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Dont Bite

It's not chicken.

620,936 views 12/17/10


The nose ring aint helping.

846,847 views 12/17/10

Epic Orgasm

Rain DeGrey straight up collapses after cumming her brains out. Resuscitation attempts include CPR, additional finger banging and a makeshift defibrillator. No shit. This is from a three part series, available from Consider joining, it's a great site and you'd be supporting eFukt.

3,842,792 views 12/15/10 Ridiculous Orgasms

Rotten Crotch

Behind-the-scenes footage from FUCK A FAN, where a cameraman literally pukes himself after catching a whiff of some stank ass pussy. Ultimate humiliation after the culprit is handed a DIY douche kit and directed to the bathroom.

3,012,430 views 12/13/10 Fuck A Fan Fail

Pulsating Pussy

Asian chick gets the elasticity fucked out of her, generating one pussy-throbbing orgasm after another. I have to say, the end result isnt too aesthetically pleasing. After the 5th orgasm her twat starts to look like something off an Arby's value menu.

3,116,600 views 12/08/10 Orgasms

Bait & Switch

Trio of goobers looking for work get called in to model some piece of shit watch with a stacked broad... who later accuses them of trying to sniff her turd cutter. Bonus at the end.

2,628,652 views 12/05/10 LULZ

Get Bent

His penis looks like a rotten banana. Could probably double as a personal coat hanger if enough viagra was involved. So does any of this slow him whenever he feels like getting his dick wet? Apparently not. Must be the personality.

2,714,687 views 11/28/10 LULZ

The Art Of Male Stripping

No more vids for a few days. This shit took all week to edit and now I've got a date with my neighbors cleaning lady. She's 18, dont hate. Already got advance tickets to Harry Potter 7. IMAX. Ultimate panty dropper.

2,845,662 views 11/18/10 Strippers

Storytime With A Crackwhore

Slut junkie reminisces about her previous employer - some Screech-looking motherfucker that literally blew a $100,000 inheritance entirely on prostitutes hired for nothing more than to eat Taco Bell and deficate on his face. In other words.. dude's a legend.

2,403,497 views 11/14/10 Crack Whore Confessions Hookers

Endless Orgasm Causes Brain Damage

Using some sort of futuristic device stolen off the set of Stargate SG-1, this woman's clitoris is vibrated into an orgasmic oblivion. Imagine if the lead characters of both The Exorcist and I Am Sam were delicately molded into one - this woman is what you'd get.

7,111,073 views 11/10/10 Ridiculous Orgasms

College Class On Fisting

Crash course on how to effectively turn your lady friend's choco taco into a permanently gaping meat cave, as illustrated by that sassy bitch from Seinfield. Invaluable information really.

2,746,379 views 11/04/10 Fisting

Balls Deep or GTFO

Buck Williams graciously gives the neighborhood tramp a second chance at riding his 12 inch chewbaca dong. Either her twat eats up every centimeter of his beefy balgonie or the bitch gets 86'ed for life and is replaced by a mythical broad named Jenneifer. Yeeeeep.

4,317,646 views 11/02/10 LULZ

Bad Aim

German dude gets blasted in the face by a fat wad of his own man sauce and nearly pukes all over himself. I guess this kinda invalidates that saying "everyone loves their own brand" haha.

2,864,343 views 10/30/10 Fail


This is called small penis overcompensation. It happens when those dudes with 3.5 inchers become frustrated by their partners lack of enthusiasm. So they pump harder, faster and deeper but often to no avail. Eventually the chump reaches a breaking point. Somewhere in between the 4th and 7th yawn. Funny shit.

3,444,833 views 10/28/10 Orgasms

He Cums Battery Acid

This is classic. The last ho-bag in this comp literally goes from gagging on a load of rancid jizz to asking for tips on what to steal at the local Pepboys. Apparently the Purple Power degreaser she jacked last week isnt the hot ticket item she thought it out to be.

2,437,219 views 10/24/10 Black Vagina Finder LULZ

Figging Gone Wrong

Figging is when you insert a piece of ginger root into your anus. It's for those special type of people that like to relive that feeling you get directly after shitting out bad Thai food. Yep, fun stuff but what happens when it gets stuck up your ass? Today you find out.

4,054,518 views 10/21/10 Fucking Machines Fail

38 Years Without Ejaculation

In retrospect, "I Make It Rain" by Lil Wayne would've been a more appropriate soundtrack... but I think you get the idea. Check out more epic ballsack videos @

5,636,942 views 10/18/10 Bizarre

I Love Meaty

Just another black dude relying on his 4865 inch penis to assert himself - much at the expense of some poor chick's uterus. First I masturbate. Then I criticize. woot woot.

3,581,682 views 10/08/10 LULZ

Jabba The Slut

It's too bad they didnt take this a step further and use their crafty CGI to turn her twat into a slab of roast beef the size of a Mini Cooper. Then I couldve actually beat off.

2,109,374 views 10/01/10 Bizarre

Microscope Not Included


529,272 views 09/30/10
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