would've shredded her vagina to shit. Yikes!

1,027,714 views 05/17/08 Insertions

How To Eat Pussy

Fuck, I remember downloading this video off of Napster back in 1999. It taught me the pussy eating skills that I have today and is directly responsible for dozens of sexually satisfied BBW's worldwide.

2,510,891 views 05/06/08 Orgasms

Impaled By Giant Dildo

Look at how tightly her pussy clings to that dildo. I bet you anything that if she retracted really fast her vagina would prolapse. Yikes!!!!!

1,833,953 views 03/27/08 Insertions

Creamy Vagina

Look, her pussy is oozing all over his cock. I bet you'd love to lick up that pussy juice you dirty fuck.

2,696,888 views 03/24/08 Amateur
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