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Intergalactic Pussy Invasion

Start Door Dashing your scottish woodcocks, and fire up the Tay Tay playlist because you're about to witness the pinnacle of crossbreeding the Starship Troopers prequel we never got with a porn studio that actually has funding. Ridley Scott; Take notes.

700,969 views 02/21/25 Horror Porn Bizarre

36 Inches, No Fears

If you think that number is talking about hog dimensions, you will be sorely mistaken. It seems this attraction has stricter height limitations than Six Flag's El Toro. You gotta measure less than 4 feet tall, well-versed in THOTology and be next in line for a fight with Jake Paul. Brutal. Part 1 [HERE] Part 2 [HERE] Support [HERE]

1,854,387 views 02/01/24 Mildly Retarded

The Luckiest Virgin On Earth

What in the cornbread skidmark hell is going on with this generation? Once upon a time having the genetic configuration of a Madagascar tomato frog would limit your partners to Walmart shoppers. Now? No one even pumps the brakes. Support [HERE] [HERE] and [HERE]

1,854,561 views 11/27/23 Bizarre

Intergalactic Virgin Finally Has Sex

If you're one of the lucky ones that isn't polluted by the shear amount of shit on TikTok and/or Instagram, let me introduce you to [BabyAlien111]. A 23 year old virgin that has been g(r)ifted a life changing experience by [Ari Alectra]. You can buy the full video [HERE].

1,854,676 views 09/21/23 Virgins

Energy Drinks and Alien Sex

A caffeine addicted, amateur paranormal scientist returns home after an experiment to make contact with beings outside of earth has presumably failed.

1,585,141 views 02/21/20 Pure Taboo LULZ

The Desperate Doctor

My gut instinct tells me the era of slasher movies is dead when the practical effects guys start taking on jobs like this. The Friday the 13th reboot was bad. Cult of Chucky sucked. The new Halloween might work... but nothing can prepare you for this alternate ending to Fire in the Sky.

2,036,355 views 07/02/18 Horror Porn Bizarre

Alien Orgasm

150,015 views 03/08/16

Alien Birth 2

126,958 views 08/05/14

Alien Birth 1

117,154 views 08/05/14

The Biggest Whore In History

For a hooker/pornstar, she honestly seems like one of the nicest people ever. Even if her butthole looks like the queen alien from "Starship Troopers" and possibly carries multiple strains of the same venereal diseases.

3,770,738 views 02/16/14 Ava Devine Hookers

The 24 Year Old FEMALE Virgin II

What's life's greatest mystery? god? aliens? why Lionsgate allows Tyler Perry to continue directing films? How about how the fuck this 46 year old poster boy for NAMBLA managed to pull a Russian model half his age, only to vow abstinence for half a fucking decade?

4,267,730 views 01/06/12 Ed Powers Virgins

A Vagina Within A Vagina

Double decker taco. Kinda looks like the mouth of the xenomorph from the Alien series. A wee bit nasty but I'd still let her sit on my face.

1,638,160 views 03/24/09 Beef Curtains

The Inner Demon

The first thing that came to mind was the chest burster scene from Alien. The second thing that came to mind was the giant worm-like monsters from Tremors. You see where I'm going with this? Put those two together and you have what this woman's asshole looks like. Swear to fuck I saw some teeth.

1,419,770 views 12/01/08 Prolapse

Chest Burster Porn

Glad to see Alien 5 is well underway.

994,849 views 11/30/08

Youre Doing It Wrong

Wrong hole? No not quite. More like wrong fucking direction. His cock nearly pierces through the piece of skin seperating her ass from her pussy. Remember the 'chestburster' scene from Alien? Just watch...

1,962,787 views 09/15/08 Bizarre

Extraterrestrial Orgy

I decided to post that last bit of the ET sextape. Elliot is probably fapping to this right now, I know I am. See more alien porn HERE and HERE.

970,986 views 06/04/08 Parody

E.T. Alien Sex 2

E.T. is back and this time around she gets fucked silly by a man. I hope she doesn't get pregnant!

2,676,476 views 06/04/07 Parody

E.T. Alien Sex 1

All things considered, E.T's pussy don't look that bad. If you had the chance, would you fuck her?

1,793,618 views 06/03/07 Parody
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