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Discount Nyotaimori 2

186,427 views 10/29/18 Nasty

The Black White Supremacist

Apparently Clayton Bigsby has an extended bloodline we were completely unaware of. Practice what you're about to see here & I promise - those pesky NPC'S will never scream "racism" again.

1,434,613 views 10/29/18 LULZ

Prepare To Duel

198,970 views 10/27/18 Camwhores


187,401 views 10/26/18 LULZ

Uncle Dick-Dont-Fit

Sonuva bitch... dude's packing the kind of penis that can only be described as "an emergency every time I have to take a piss". Time to call up AARP and find out what size wheelbarrow they're willing to cover for this kind of disability. Something in a dual-wheel polycarbon should do it.

3,870,662 views 10/24/18 Old Goes Young Big Dicks

Just Helping Her Friend Wake Up

389,540 views 10/23/18

How To Start A Controversy

202,108 views 10/22/18 Fail

How To Get Me To Watch Tennis

195,818 views 10/19/18

Can't Catch Me

211,241 views 10/18/18 LULZ

Czech Porn is Still Horrible

Essentially a hybrid of a "Got Milk?" PSA & a GWAR concert. Or in more comprehensive terms: 1-part health consciousness, 274-parts batshit fuckin aspergers. #NEVERFORGET.

1,799,883 views 10/18/18 Gloryhole

Name That Position 7

198,384 views 10/17/18 EvilAngel Crazy

Holy Water

181,540 views 10/15/18 Crazy

Giving Head

208,608 views 10/13/18 Fail

Dedicated Fan

196,197 views 10/12/18

The Caught Compilation 5

Every good film deserves 4 sequels... and many moons ago I stumbled upon a select few degenerates that give less fucks about 'dignity' and 'clean STD tests' than the roster of the 1970 Lakers. Venturing into dead meme territory, but the hole-to-hole acrobatics are worth a followup.

4,085,159 views 10/12/18 Caught Compilations

Survival Technique, Staying Warm

198,384 views 10/11/18

This DC Marvel Crossover Is Fucked

184,827 views 10/10/18

Piss All Over Your Party

192,315 views 10/08/18 WTF
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