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Helping Her Wash

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128,938 views 04/23/14

The Absurdity Of Japanese Pornography 2

Porn studio treats girl's asshole like a pokeball. Because in Japan, the more psychotic the idea, the better porn it makes. All while censoring the genitals... Cuz ya know, actual sex is just vulgar.

3,820,766 views 12/30/13 JAVHD The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography

The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography 1

A "last man standing" circle jerk to the death with tranny power rangers from outer space. After decades of being forced to censor genitals, Japanese smut producers have lost their minds.

3,582,781 views 11/14/13 JAVHD The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography

85 Pound Nerd Masturbates @ Work

This girl is ridiculously cute. I want to hold her hand. I want to smell her hair. I want a 3x5 inch cut-out of the computer chair fabric that was blessed with her vaginal discharge. Until then, this gem will have to do.

4,140,821 views 03/21/13 MyFreeCams Asians


Two petite Asians get the fried rice fucked out of em.

8,884,616 views 01/04/12 Ridiculous Orgasms

Asian Stoner Has Epic Ass

She's half Korean, half Mexican. That means she's pro at math and will have around 17 kids by this time next year. Not really. This girl actually just likes to smoke weed and take pictures of her massive ass - both of which are combined today in ways you cant even fathom. OOOOH YEAH.

4,212,056 views 11/23/11 LULZ

Pussy In A Box

This is actually pretty genius. Too bad it was shot in Japan, where the only thing capable of raising eyebrows is Jackie Chan doing a triple somersault directly into Lindsey Lohan's vagina. But it's okay. The lack of reactions is counteracted by a homoerotic remix of some Dr. Dre.

3,159,865 views 11/21/11 Asians

Happy Ending WIN

One man's quest for counterfeit Dockers ends with a lustrous rub n' tug, courtesy of Miss Swan, in what's quite possibly the only legitimate 'happy ending' video in existence. It's hard to turn a blind eye to the shrek factor of all ladies involved, but hey... at least it's real.

4,202,440 views 09/30/11 Exhibition

Asian Girl Got Talent

She's blessed with the rectal capacity of Richard Simmons. Obvious perks: 1) balls deep penetration with Wesley Snipes 2) forgo any and all defecation for years at a time and 3) you get to be epic drug mule. Perk #2 is where it's at. Check out her myspace in the source link.

3,751,183 views 06/13/11 Asians

Did I Just Do Anal.... IDK

There's only 2 people in the world that cant tell when they're being anally penetrated. Stephen Hawking.. and this girl. She's 19, anti masturbation and dumber than a Billy Goat crossbred with Tila Tequila. She also wants to be a pornstar. God bless.

5,319,367 views 06/08/11 Backroom Casting Couch Fail

Cute Face, Ugly Vagina

The one time Japan decides to not censor the genitals... they cast a girl with a Saarlac for a twat. Didn't see Return of the Jedi? Here's an alternative metaphor: Imagine Gene Simmons face, mouth ajar and tongue extended, reincarnated as Yoko Ono's twat. That ought to do it.

3,880,268 views 05/27/11 JAVHD Asians

Smegma Makes Her Gag

Tojo trades his neighbor a weeks worth of cup-o-noodles in exchange for a sensuous dicksuck. Here's the kicker: Tojo has the hygiene of Forest Whitaker's asshole. Dude simply does not shower. The end result is enough dick cheese to feed half of Mumbai.

4,382,957 views 05/19/11 Kobe Surprise Asians

WOW - Redefining Premature Ejaculation

This is epic. Literally just three pecks on the lips and this dude's load is already more spent than a black man's paycheck. He's the fuckin Prefontaine of premature ejaculation.

4,459,089 views 12/20/10 Kobe Surprise Premature

Pulsating Pussy

Asian chick gets the elasticity fucked out of her, generating one pussy-throbbing orgasm after another. I have to say, the end result isnt too aesthetically pleasing. After the 5th orgasm her twat starts to look like something off an Arby's value menu.

3,117,149 views 12/08/10 Orgasms

I Love Meaty

Just another black dude relying on his 4865 inch penis to assert himself - much at the expense of some poor chick's uterus. First I masturbate. Then I criticize. woot woot.

3,582,264 views 10/08/10 LULZ

The Safe Word

This is a clip from Graphic Sexual Horror - a documentary about the infamous BDSM site It has some really interesting discussion on the abuse of women in porn and the consequences of tappin out. Almost kinda makes you feel guilty for beating off to it. Almost.

3,272,203 views 09/25/10 Documentary

Happy Ending Fail

Dude tries to land a happy ending at the local Korean massage parlor but has difficulty getting past the language barrier. Even a hilarious visual demonstration fails to get his point across. See his previous attempt HERE.

5,210,463 views 08/17/10 LULZ

Twig Girl

She's flat broke, has the body of a malnutritioned Ethiopian and travels via duffle bag. If those arent the quintessential ingredients for a Japanese pornstar, I don't know what is. Now save up some yen and buy a fucking happy meal already.

4,183,178 views 07/20/10 JAVHD Asians

Drug Mule In Training

Everyone is born with a gift. Hers is a colon that doubles as a footlocker in between flights from Thailand to the good ol' USA. Watch in utter amazement as she demonstrates her maximum storage capacity.

1,855,017 views 06/22/10 Insertions

Hi, My Penis Is 3 Feet Long

Shit. If my cock that was big, I'd throw on my limited edition Bugle Boy jean shorts and hit the boardwalk.

4,693,663 views 01/26/10 Asians
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