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Spring Break Slut Gets Angry

Look at her go, sucking every cock in sight! But when one of the boys grabs on her titties, she turns into a raging ginger whore. She wants to bite his cock off.

2,502,119 views 02/26/08 Public

Stripper Attacked By Granny

I was considering being a stripper once but after realizing my clientele would consist of 300 pound senior citizens, I sought employment elsewhere.

2,768,361 views 02/24/08 Strippers

She Looks Really Bored

Probally cause his penis is only 2 inches. His red booty shorts suit his homosexuality perfectly.

2,233,447 views 02/15/08 LULZ

Public Pissing Gone Wrong

There's this faggoty fetish for girls pissing in public. This geezer takes offense to the concept. Would've been funnier if she was shitting. Much funnier.

1,610,397 views 02/15/08 LULZ


Hearing this bitch complain is quite the erection killer.

1,246,578 views 02/06/08 Amateur

That Looks Infected

She didn't use a pussy pump. This is a real vagina infection. Take a close look people. I'm going to pop it with a needle.

1,464,116 views 02/03/08 Bizarre

Amputee Sextape

It could be worse, she could've lost both arms. Wait a minute, no arms = total submission. Someone find me a double amputee plz.

1,530,778 views 02/02/08 Amputee

Wrong Hole - OOPS!

Pee Wee needs to bring a flashlight next time so that he can better navigate the path to her vagina.

3,379,567 views 01/31/08 Wrong Holes

Elephant Sex Rampage

I don't know whats more pathetic, the computer nerds that made this or the douche bags that jackoff to it.

4,410,620 views 01/28/08 Demonic 3D Bizarre

Watchin Mom Flash Her Tits

Hey lady - next time you're gonna let a bunch of honry drunk men grope your stank pussy, try to make sure your family isn't around!

2,282,368 views 01/15/08 Groped

Dont Film Me Fucking

This guy isn't too happy after he finds out he's been videotaped fucking a hooker!

1,974,705 views 01/12/08 Voyeur

Stinky Cock Makes Her Puke

This is fucking hilarious! His cock smells and tastes so bad that it causes this pregnant slut to puke! I'm sure her twat tastes no better!

2,350,231 views 01/01/08 Glory Hole Girlz Fail

Minute Man

More like 15 second man. I miss the days of being able to blow my load that quick. After years of looking at sick porn, I'm lucky to even get it up.

1,904,172 views 12/27/07 Premature

Southern Slut Loves Butt Sex

And her husband definitely loves giving it to her. Unfortunately the dialogue is a total boner killer.

2,166,033 views 10/29/07 Amateur

Sex Near A Deadly Lion

This crazy Japanese couple has some sucky fucky in front of a hungry lion. An instant eFukt classic!

2,482,828 views 10/18/07 The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography

Cumshot Crossfire

It's cumshot time but one of the guys misses her face and hits some other guy's hand instead!

2,146,029 views 09/29/07 Fail

Extreme Public Sex

I love how nobody even notices them having sex. Fucking on sidewalks must be common in Japan.

3,283,771 views 09/27/07 Asians

Stinky Pussy Makes Him Puke

The bangbus crew picked up a real skank this time. Her twat was so stinky 1 of the guys pukes!

3,155,016 views 09/26/07 Bang Bus Bang Bus Chronicles

Queen Of Loose Vagina

Sounds like he's fuckin a jar of mayonnaise.

1,667,415 views 09/03/07 Loose

Diseased Pussy

Not even a cluster of genital warts can keep this pussy hungry dyke from eating out her friend!

1,415,181 views 09/02/07 Bizarre
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