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Stewart's [NEW] Guide to Anal Sex

Three years later and it seems [-our boy-] has ditched the mashed potatoes recipe and moved on to crafting a signature carne asada. ¿Felicidades mi amigo?

1,265,523 views 07/03/23 Brown Barbie Anal

8 Uncomfortable Moments

Consider this an open letter to the content creators out there: I will donate the $13.75 I made trading Krypto Kittys with down syndrome to a charity of your choosing, in exchange for promising to never use condiments on your wiener ever again. The balls are in your courts.

1,142,115 views 05/18/23 Fail


We got a pretty diverse group of fatherless degeneration this time around. Whether it's Discovery Channel's new poster girl at the 0:35 second mark, or the champ going for his 17th title at 4:20, you're guaranteed at least one reason to start day drinking again.

1,575,953 views 10/31/22 Chaturbate CAMTASTROPHES


So you think Dr. Phil has covered all the bases of marital disasters? Well it's time to reevaluate bitch. These pioneers of female empowerment do it all. And by all I mean everything except give us the long awaited sequel to Karen's Krapper: Volume 27. Alexa, play Big Bottom by Spinal Tap.

2,016,609 views 10/24/22 Wrong Holes


Willing humiliation, being choked unconscious and receiving more hits than one of those bullshit primitive building channels. No, it's not Connor's return to the octagon. But it's still gonna cost you $79.99 if her 1st name has a hyphen in it.

2,190,005 views 08/11/22 CAMTASTROPHES

Incredible Acts, Depraved Humans 2

I gotta say; supreme vag on the redhead. Haven't seen a pair of lips that impressive since the time I got caught with a VHS rip of Fast Times at Ridgemont High and the last jar of Smuckers Sweet Orange Marmalade. Mother's Day hasn't been the same since.

2,573,505 views 05/23/22 Incredible Acts, DEPRAVED HUMANS

Awkward Moments in Porn 12

Today we're rounding third on a baker's dozens worth of boner-deflating cringe collections so bleak, you'll wonder what the point of sexual intercourse even is anymore. Just load up one of those Choose Your Own Adventure Hentai VR fantasies, and fuck the Hamtaros out of a face-swapped Charizard until you feel alive again.

1,547,787 views 05/16/22 Awkward Moments In Porn

Light Show

42,967 views 05/13/22 Bizarre

Imagine Doing this During a Pandemic

3 years into a viral outbreak and Aiko literally can't curb her addiction to Chili Dogs & Chill. Judging by the video footage, this is both an ethics violation and a crash course on why you diligently vet those profiles on

1,157,553 views 05/05/22 JAVHD Asians

Your ASS is Gonna Learn Today

free tip: Don't be fooled by the "i collect exotic toothpastes and I'm saving my g-spot for Sonic the Hedgehog" appearance. She may appear to be innocent, but this is no sex noob. Despite leaking more soft serve than a birthday party at Carvel, she actually did finish the scene.

2,554,862 views 03/31/22 Woodman Casting X Loose

Hidden Talent

69,342 views 03/04/22 Crazy

The Hardest Working Girl on Chaturbate

Dare venture beyond the realm of myfreecams and you're bound to open a door to the insane asylum known as The Hola18 Wormhole. The only way out is being left with the kind of irreparable confusion felt by someone making it to the end credits of a movie with the words "Tyler Perry" in the title.

1,509,084 views 01/20/22 Chaturbate Mildly Retarded


You don't have to be a tier-3 to experience this kind of homemade hysteria. Just zero in on the girls that are sexually attracted to Amibos and the yoinked "donations" will flow in faster than you can complain about them on Twitter. [Part I]

1,781,051 views 12/09/21 Chaturbate CAMTASTROPHES

A New Level of Racism

Not since accidentally walking into an unlocked Vietnamese restaurant bathroom at 2:00AM have I seen such disrespect for the lower half of an oriental female. And just like the rest of the Internet watching this - I am disgusted now. And 30 minutes from now.

2,231,822 views 09/06/21 Bangbros Bang Bus Chronicles

Dirty Rotten Piece of Shit Whore

♫ I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine
♫ I got a love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh-oh
♫ Do what you want but you're never gonna break me
♫ Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me, oh, oh-oh

1,265,438 views 08/30/21 Anal Lick Fest Nasty

Amazing Feats of Amateur Porn

There are 2 kinds of people in this world: Those who respect the human bodies maximum pounds-per-square inch tolerance, and those who do not. Guess which one is getting featured today? HINT: They've never had a flat tire in their life.

1,747,675 views 06/25/21 Amateur

Traumatizing Moments in Amateur Porn

More than enough reasons (see: 1) to never "try that thing i saw on the Internet with my girlfriend". Somewhere between the beef bazooka blowouts and frantically Google searching "how to get cat litter out of my vagina" you'll lose that last shred of dignity Dr. Phil is always screeching about.

2,634,511 views 05/10/21 LULZ

It Was An "Accident"

89,733 views 04/30/21 Fail

The Dangers of Webcamming

It's kinda refreshing to know the cam-clam game has stayed relevant amongst the rise of OnlyFans popularity. Never forget the O.G. sex workers that paved the way via 56k modem bitrate and school libraries. Now let's go ahead and get these ladies under contract for the next Ghostbusters reboot. I smell Oscars.

1,714,468 views 02/07/21 Camwhores

Deepthroat World Record

121,016 views 12/18/20 WTF
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