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From HOT To CREEPY In 5 Seconds

I once heard a male performer mutter "my grandma gives better head than you, suck me better or i'll pour drano down your cunt". That used to rank pretty high on my personal list of random-as-fuck-porno-dialogue. Then I saw this.

5,257,469 views 11/14/11 Exploited Teens LULZ

Brazillian Fucks 600 Men For Nothing!

She took in 596 cocks, ended up with a vagina blacker than Bill Cosby's stinkhole and lost a $50,000 grand prize to some Ukranian POLISH skag. But on a more positive note, she actually looks surprisingly hot when she cries her eyes out.

6,370,279 views 11/11/11 LULZ

This Is Bad... Very Very Bad

I like how she gets a little self conscious towards the end and uses her arm to cover up, effectively sheilding dozens of innocent bystanders from her own monstrosity. Courteous, insecure and 6% Elephant Man. God bless you.

3,313,246 views 11/09/11 Bizarre

The 10 Worst Orgasms Ever Filmed

Compilation of the most obnoxious, flaccidity inducing-orgasms you'll ever witness.

7,037,906 views 11/06/11 Ridiculous Orgasms

LOL: Dude Kills Fly During Rough Anal

I recognize the lisp. It's the same jolly fucker from 'HARDER! Or I Cant Cum' with the unhealthy obsession for rimjobs. Glad to see he's still living life to the fullest - I.E. using your penis to bait, trap and murder insects up some hot chick's asshole.

3,290,641 views 11/02/11 Fail

Biggest Bitch In Porn

Hemorrhoids and Scabies aside, Tanner Mayes is a pretty hot piece of ass. Too bad she's got an ego the size of Ned Flander's cock (massive). This video is a demonstration of what happens when The Cuntinator doesnt get her way. Crazy bitch is crazy.

4,898,425 views 10/25/11 Fail

Dumbest Girl In Porn

Ok, maybe not the dumbest, but there'll always be 2nd place for the special little whore that went on cable TV to brag about spreading Chlamydia, smoking crack & sodomizing costars with uncooked meats.

5,601,927 views 10/21/11 LULZ

Nice Boots

They compliment your atomic diarrhea nicely.

1,133,271 views 10/15/11

The 24 Year Old Virgin

He's socially inept and has B cup titties. How can life possibly get any worse? If you guessed 'make a porno, creep the living fuck out of the girl, blow your load in 4 seconds and end up all over the internet", you just won my inflatable Captain Planet sex doll.

4,469,514 views 10/13/11 Virgins

Premature Ejaculation... LIKE A BOSS

I've never seen a man so content with having only lasted 24 seconds in the sack. His sexual prowess has the runtime of a Tampax commercial... and all he cares about is using his woman's rump roast as a bongo drum set. Bares some similarities to THIS efukt classic.

3,533,759 views 10/12/11 Premature

Sybian Morphs Crazy Slut Into Crazier Slut

I'm pretty sure I've just uncovered a new dialect. I shall dub it 'crackwhorian'. Much like Spanglish - it cannot be taught, only evoked. Japanese electronics and bull whip required.

5,322,933 views 10/09/11 Orgasms

Pornstar Drops 'N' Bomb

I believe her first mistake was LOL'ing while getting passionately bulldozed by a 17 inch yogurt slinger. That kinda laughter tends to translate to one thing only - "your ion cannon does not phase me, please bash my ovaries harder". Invitation clearly accepted.

4,540,375 views 10/07/11 InterracialPass LULZ

Double Fist = Instant Orgasm

A coworker at Del Taco once told me that she uses a thick butternut squash to pleasure herself. She said the feeling of her fiesta bowl being stretched to max ocupado made her cum instantaneously. Is that what's going on here? Sure looks like it.

4,200,712 views 10/04/11 Orgasms

Happy Ending WIN

One man's quest for counterfeit Dockers ends with a lustrous rub n' tug, courtesy of Miss Swan, in what's quite possibly the only legitimate 'happy ending' video in existence. It's hard to turn a blind eye to the shrek factor of all ladies involved, but hey... at least it's real.

4,198,025 views 09/30/11 Exhibition

Gangbanged, Then Tears Of Joy

This is a scene from GANGBANGED 2. Blacks and whites combine penile forces for the greater good of ensuring Dana DeArmond's asshole will be forever loose. The interview that follows is quite interesting / fucking ridiculous.

3,342,608 views 09/28/11 Elegant Angel LULZ

Maid Entranced By Gringo Cock

It took 3 years and 117 attempts... but it happened. It finally happened. All he ever wanted was an audience. All she ever intended was to restock toiletries. Somewhere in the middle they found eachother, and from there it was love at first cumshot. Equally amazing video HERE.

3,897,029 views 09/22/11 Exhibition

Cum Dodger FAIL

Hungarian broad tries to bail on the wrong cocksmith - Steve Holmes. Dodge one load, no problem. He can work up another wad of creme brulee instantly. That's right, zro downtime. Watch this motherfucker work his magic.

3,297,888 views 09/19/11 Fail

1st Blowjob - FEELS GOOD MAN

You know it's a hooker cause who else puts on a rubber just for s'ing some d? And you know it's his first time cause... well, just look at his face. Just one touch of his penis and he turns into Quasimoto with Asperger syndrome.

3,341,525 views 09/13/11 LULZ


This girl sheds many tears. Some due to the intensity of a supposed orgasm (technical term: whoregasm). Others because she didn't get a chance to chug any JD prior to filming. Three words: train fucking wreck. Forget the cash, next time pay her in Paxil.

3,454,574 views 09/06/11 Fail

FAIL: Teacher Attempts Double Anal

Deleted scene from Un-Natural Sex 20 involving an ex-teacher looking to sacrifice the health of her colon in exchange for fame & fortune (aka $728 and maybe, just maybe, a Q&A with Swank magazine). Epic spoiler: things don't go as planned.

4,790,138 views 08/31/11 Fail
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