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Don't Talk With Your Mouth Full

159,527 views 11/28/19

The Legend of the Golden Condom

This is a look into a pagan sex cult turned rock band called "RockBitch". A sex commune living in a monastery that created a music and stage show that's kinda like a feminist rage against the machine meets an all out orgy. More Info HERE.

2,086,070 views 11/27/19 Documentary

Beyond Meat

Food Reviewers: Some do it because they found a way to monetize gluttony. Others, just want that sweet mcnugget sponsorship. And then there's Bruce. A man with enough F-tier hate fuck material to earn the Gordon Ramsey seal of approval. Feel free to tweet this video out @WENDY'S. I'd like their input on this.

1,043,712 views 11/01/19 Bizarre

Fear is the Weakness

Don't let the confidence in her voice fool you: This cholita's ability to withstand pain is about as real as her soggy pancakes in a pushup bra. As illustrated by his first, second and 17th attempt to keep a decent rhythm in her poo canoe. The end result? Well... you'll see.

2,761,357 views 10/19/19 Backroom Casting Couch Anal

Don't Care, Had Sex

There's just no going back after making a video like this. She'll be forever known as the degenerate that got famous for rawdogging a South Park character. She's essentially a walking, talking Twitter activist for borderless sexuality... and yet stays in semi-boner material territory. An enigma, if you will.

3,876,213 views 10/08/19 Mildly Retarded

What A Workout 5

172,288 views 09/27/19 LULZ

My 400lb Life

Most erections won't make it past the fact that this Snorlax shovels in 5,000 calories per day - and trust me, it doesn't get better. Congratulations Tammy you've officially outdone Game of Thrones for most offensive climax of 2019. Fire up one of those burrito milkshakes, today we celebrate.

2,409,135 views 09/21/19 WTF

Yellow Dove

Hand's down the most disturbing thing I've seen Asian women do (this week) since accidentally loading a buzzfeed article about NYC's dating scene. And much like that editorial, spending more than 5 minutes in the same room as one of these creatures may cause permanent damage. Prince didn't die for this.

1,354,972 views 08/10/19 JAVHD Asians


Much like the Fast and Furious franchise, this series went from "what the fuck am I watching" to How do we get John Cena into one of these scenes? pretty damn quick. The tipping point involves Morgan Lee's last hurrah before someone convinced her to bootleg Lil Wayno songs. And no, you can't unsee that either.

2,381,045 views 06/11/19 Cum Haters

Why is this Even a Thing?

Reminds me of something my grandpa used to say: Your output is only as good as your input. Not since the the trailer for Terminator Dark Fate have I been so disgusted with women over the age of 40.

2,149,242 views 06/06/19 Fail

The Worst Male Orgasms EVER 1

Door Dash your chimichangas and fire up the Demi Lovato playlist, for you are about to witness the pinnacle of peak male performance. Not since the 2017 inauguration have I heard this many vegan-powered war cries go unanswered lol

2,280,471 views 06/01/19 Ridiculous Orgasms

Blow Out Your Candles

202,136 views 05/27/19 Big Dicks

Warning: Advanced Users ONLY

11 Seconds: That's the average time it takes for one family-sized order of Chang's Orange Chicken to kick flip it's way out of my body and make it's way back to the manure farm. It's also the amount of time it takes the new poster girl for "LOLIDGAF" to get the official Efukt seal of approval. You're welcome.

3,707,820 views 05/26/19 Anal

Insane Clown Pussy

Most erections flatline after muttering the letters "ICP". Maybe even translate into an episode of syphilis or three. But not here. Enjoy this one slowly... for today Holly Hendrix proves without a shadow of a doubt that everyone with her last name is a natural-born musician.

1,828,109 views 05/20/19 Hardcore Gangbang Bizarre


See the thumbnail? Get used to making that face. For you're about to meet a woman with enough human-grade roast beef to end global hunger. I never finished medical school... but it's my professional suggestion she uses the $47.00 paid for this scene to buy a pair of hedge sheers on the way home.

2,467,292 views 05/08/19 Loose

America's Real Crisis

This is what happens when Tinder gets boring and a woman experiments outside of her comfort zone. That fucking thing is one "let met talk to your manager haircut" away from being Brie Larson's stunt double. Or Tim Burton's next villain. Feel free to choose your own adventure today.

2,378,688 views 05/03/19 Argentina Naked Painal

What A Workout 4

200,164 views 05/02/19 LULZ

Downs with the Sickness

Impressive method acting on his part to be honest. He's got that 'my mother, sister and John Deer push mower are all the same person, so I listen to The Black Eyed Peas on vinyl' look down to a science. Unrelated question: Does gonorrhea cancel itself out if you get it twice? Asking for a friend.

2,385,877 views 04/08/19 Mildly Retarded

Letting It Air Out 2

314,438 views 03/27/19
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