Deleted scene from Un-Natural Sex 20 involving an ex-teacher looking to sacrifice the health of her colon in exchange for fame & fortune (aka $728 and maybe, just maybe, a Q&A with Swank magazine). Epic spoiler: things don't go as planned.
Ridiculous porno quote of the week: "make me into a worthless vegetable". Yeah well, her male counterpart certainly tried. But the end result was less Terri Schiavo and more Michael J. Fox. Yeah, I'm going to hell.
This one's a crowd pleaser. Not only get to see a massive-titted pornstar unwittingly suck a shit covered wang ... but you also to get hear three seconds of my real voice. Boner inducement on all fronts.
Rimjobs - the quintessential stepping stone to full-blown A2M. Most whores have little trouble making it over to the other side of the rainbow - but odds are they weren't paired up with some asshole that forgot how to wipe, as is this guy.
He's got a stage 5 boner on a packed beach and straight up does not give a fuck. They flirt, they kiss, they jerk eachother off like they got 15 seconds left to live. Shits going reeeeal good... that is until... well, you'll see.
James Deen slings his gentleman juice down one mouth too many in this tragic outtake from Tonsil Hockey. Moral of the story is simple. Never leave your piehole agape when you're on the business end of a 12 inch cock. haha.
Early model Dodge Caravan and intermediate family member not required. Just find yourself an open stretch of highway, enable cruise control, have the female shimmy on over and let the greasing of your piston begin.
CHAIN REACTION: she gives a shitty blowjob > he retaliates by ejaculating in her mouth, (big no-no) > unexpected putrid jizz causes her to gag uncontrollably > heavy coughing puts pressure on already loose anus > splat, a Hershey Kiss is born. Similar video HERE.
This girl is a total nymph. Bang her extra deep and you'll be rewarded with a sound you'd normally only hear in a fucked up Peta video. Hot shit. Now about this vid - it's from a site called Watch Us Fuck, created by a duo that's been documenting their own sex life since age 18.
Ariana Jollee gets a tad bit emo on the set of Neo Pornographia 2 after receiving a bitchslap 'one million times harder' that what she was expecting. This quote sums it up pretty well: "this is sex, this isnt fucking beating people". I think she's on to something here.
Tim Hortons. Some go for the coffee. Others go just to fuck in the parking lot. This couple prefers to do both.. and in opposite order. First the wifey is doused in jizz. Then they hit up the drive thru for burgers and show n' tell - with her face still covered cum of course.
Notice Tom Byron (dude on bottom) does all the thrustin, while the noob on top sits idle? Apparently the sensation of having another man's cock rubbing against your own proved all too much for this 1st timer. He immediately premature busts... and it lands all over Tom Byron's poor cock n balls!
The smaller the girl, the smaller the vagina. It's a pretty straightforward concept.. and it's officially now defunct thanks to this 91 pounds of pure skank. I'll put it plainly... looking into her twat gives me vertigo. It's that bad.
Low res versions of this have been floating around the web for some time, so this might be old for some of you. Never the less, efukt has secured the HD version... so you can now watch Sindee Jennings puke her brains out in the absolutely highest quality available.
Hobo Jones coughs up 5 singles for a back alley knob-slob. Takes all but 23 seconds to reach climax, at which point he immediately helps himself to a full refund by forcefully robbing her and running for dear life... leaving her in the dust with a mouthful of bum cum! Instant classic.
There's only 2 people in the world that cant tell when they're being anally penetrated. Stephen Hawking.. and this girl. She's 19, anti masturbation and dumber than a Billy Goat crossbred with Tila Tequila. She also wants to be a pornstar. God bless.
Rylie Richman says she never does anal. IMO, that's about as probable as Amy Winehouse hosting the Indy 500 inside her vagina but okay. In this clip, she puts her internal organs to the test by fucking a black guy who's got a cock the size of an ewok. An already bad situation is made worse when said Ewok cock slides up the wrong orifice.
Tory Lane has two rules. Dont touch her tattoos & dont beat the shit out of her face. Talk about high standards.. but this fiery eyed slut isnt fucking around . One of her costars decides to test her anyway, resulting in a brief but epic rage quit.