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Cute Face, Ugly Vagina

The one time Japan decides to not censor the genitals... they cast a girl with a Saarlac for a twat. Didn't see Return of the Jedi? Here's an alternative metaphor: Imagine Gene Simmons face, mouth ajar and tongue extended, reincarnated as Yoko Ono's twat. That ought to do it.

3,880,698 views 05/27/11 JAVHD Asians

The Pink Taco

Up close look at a woman experiencing a clitoral orgasm, followed by some heavy vaginal contractions. Shit, I almost sound like a legitimate doctor. I wonder if anyone would take the bait if I made a craigslist post offering free gyno exams? College girls only.

2,479,801 views 03/12/11 Orgasms

Guide to Ruining Your Vagina

Is that a miniature propane tank in your pants? or you just happy to see me? Check out her twat in the last pic. Looks like she used a landmine as a tampon. hah.

6,068,149 views 02/10/11 Gallery

Long Lips

Beefy vaginas are a welcomed delight here on eFukt, but this particular post isn't about the meat curtains. It's about dimensions. Thats right. This bitch's twat measures longer than my own cock and while that might not be saying much, I'm confident you'll be impressed. See more HERE.

3,906,707 views 09/30/10 Gallery

I No Longer Hate Clowns

I was really expecting this chick to have one of those inconspicuous, slit-like vaginas.... not a corned beef gash [as depicted in picture #2]. Still hot as fuck though. She just needs to lay down some Crest Whitening Strips on that labia minora and she be aight. SOURCE: Lexi Belle

3,593,784 views 06/08/10 Gallery

Thugs Harass Interracial Couple

DJ Jackoff ventures into the wrong part of town to land himself a $5 piece of ivory pussy. However, his efforts are thwarted mid-fellatio by a local warlord known as The V-Man (short for Vaginal Master) who's heavily armed with "rocks and sheet". My oh my!

4,381,371 views 03/10/10 LULZ

Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay

All I can think about is the people who jack off to this shit. I envision a crowd of a thousand Japs in a dimly lit adult theater, simultaneously ejaculating just as the girl's vagina gets blown into oblivion by a point-blank blast from a 12 guage. Enthusiastic high fives, everywhere.

1,424,783 views 07/07/09 Bizarre

Bite Size Vagina

Ass to vagina to mouth. If you're up for it, I've got a Power Wheels Escalade with your name on it.

6,406,882 views 06/23/09

Stop! You're Destroying My Vagina

You know what would've been really funny? If he had instead said STFU bish and kept pounding away. Painful intercourse always brings the lulz.

1,790,325 views 05/12/09 Amateur

Vocal Vagina

It can talk. Pretty sure I saw it spit a few times too.

1,025,481 views 04/28/09 Gape

A Vagina Within A Vagina

Double decker taco. Kinda looks like the mouth of the xenomorph from the Alien series. A wee bit nasty but I'd still let her sit on my face.

1,638,257 views 03/24/09 Beef Curtains

Dinner Is Served

Vagina - a la carte.

588,167 views 02/06/09

I Lost My Cellphone In Your Vagina

I have this strong feeling that she ended up passing out with that phone still lost within her vaginal abyss. Yes I can see the headlines now: "Promiscuous college girl awakens in a drunken stupor to the sound of a ringtone echoing throughout the canals of her cunt. Surgical removal was necessary."

1,367,143 views 01/22/09 Insertions

Vaginal Orgasm Via Anal Sex

Guadalupe no, not on the sheets. Those are fucking Egyptian cotton. Now his whole bedroom's gonna stink like chicken of the sea for the next month and half. But maybe you can redeem yourself by clawing at his testicles a little more?

2,773,743 views 01/14/09 Orgasms

Reverse Anal

Now this is a most excellent way to tear that thin piece of skin that separates the inside of the vagina from the poop shoot. Puncture that and your lady friend will be the first woman on earth to space dock herself. Wee! Sounds like eFukt material to me. Any volutneers? Click HERE to see a similar video.

1,757,555 views 01/09/09 Bizarre

Gotcha By The Tail

Just to clarify, that's a woman... and she doesn't actually have a tail. That's just a large piece of vaginal beef curtain, USDA prime.

810,873 views 01/08/09

Vaginal Slime

It's natures lubricant.

963,892 views 12/30/08

The Indestructible Vagina

1,521,025 views 12/17/08 Loose

Pornstar Nearly Impales Herself

Mullet girl doesn't seem to realize that a dildo this large is likely to cause internal bleeding. Had it actually penetrated her vagina - she'd go down in medical history as the first gynecology patient to have no need for a speculum.

2,149,861 views 12/17/08 Insertions

Mr. Holland's Opus

Never saw the movie but the title is the very first thing that comes to mind everytime I see a gaping vagina. Not sure why.

395,640 views 12/15/08
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