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Amatuer Sex Tape FAILS [2018]

Only 1 thing compliments the relaxed feel of a holiday weekend - And that's getting more rash on your crotch from a guy you salad-tossed than the toilet in a Portuguese farmhouse. And to those inbreds in the last clip: End the bloodline here. This never needs to happen again.

3,692,637 views 09/01/18 Amateur

The Caught Compilation 4

Admittedly these are all pretty standard 'i drank 2 entire Coronas on spring break and had sex with a house plant' plot lines... but dude in the last clip has some explaining to do. Like, this is why I have to wear diapers at 27-years-old kind of explaining.

4,289,230 views 06/25/18 Caught Compilations

Australia Banned this Movie

I don't even know what's worse: $100,000 dollars being sunk into this abhorrent hunk of cinematic shit... or the fact that it blows away the last 4 seasons of The Walking Dead in both action and character development. #bringbackshane

1,498,220 views 06/01/18 Extreme

Never Quit, Never Surrender

Entitled Internet hooker has a 6-year-long FML moment after realizing competition in an over-saturated market is a bitch. Fortunately she's great at handling her feelings like an adult. And by "adult" I mean insufferable cunting of the highest order. Famous last words @3:15.

2,052,076 views 04/03/18 MyFreeCams Camwhores

sAdisTic DJ sEtS girL on FIRE!

Apparently this is common in the grottos of Nigeria. I'm not so sure about it's entertainment value though. Some will look at this and see the peak of female empowerment... all I see is a barbecue even Homer fucking Simpson himself would've RSVP to.

2,202,041 views 08/19/17 WTF

Blast Off 3

212,510 views 03/18/17 Asians

Blast Off 2

574,506 views 02/27/17 Bizarre

Blast Off

182,539 views 12/05/16 Asians

Last One Better Enjoy It

359,868 views 11/18/16

Elastic Throat

206,154 views 11/17/16 Camwhores

Anally Destroyed French Milf

Another edition of "anal goes wrong", featuring the perforation of a fuckable milf's blown out colon. The city of love probably hasn't seen this much blood since someone made some cartoons last year.

3,119,344 views 11/13/16 Painal

Couldn't Last One Dance

216,644 views 01/07/16

The Most Powerful Ass in Brazil

After years of being bullied about her great big ass, Guadalupe finally snapped, embraced it and now uses it as a weapon. Srsly tho, this South American girl's ass has gotta set some sort of world record. BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM

2,140,142 views 12/12/15 Strippers

Teaching Her To Dance

110,553 views 10/20/15

Doing The Happy Dance

Full Scene Here

111,534 views 09/28/15

She Got The Moves

Full Scene Here

109,354 views 07/16/15

Oil Enema Blast

Full Scene Here

124,400 views 06/20/15

New Dance Craze

109,860 views 04/14/15

Horribly Catchy Musical Pornography

In Russia, a fake farm equipped with disco lights and some thot lip syncing catchy dance music while fucking for 20 minutes is quality porn. I'm not totally convinced, but the song does have a 'pavlov's dog' effect on my boner now.

2,486,777 views 02/05/15 LULZ

'Original P'

Back in the mid 1900's, she was Italy's "Original Pornstar". Today she's senile, decrepit and probably doesn't even know whats going on but someone let her out the nursing home for one last porno shoot.

4,291,352 views 01/30/15 Bizarre
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