There's this faggoty fetish for girls pissing in public. This geezer takes offense to the concept. Would've been funnier if she was shitting. Much funnier.
Hearing this bitch complain is quite the erection killer.
It would take a lot more than a dollar tip to get me to bury my face between the legs of one of those nasty skanks.
Pee Wee needs to bring a flashlight next time so that he can better navigate the path to her vagina.
I don't know whats more pathetic, the computer nerds that made this or the douche bags that jackoff to it.
The taste of cum makes her wanna puke, so she uses orange juice as a chaser. Hey at least she swallows. You know you'd hit it.
Ugly amateur slut has her pussy eaten out for the first time & has some insane orgasms. I wonder how she acts when she has her salad tossed?
A drunk couple falls out of a hot tub as they're fucking but that doesn't slow em down one bit!
Easy shot. Back up 4 feet and do the same trick with your asshole and then maybe I'd be a little impressed, slut.
More like 15 second man. I miss the days of being able to blow my load that quick. After years of looking at sick porn, I'm lucky to even get it up.
The guy straight up jacks himself inside of her. He has no reguard for her rectum whatsoever!
I don't know exactly what she's squirting out of her pussy but the man on the receiving end is loving it.
Asian slut screams as she gets ass fucked with no lube. Okay enough with the anal videos now.
This made me wanna puke. Her asshole looks like it has teeth. Actually, her pussy looks even worse.
Have you guys ever seen that old horror movie The Blob? Her pussy is going to eat you alive lolz.
And her husband definitely loves giving it to her. Unfortunately the dialogue is a total boner killer.
This dude fucks his girlfriend so hard she screams loud enough to wake up the whole neighborhood.
This dude spices up his road trip by fucking his girlfriend as he drives along the freeway!
Dozens of Japs compete in a contest where whoever makes the man cum the fastest wins.