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14,794 views 10/13/23 LULZ

Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar 7

Saw X will be out by the time this is posted. You can't name 5 ways it's better than this. #bet

957,036 views 10/02/23 Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar

Strip Clubs Have Evolved

Here’s another horrifying example of simp culture; The pussification of the hopeless male in the form of extracurricular CBT. What the fuck is going on here? Ogling strange women at the tune of a months worth of paychecks used to be a respectable form of entertainment. Now? Its just another girl boss moment.

712,102 views 09/14/23 Groped

Cum Hating Pornstars

The supply of seminally apathetic women is never-ending.

1,776,949 views 09/07/23 Cum Haters

Unacceptable Devices VII

Irrationally sized flobberweavels, a urethra that's suffered more abuse than whoever the fuck bought Barstool for $500 mil and the recreation of a classic in glorious high(er) definition. Don't think of this as the balanced breakfast you need, think of it as the one you deserve.

1,825,293 views 08/24/23 Unacceptable Devices

Incredible Acts, Depraved Humans 6

One of these days I'm going to edit some OC home videos into this series. A spirited evening behind a Tim Horton's dumpster specifically comes to mind. She had the kind of lips that swung around like a basset hound's ears during a tropical storm. I never looked at recycling the same again. MORE: [-1-] [-2-] [-3-] [-4-] [-5-]

2,059,078 views 08/17/23 Incredible Acts, DEPRAVED HUMANS

This is How Juggalos Procreate

Traditional association with Juggalos tends to be littered with words like disfigured and faygo and the aroma of a Sudanese outhouse... but not today. I'll bet my bottom dollar underneath all of that Walmart makeup, Krustina the Klown is a girl worth getting to know. Support them [-HERE-] and [-HERE-]

1,115,130 views 08/14/23 Crazy

Anal Ends Career Before it Begins

Honest. Natural. Doesn't run more filters on herself than an industrial fish tank. Cindy had all the tools to become the next big thing. But 20 seconds into some Sacramento turtlenecking & she's out the door quicker than me watching Fast X. Want to steal his look? [-BUY A SHIRT-]

1,748,052 views 07/10/23 Backroom Casting Couch Mildly Retarded

The Absolute Worst of Pornhub V

A rousing assembly of women that don't believe teh night is over until their clout levels have reached unmeasurable proportions. Reminiscent of a reoccurring dream I keep having involving Brock Lesnar and Long John Silver’s Cocktail Sauce.

1,656,405 views 06/15/23 The Worst of Pornhub

Cum Haters 2023B

Browse the catalogue of Day-1 pornstars long enough and you're sure to end up finding women that treat getting hit with a couple of snowballs is akin to being put in front of a North Korean firing squad. And today my friends, there is no exception. More here.

1,457,039 views 06/08/23 Cum Haters

The Worst of OnlyFanz VI

I want to admire their passion, but the Jurassic Park remake around the 0:40 second mark is in severe danger of receiving a cease and desist. Discover more reasons to keep that $19.99 in your pocket every month [-HERE-].

990,051 views 06/01/23 The Worst of OnlyFanz

Real Cowboy Shit

♫18 naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch ♫ Big, hard, throbbing cocks wanting to be sucked ♫ 18 naked cowboys wanting to be fucked ♫ Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch

944,902 views 05/29/23 WTF

Unacceptable Devices VI

Before you ask why the mutant at 1:05 is included, I want you to take a good long look at that weapon of mass destruction. With those dimensions you'd think his question mark lookin ass would be too busy fighting Peter Pan instead of driving the female community to abstinence.

2,234,854 views 05/25/23 Unacceptable Devices

Show Off 3

22,729 views 05/05/23 Big Dicks

Awkward Moments in Porn 15

A baffling assortment of eccentric freaks so confusing out of place, you'll think you're watching the new Scream movie. There's a time and place for everything... except tag teaming a $1,000 dollar Queen's Blade figurine. That's a permanent no from me dawg.

1,637,242 views 05/01/23 Awkward Moments In Porn

Stacked and Socially Awkward 18-year-old

Admittedly the carb walrus she's costarring with may have her beat in the embarrassment department, but she's not far behind in this race. If anything at all for offsetting what may be the greatest set of natural tits ever documented by having the face of Jaden Smith. It can not be unseen.

2,419,649 views 04/20/23 HeavyOnHotties Awkward Moments In Porn

Fast, Furious and Fucked Up

Nothing says reinventing a franchise quite like admitting to the world that you have a fetish even the truckers of America aren't paying for in Walmart parking lots. Now give this so many views, The Rock won't be able to turn down being in the sequel.

1,364,255 views 04/13/23 Czech Casting Mildly Retarded

One Hitter Quitters: A Compilation

If any of you ever want to launch one of those "Top 10 Ways to Make a Girl Break up With You" kind of blogs, make sure some of these specimens are on the list. Somewhere in between Fortnite themed flip flops, and listening to Ed Sheeran.

1,906,410 views 04/10/23 Cum Haters

Married Woman vs. Anal Casting

Think your marriage is in trouble? Time to reevaluate things, Ham Hock. Today we have a pioneer of female empowerment that does it all. And by all I mean a.) buttsex b.) buttsex while wearing her wedding ring and admitting it on camera. yikes = big

2,192,393 views 04/06/23 Backroom Casting Couch Anal
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