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Archiving those special moments that you really want to bring up during Thanksgiving dinner, but can't because grandpa's WW2 trauma is still a sensitive topic. Bullshit.

Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar 4

If you've ever powered through Fred Durst's 2019 classic "The Fanatic" then nothing will seem out of place. For the other 99.999% of the population: Prepare to be subjected to the kind of cringe Saturday Night Live has been filling their diaper with for the past 2 decades. And tits.

2,364,656 views 10/06/14 Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar

Thot Hilariously Ruins Cum Shot

This is a pretty amazing scene right up until the point when it becomes one of the best cum shot fails of all time. Imagine the glorious feeling of having your penis sucked -- now imagine that feeling being destroyed right when it counts.

5,506,018 views 09/27/14 NubileFilms LULZ

The Trolling of a Discount Hooker

From the clearance section of comes an escort sporting bed bugs, a wonky titty, and a heart of gold. Her entire scene is just one giant cluster fuck disaster of fail and it's beautiful.

3,700,469 views 09/01/14 Broke Model LULZ

Lexi Belle Has A Breakdown

A scene gets a little too intense for Lexi when her costar bitch slaps the valtrex out of her face. After which her costar turned assailant keeps asking her "are you ok?"

4,219,665 views 08/11/14 Breakdowns

How To Have Cyber Sex!

Many, many years ago, in the days of old known as 1997, an instructional VHS was forged. Watch and learn how to master the art of one handed typing with post-aspergers Winnie Cooper from the "Wonder Years".

1,420,314 views 07/31/14 LULZ

The Ratchet Compilation [2]

Another edition featuring triflin' ass hoes, hood rats of all kinds and a singing crack head with erectile problems. They call him Uncle Jim and he can do any unskilled miscellaneous task for the low-low.

2,774,544 views 07/20/14 LULZ

When Fapping Goes Wrong

Although this scene of Gianna Micheals finger banging herself had to be cut short after only 4 mins, Gianna proves once again how badass she is and just finishes the scene best she can.

3,476,656 views 07/01/14 LULZ

Daughter of the Year

There was a Russian potter, that had a Russian daughter, that one day fucked a man and told him about her father. The Russian man, who was a Fan, was never more proud of his daughter.

3,665,813 views 06/24/14 LULZ

The Most Obnoxious Cameraman in Porno History

To find a man truly worthy of this title we must dig deep into the early days of internet pornography. A time when potato quality was top notch and only took 2 hours to download.

2,582,588 views 06/14/14 Bang Bus Bang Bus Chronicles

Awkward Moments In Porn 3

"Fuck me in the ass based god", reluctantly said the state puff marshmallow woman, as he thrusted his black penis deeper into her gooey marsh-mallowy hole.

4,556,534 views 05/16/14 Awkward Moments In Porn

Prostitute Daughter with Vaginalitis

This little gem won several local awards in Yugoslavia for most realistic plot, best dialogue, and even most influential male and female role model.

2,035,156 views 05/01/14 LULZ

Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar 3

The amazing thing? Multiple people thought these were good ideas and put a whole lot of effort into them. I.E. the guy who had to cut a dick hole in a giant Wheaties box or the man controlling the giant octopus dildo tentacles.

2,334,529 views 04/16/14 Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar

I Haz a Breakdown

Scene's over and it's time to go home... but first this starlet has a complete mental unraveling. Her tears and plight do little more than generate awkward lulz and kill the mood for the next girl.

2,255,601 views 04/11/14 Breakdowns


Backpage's finest goes by "daddy's baby anal queen" and she aspires for greatness via her butthole. The only problem is she hates anal and her possibly worm-infested colon is so tight, it's like trying to fit an elephant in a Safeway bag.

3,304,744 views 03/26/14 Broke Model LULZ

WTF Of The Year

Shy Hungarian eighteen year old with a love for sadistic anal meets up with Rocco. Everything goes pretty fucking good until she pulls off a Hadouken in over-sharing.

4,441,680 views 02/22/14 LULZ

Awkward Moments In Porn 2

Like when you can't think of a description, cuz you realize everything you post is awkward... fuck.

5,701,667 views 01/17/14 Awkward Moments In Porn

Sexually Inexperienced And Terrified

True Blood's Sukki has a ratchet doppelganger that attempted porn and totally hated it. Her debut goes about as smoothly as a psoriasis break out... But unlike psoriasis she never came back and wasn't seen again.

3,968,163 views 12/22/13 Backroom Casting Couch LULZ

The Worst Tits in Porn

Flat-chested girls everywhere rejoice because there's worse things in life than having no tits. You could have weird tits and add implants, leaving you with gigantic weird sideshow tits. And back problems.

3,834,369 views 12/13/13 LULZ

Awkward Guy Ruins Porn Shoot

A socially inept goober gets a job getting jerked off by a hottie and manages to fuck it up, dashing his dreams of porn stardom in the process. It's like the movie Rudy, if Rudy was thrown out the game before ever playing and never scored.

2,860,315 views 12/03/13 LULZ

Ratchet Sex Tape Fails

Ratchet is what you get if a "ghetto hood rat" and a "chicken head" have a fatherless child that becomes a stripper or aspiring rapper with Tupac quotes for tattoo's and eight ratchet kids of their own.

2,320,617 views 11/18/13 LULZ
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