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Delivery Dude Jizzes His Pants

This is Holly Hanna. She's 19, hot as fuck, and has a penchant for giving Papa John's employee's epic boners. Today she ups the stakes by not only answering the door butt fuckin nekkid, but with a dildo crammed up her little turd cutter. Pay a visit to her page and show some love.

4,556,487 views 05/23/11 Exhibition

Faces Of Bukkake

Todays learnings: homeless people have yellow semen, 400 pound fluffers are counterproductive, line cutting at bukakke shoots is socially acceptable, and watching female photographers belittle Hispanic participants is strangely erotic. That's that.

2,953,954 views 05/02/11 American Bukkake Fail

The Pink Taco

Up close look at a woman experiencing a clitoral orgasm, followed by some heavy vaginal contractions. Shit, I almost sound like a legitimate doctor. I wonder if anyone would take the bait if I made a craigslist post offering free gyno exams? College girls only.

2,478,530 views 03/12/11 Orgasms

Hart Breaker

Adult modeling. The only industry where knowing how to suck dick supercedes spelling and grammar.

1,060,362 views 12/17/10

Earthworm Jim

A parasite most commonly found in dog shit has taken up residence in the cornhole of this Salvadoran hooker. Not much of a step up but what's amazing is how this dumb bitch shits it out in the middle of her pay-per-view camshow without even realizing it. NOE ES BUENO.

2,812,915 views 06/17/10 LULZ

Rectal Control Fail

She's in the middle of an all-girl bukkake shoot when her cornhole opens up and gives birth to a raisinette. Not only does this dirty slut pick it up and attempt to hide it, but she then continues to rub her snatch with the same fuckin hand. NICE 1 LADY!

3,254,426 views 03/30/10 Squirt Bukkake Fail

Enthusiasm Fail

Congratulations on managing to fit your entire fist up your wife's tuna casserole. It's quite the lifetime achievement. Now if only you would quiet the fuck down and learn to expand your vocabulary some!

1,946,839 views 03/23/10 Fisting

Rough Sex Fail

Some professionmal pipe layers right here. Too bad the only thing they made sore was her ear drums. Skreeem bitch skreeem!

1,884,225 views 11/09/09 LULZ

A Unique Friendship

Way too homoerotic for my taste, but I did get a laugh out of his 'grand finale' and the excessive use of the word "bro". Watch all the way through and you'll understand.

1,425,478 views 07/02/09 Bizarre

Extreme Anal Maintenance

God damn. If only my girlfriend shared her habits... maybe then I wouldn't end up with shit in my urethra 3 times a week.

1,906,960 views 07/01/09 Bizarre

1 Guy 1 Screwdriver

Poor fella. First his cornhole and now his jimmy jammy. Only one sexual organ left to destroy - el huevos. See ya in another 3 months buddy. Okay now all of you go join the eFukt forum. The dude in these videos posts on there. For realz.

3,515,067 views 04/19/09 Extreme

Prehistoric Fap Master

I'm nearly certain he's playing Team Fortress Classic. Glad to know I'm not the only one who gets a fat boner from spawn killing.

556,722 views 03/30/09

Let Yo Dick Swang

I wonder how often he accidentally breaks a girls nose doing all that high speed cock slapping? or does that only happen when the bitch stiffs him on his much deserved dollar tip?

1,653,575 views 02/11/09 Strippers

Ouch! My Cock!

Looks like women aren't the only ones to suffer injuries on the sets of porno shoots. Professional taco stuffers have a few occupational hazards of their own. I suppose that as long rectal prolapses aren't on that list, being a stunt cock is still my dream job.

1,767,103 views 02/04/09 Fail

Oops, My Pussy Farted

It's only blooper if it involves a prolapse or someone unwantedly getting poo on their wang. That's the eFukt standard, you all know that. But for this, I just had to make an exception.

1,497,285 views 12/29/08 Fail

The Dumbest Sex Device Ever Built

That doesn't even look too fun. Her tits look like tomatoes on the verge of exploding. I never realized breasts were so durable. Not only do they come in handy for whatever the fuck you'd call this shit, but they also serve as excellent punching bags. They're multipurpose, unlike my penis.

1,498,257 views 12/28/08 Bizarre

Heroin Erotica

Proactive acne wash. Buy some.

857,590 views 12/13/08

Amputee Porn Gone Bad

All the things that made amputee porn so great just got shitted on by whoever made this so called 'erotic film'. Amputee porn is about disabled, submissive (and usually defenseless) women being fucked by men with exceedingly large penises. I refuse to have it any other way.

2,465,172 views 12/10/08 Amputee

Take It Easy On Her Ass

or you just might bust it open, similair to THIS, and dats not berry nice, snarf snarf! (Yes, this is a repost. I got about 2 dozen emails from people wanting to see the full version, which is only like a minute longer but okay here it is!)

5,773,640 views 11/18/08 Painal

Cleaning Has Never Been More Fun

Fuck, that's a hell of a way to mop a floor. It's inspiring really. So how exactly would one apply this kind of creativity to cleaning up their bathroom? I've got shit stains on my toilet dating back from 1997 and the only way I'm gonna get off my ass and do something about it is if it involves a naked woman.

2,324,331 views 11/03/08 Bizarre
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