Low res versions of this have been floating around the web for some time, so this might be old for some of you. Never the less, efukt has secured the HD version... so you can now watch Sindee Jennings puke her brains out in the absolutely highest quality available.
Missy Monroe cooks up a nonstop bitchfest after getting blasted in the ear by a bukkake boy. But the bad mood doesnt last. Come the 2 minute mark, she's more concerned with bragging to the camera about the small fortune she just got paid for swallowing the seed of 50+ degenerates. I'm filled with envy.
There's only 2 people in the world that cant tell when they're being anally penetrated. Stephen Hawking.. and this girl. She's 19, anti masturbation and dumber than a Billy Goat crossbred with Tila Tequila. She also wants to be a pornstar. God bless.
Premature ejaculation is funny. People trying to combat premature ejaculation is funnier. Notable examples: A) pipe squeezer and B) focusing on dog shit. Today we introduce a new, equally fucking retarded method for countering early evac. It's called sniffin your costars asshole. And unless the bitch just shit out 4 baconators, it wont work.
Todays learnings: homeless people have yellow semen, 400 pound fluffers are counterproductive, line cutting at bukakke shoots is socially acceptable, and watching female photographers belittle Hispanic participants is strangely erotic. That's that.
Raided grandpa's porno war-chest last night, nabbed a copy of Manhandled 3. Halfway in there's an interesting scene where Steve Homles randomly baits Gianna Michaels into slapping him. Well, she delivers... and it aint no fucking love tap. Lets just say Mr. Homles is less than appreciative of Gianna's sense of humor.
Persian girl gets an accidental, no-lube blow to the rectum... most likely due to her male counterpart having the gut of a pregnant woman and not being able to see what the fuck he's aiming at. Or in other words... he tried to no-scope it and failed wonderfully.
This video taught me two things. 1) eating Subway prior to apocalyptical throat fucking yields hilarious results and 2) CGI will not be necessary in any future Exorcist projectile vomiting scenes. Shananay's got it covered.
Big fat curved penis sends a fresh wad of home cooked Twinky filling right back into the face of it's creator. It's not a problem I expect to incur any time soon but I do retain faith in the bottle of Extenze my sister so kindly purchased me last xmas. Similar videos HERE & HERE.
Shaft and Gilligan combine forces for the greater good - to quite literally fuck the pudding pop out of a $7.25 Tijuana hooker. And this my friends is why cheap motels always use floral bedding - it's essentially camouflage for shit stains.
A little KY Jelly, Egyptian cotton sheets, continuous stimulation of the G-Spot... what could possibly go wrong? I'll give you a hint.. it's shaped like a dodger dog, travels at high velocities and smells like that fat girl from Precious.
Kylie Ireland flips the fuck out after champaign-laced saliva (uh-huh) breaches her meat cave and causes discomfort. With 15+ years experience in the industry... you could likely slip a Mini Cooper up her twat without her even noticing... and yet somehow a single loogie results in a tapout? Looks like menopause came 20 years early.
A dozen black dudes slated to mass pummel a 90 pound Mexiho bring production to a halt after a fight breaks out on set. Unfortunately the camera is pointed down for much of the action, so in place of flying fists we see the donkey dicks of numerous men - many of whom continue to fap as they spectate.. which I find fucking hilarious.
Everyone has a breaking point. Hers is 104 consecutive cumshots to the dome. Spill that much seed and she'll rage-quit your shoot and slam the fuck out of your doors like nobody's business. Some people just cant handle their calories.
Director gets annoyed after discovering the star of his young/innocent themed porno flick is actually a post-crackwhorian guttertramp with a horrendous tattoo right where it counts. That's like casting Steven Segal in a drama about terminally ill lesbians. Some things you just cant pull off, no matter how big your ponytail is.
Goofy motherfucker works feverishly to prevent his pudding pop from premature eruption, and seemingly succeeds thanks to a few self inflicted cock slaps and more breaks than a Mexican landscaper.
She-beast pulls a scratch n sniff in the middle of class, likely a misguided effort to relive last night's chimichangas. Once is relatively harlmess but a double dipper? Look at her fuckin drool. Lunch break aint till noon ya dirty bitch.
8 ounces of negro boner brew emptied directly into the cunt gutter. Classy. Problem is.. when time comes to expel the cream filling, an off-menu item plops out along with it. Camerawoman goes completely mute after realizing wtf she's just filmed. Hilarious.