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Your Vagina Is Leaking

The cameraman is right. It does look like cottage cheese. I think I'm gonna puke.

1,429,947 views 03/31/08 Bizarre

Girl Gives Birth To 14 Inch Dildo

This girl shits a massive dildo out of her pussy with no effort at all. If I keep posting shit like this people are gonna think I have a fetish for loose pussy haha.

1,478,923 views 03/04/08 Insertions

Mom Interrupts Fuck Session

Some parents that were supposed to be gone for the weekend came home early only to discover that their office is being used for an amateur porn shoot!

3,608,352 views 03/03/08 Amateur

The Conesquences Of Being A Slut

The medical bills for stitching up a busted asshole probally outweigh whatever she was paid to be in this porn. I guess being a slut isn't always profitable! She doesn't even notice the prolapse happen lol.

2,314,285 views 03/02/08 Prolapse

Record Breaking Dildo Fuck

If that dildo went any deeper it would split her in half. If she ever decides to have quadruplets she'll be well prepared.

2,623,615 views 02/29/08 Insertions

Tree Fuck LOL

Damn. That tree has a big cock.

2,244,328 views 02/16/08 LULZ

Legless Fuck

Legs? Who needs legs? All this fat piece of shit needs is a vaginal opening. Her belly button would probally suffice.

2,301,396 views 02/08/08 Amputee

Molested By Black Strippers 2

It would take a lot more than a dollar tip to get me to bury my face between the legs of one of those nasty skanks.

1,779,699 views 02/05/08 Strippers

That Looks Infected

She didn't use a pussy pump. This is a real vagina infection. Take a close look people. I'm going to pop it with a needle.

1,464,054 views 02/03/08 Bizarre

Amputee Sextape

It could be worse, she could've lost both arms. Wait a minute, no arms = total submission. Someone find me a double amputee plz.

1,530,673 views 02/02/08 Amputee

Elephant Sex Rampage

I don't know whats more pathetic, the computer nerds that made this or the douche bags that jackoff to it.

4,410,473 views 01/28/08 Demonic 3D Bizarre

Keep Eating It!

Ugly amateur slut has her pussy eaten out for the first time & has some insane orgasms. I wonder how she acts when she has her salad tossed?

2,394,760 views 01/17/08 Orgasms

Watchin Mom Flash Her Tits

Hey lady - next time you're gonna let a bunch of honry drunk men grope your stank pussy, try to make sure your family isn't around!

2,282,178 views 01/15/08 Groped

Minute Man

More like 15 second man. I miss the days of being able to blow my load that quick. After years of looking at sick porn, I'm lucky to even get it up.

1,904,107 views 12/27/07 Premature

Vagina Weight Lifting 2

I'd like to see her pull a small car with those meat curtains. That would actually impress me.

1,286,505 views 12/26/07 Bizarre

Mongloid Gets Some Pussy

A retarded freak finally loses his virginity to some skanky blonde. It's eighties porn at it's finest lol.

1,280,699 views 11/20/07 Bizarre


He's got 8 cocks and he wants each one of em sucked dry. Now find me a girl with 8 pussies.

2,752,036 views 11/13/07 Bizarre

Blowjob Gameshow

Dozens of Japs compete in a contest where whoever makes the man cum the fastest wins.

3,152,409 views 10/19/07 Asians

Sex Near A Deadly Lion

This crazy Japanese couple has some sucky fucky in front of a hungry lion. An instant eFukt classic!

2,482,742 views 10/18/07 The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography

She Nearly Dies While Cumming

This stupid chick wanted to try orgasming while being suffocated. He should've just let her choke..

2,724,577 views 10/09/07 LULZ
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