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When Cheaters Win

Say hello to your new role model. His half-cocked baguette has seen more trauma than a Chicago emergency room, yet he's able to completely 180 the loyalty of one of the most bangin girls on the planet. Guess that old saying is true: Don't judge a book until it's deposited $250 into your bank account.

2,242,877 views 09/09/21 Woodman Casting X Busted!

Why They Take So Long In There 1

71,429 views 09/07/21 Crazy

The Single Worst Invention of All Time

Today's female is too nervous to upload a 13 second video without more filters than Monterey Bay Aquarium . Then... there's this queen. Who has clearly run out of fucks to give somewhere between the 9th and 400th Denny's Super Slam breakfast special. Order now.

897,367 views 09/02/21 Brat Princess WTF

Quite The Collection 4

83,889 views 08/30/21 Bizarre

Dirty Rotten Piece of Shit Whore

♫ I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine
♫ I got a love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh-oh
♫ Do what you want but you're never gonna break me
♫ Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me, oh, oh-oh

1,260,381 views 08/30/21 Anal Lick Fest Nasty

They Don't Suspect A Thing

69,644 views 08/27/21 Busted!

Proof that Money Can Buy ANYTHING

There's just no hiding from your past once you pull the trigger on something like this. Their Ross Store wardrobes will be forever stained. The regret can't be washed off. And the $27 paycheck isn't enough to drink the memories away. #crankthattherapist

2,768,177 views 08/26/21 Amateur CFNM Big Dicks

Cum Haters 2021

Semen sociopaths play their Blue-Eyed White Self-Harm cards in attack mode. The end result? A 4 minute tutorial of what not to do when you finally get the leading role of an independent movie. 10/10 reactions tho, would fap again.

1,748,796 views 08/23/21 Premium Bukkake Cum Haters

Daddy's Little Psychopath

Ya know for a girl that's spent this much time in tattoo parlors, you'd think a forehead big enough for UBER to charge $17 to go from nose to scalp would get a little bit more attention. Then again, something tells me rational thinking isn't one of the tenants of someone who writes "when I fuck i dont give a fuck" 6 inches away from their shitter.

1,865,316 views 08/19/21 Crazy

Public Degeneracy Volume 1

More than a baker's dozen worth of mentally-ill fueled societal taboos so unprecedented, you'll have to rethink your entire post-Delta variant plans for next summer. Don't be fooled by some of the smiles on these faces; Everybody was harmed during the making of this video.

2,923,293 views 08/12/21 Public Degeneracy

Literally Fucked Until She Can't Walk

First-timer foolishly assumes her debut appearance is going to be a walk in the park. Emphases on the word walk, because it looks like all her future tours of Italy at Olive Garden are going to be wheelchair accessible from this point forward. What in the fuck...

2,716,412 views 08/09/21 Backroom Casting Couch Anal

Handjobs 101

103,232 views 08/05/21

The Discomfort Zone

You know the deal: It's the height of the pandemic and funds are circling the drain. So you hit up the local videographers and offer your services to the highest bidder. I_CUM_HELLMANS hits up your DM's on Reddit and now the smell never washes off. GG NO RE

2,470,077 views 08/02/21 HeavyOnHotties Fail


This is all but guaranteed to exterminate any story you've been led to believe that everyone in the webcam community is living life on easy mode. Snap back to reality with 5 disasters even FEMA won't pick up your phone calls for.

2,667,410 views 07/29/21 Chaturbate CAMTASTROPHES

The Greatest Live Stream Trainwreck Ever 2

The time has come for the followup of a story that will be told in the Internet history books. So strap in and prepare to have your yamaka blown the fuck off, cause we're going on a trip that involves domestic abuse, race rage white supremacy and about 937 reasons not to get married. [Part 1]

2,073,943 views 07/26/21 Jewelrancid Crazy

Jimmy the Virgin Becomes a Man

Just what in the fucking Doogie Howser, M.D. are we witnessing here? I'd give him the big W for going the distance... but no amount of THOT slaying in the world is going to change the unfortunate genetic make up of that boogie board he calls a body. Congrats?

1,915,930 views 07/21/21 Bangbros Bang Bus Chronicles

Advanced Sex Moves 2021

I'm all for testing boundaries, but caution should be advised if you want to attempt any of these yourself. Tip: When testing those Special Team plays you saw online, it's best to practice first. PROOF: The $4500 bill I have for buying this.

1,378,226 views 07/19/21 LULZ
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