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Two dudes fuck with their friend just as he's about to dick down some big tittied bar-slut in the backseat of his mom's Ford Taurus. Shot from dual angles for dual humiliation.

3,028,073 views 12/20/10 Busted!

WOW - Redefining Premature Ejaculation

This is epic. Literally just three pecks on the lips and this dude's load is already more spent than a black man's paycheck. He's the fuckin Prefontaine of premature ejaculation.

4,458,542 views 12/20/10 Kobe Surprise Premature

Piggyback Fail

This one's worth enlarging.

1,052,617 views 12/17/10 Fail

Rotten Crotch

Behind-the-scenes footage from FUCK A FAN, where a cameraman literally pukes himself after catching a whiff of some stank ass pussy. Ultimate humiliation after the culprit is handed a DIY douche kit and directed to the bathroom.

3,012,684 views 12/13/10 Fuck A Fan Fail

Figging Gone Wrong

Figging is when you insert a piece of ginger root into your anus. It's for those special type of people that like to relive that feeling you get directly after shitting out bad Thai food. Yep, fun stuff but what happens when it gets stuck up your ass? Today you find out.

4,054,920 views 10/21/10 Fucking Machines Fail

38 Years Without Ejaculation

In retrospect, "I Make It Rain" by Lil Wayne would've been a more appropriate soundtrack... but I think you get the idea. Check out more epic ballsack videos @

5,637,710 views 10/18/10 Bizarre

Wardrobe Fail

I kinda wanna punch her friend in the face and see if it's as plastic as it looks. amiright?

997,408 views 09/25/10 Fail

Umm... Where's The Condom

This dude is smooth. Real smooth. His technique? Purchasing oversized condoms (Magnums baby) and intentionally letting em slip off during intercourse. As soon as she notices he deploys a familiar line: "your pussy's just too tight". Uh huh.

4,497,926 views 09/22/10 LULZ

Feminist Attacks Cocky Stripper

Dude shoves his junk in the wrong chicks face. First she smacks his cock like a cheap pinata, then follows up with an ashtray to the face. Quite a feisty bitch. I think somebody put their tampon up the wrong hole.

2,499,955 views 09/19/10 Dancing Bear Strippers

Exhibitionist Fail

You see all these videos of dudes intentionally getting caught beating off by maids. Jolly good fun. Then you have this sad motherfucker... dressed up like Little Bo Peep and chowing down on a 15 inch rubber cock. Way to kill the trend. Thanks guy.

2,165,978 views 09/16/10 Exhibition

Your Pussy Is Too Tight

Dude lasts as long in bed as DMX's acting career. Then tries to blame it on this Hispanic pornstar's supposedly tight pussy. 'Hispanic pornstar' and 'tight pussy'. Two words that really dont belong in the same sentence... but I digress.

4,874,650 views 09/05/10 Bangbros Premature

Pervert Ridiculed By Crowd!

Sleazy New Yorker gets bitched out by Lance Armstrong Jr. for zooming in on the crotch of some leg-spreading attention whore. A verbal battle of douchebaggery ensues. Some seriously amazing dialogue in this one folks. Plus a hot bitch that keeps picking at her twat wedgie.

4,046,183 views 08/30/10 LULZ


This is Scarlett Pain. She's here to show you the after effects of scoffing down a #8 at Del Taco, extra chimichanga sauce. Except this visual demonstration kinda goes to shit towards the end. Quite literally I'm afraid.

3,946,987 views 08/28/10 Fart Fantasy Fail

Anal KO!

This is Mika Tan. She actually has a degree in biochemistry but passed on a relevant career to instead pursue the better things in life... like being anally destroyed while drifting in and out of consciousness. NICE.

4,851,454 views 08/19/10 Brazzers LULZ

LOL Sexual Inferiority

Ya know what... when you're stuck with 4.2 inch weiner and the endurance of that fat fuck from ABC's Lost... propositioning a random big-dicked black dude to bang your wife really might not be all that great of an idea.

4,278,018 views 08/17/10 Premature

Happy Ending Fail

Dude tries to land a happy ending at the local Korean massage parlor but has difficulty getting past the language barrier. Even a hilarious visual demonstration fails to get his point across. See his previous attempt HERE.

5,209,537 views 08/17/10 LULZ

Comfort Fail

Sativa Rose has a breakdown and walks off set after finding herself overwhelmed by the half dozen cocks she was assigned to fuck. Fortunately the cameraman was kind enough to lend some emotional support: in the form of some surprise butt sex!

3,838,022 views 08/05/10 Fail

Dont Slap The Titties!

This is an outtake from Rough Sex 2 where Regan Starr has a breakdown after some dude goes all Mr. Miyagi on her flapjacks. I absolutely LOVE how her asshole is randomly gaping in the beginning of the scene. Lucky bitch will never know the pains of constipation. NEVER.

2,457,043 views 08/03/10 Fail

She Hates Gangbangs

I bet you 5 bucks and the remainder of my turkey pot pie that this bitch had no clue she'd be fucking Benjamin Franklin (visible at the 4 second mark) & Doogie Howser (1.24 mark) when she volunteered to do a 300 man gangbang. You can literally see the regret in her eyes from start to finish. CLASSIC.

4,035,876 views 07/28/10 LULZ

Awesome Fail

I dont know whats more fucked up: the fact that he's boning a woman older than jesus or how the enjoyment he gets from it leaves him socially retarded and unable to saying anything more than "AWESOME!". This is what happens when you use Craigslist to get your dick wet you dirty motherfuckers.

3,911,704 views 07/26/10 LULZ
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