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Daughter Of The Year 2

Hot ass outtake from Bring Um Young 27 in which a pornstar rings her mom as she takes it up the ass. Check out the full DVD to catch a separate outtake of some crazy bitch making small talk with grandma after getting DP'ed. Good stuff.

5,273,263 views 08/17/10 LULZ

Happy Ending Fail

Dude tries to land a happy ending at the local Korean massage parlor but has difficulty getting past the language barrier. Even a hilarious visual demonstration fails to get his point across. See his previous attempt HERE.

5,209,382 views 08/17/10 LULZ

Girl Orgasms Via Rollercoaster

I love how the dude stops laughing and goes completely silent once he realizes his girlfriend wasn't joking about having an orgasm. Sorry Peter, your cock just got one-upped by a cheap carnival ride. HUMILIATION.

3,016,496 views 08/11/10 Orgasms

Attention Whore In Compton

Fat assed black bitch gets swarmed by horndogs as she strolls through the neighborhood in a new swimsuit she jacked from Ross Dress For Less. At the 10 second mark you can hear someone say "yous so beautiful... I wanna cry". haha.

2,614,790 views 08/09/10 Groped

Comfort Fail

Sativa Rose has a breakdown and walks off set after finding herself overwhelmed by the half dozen cocks she was assigned to fuck. Fortunately the cameraman was kind enough to lend some emotional support: in the form of some surprise butt sex!

3,837,950 views 08/05/10 Fail

Dont Slap The Titties!

This is an outtake from Rough Sex 2 where Regan Starr has a breakdown after some dude goes all Mr. Miyagi on her flapjacks. I absolutely LOVE how her asshole is randomly gaping in the beginning of the scene. Lucky bitch will never know the pains of constipation. NEVER.

2,456,964 views 08/03/10 Fail

She Hates Gangbangs

I bet you 5 bucks and the remainder of my turkey pot pie that this bitch had no clue she'd be fucking Benjamin Franklin (visible at the 4 second mark) & Doogie Howser (1.24 mark) when she volunteered to do a 300 man gangbang. You can literally see the regret in her eyes from start to finish. CLASSIC.

4,035,753 views 07/28/10 LULZ

Nice Plates

This was mailed in just the other day by a fan of the site. It's not his car. He stumbled upon it just by chance. What are the odds?

279,288 views 07/27/10

Awesome Fail

I dont know whats more fucked up: the fact that he's boning a woman older than jesus or how the enjoyment he gets from it leaves him socially retarded and unable to saying anything more than "AWESOME!". This is what happens when you use Craigslist to get your dick wet you dirty motherfuckers.

3,911,668 views 07/26/10 LULZ

Cheating Fail

Grandpa Willy's sexual escapade is derailed after the Mrs. makes an unexpected visit to his dungeon of spunk. After unleashing a fit of rage, a wild herd of Ukrainian crackwhores appear out of nowhere and make a run for the front door. One doesn't seem to make it. LOL.

4,680,504 views 07/21/10 Busted!

Twig Girl

She's flat broke, has the body of a malnutritioned Ethiopian and travels via duffle bag. If those arent the quintessential ingredients for a Japanese pornstar, I don't know what is. Now save up some yen and buy a fucking happy meal already.

4,182,808 views 07/20/10 JAVHD Asians

Persistance Fail

Cute pornstar gracefully rejects her partners attempts at anal penetration but the dumbfuck doesn't seem to get the message.

3,844,724 views 07/19/10 Fail

Stripper Pwns Her Audience

Stripper fills her colon up to the brim with some cheap booze and takes aim at all the assholes that didn't tip her. I have to say, as an owner of Super Soaker Aqua Blaster 2000, I'm impressed. Bitch knows how to work it.

2,967,877 views 07/14/10 Strippers

Barebacking Gone Wrong

Meet your new idol. He's got more visible STD's than a Compton crackwhore and still manages to pull bitches with ease. This particular skank is a prime example. She sucks his cock as if those warts are Summer fresh blueberries. GAG.

2,165,634 views 07/13/10 Bizarre

Threesome Fail

Dude gets kicked out of a sex club after breaking an unwritten rule against blowing your load on other people's girlfriends. Yep. You can slam fuck her till she screams bloody murder, just dont get any semen on her brah. Shit aint cool.

3,712,667 views 07/12/10 Fail

DP Fail

One in the pink, another in the stink. That was the plan up until Gilligian and his clumsy noodle fucked it all up. You see, his cock fell off course and wandered south, resulting in an unexpected double vadge penetration - a sex move that didn't even exist at the time. Why are the most important discoveries in life always accidental?

2,675,235 views 07/12/10 Fail

The Daughter Of The Year

Pornstar demonstrates her multitasking proskillz by calling up mommy and holding a conversation as she chows down on a can of man-ass. Divided attention really ain't all that bad.

4,386,968 views 07/09/10 LULZ

Crying Over Fake Cum

This is Tory Lane. She's already been on eFukt twice before pulling the exact same shit... but this time her bitch-fit is a bit unwarranted. Some fake cum (apparently made from sugar) accidentally ends up in her hair and she nearly breaks into tears over it.

2,660,796 views 07/04/10 Earl Miller Fail

Gay Thugs Ruin Porno Shoot

A fist fight breaks out just before a mass interracial orgy was set to take place. Dolemite subdues one of the offenders by infiltrating his underpants and obtaining a vice-like grip on the dudes cornhole. Technique courtesy of San Quentin state prison.

3,367,349 views 07/01/10 Fights

She HATES Blowjobs LOL

When you weigh as much as the couch you're nesting on... performing fellatio is practically considered "exercise". Naturally she's not a fan. What's special though is her mock enthusiasm right at the end. You can literally see calories being burned as she imitates the standard pornstar approach to sucking dick. It's mesmerizing.

2,229,254 views 06/27/10 LULZ
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