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Fuck In A Box

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117,392 views 12/10/14

Whip It Good

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111,252 views 07/15/14

Lonely Arab REALLY Wants Free Head

Working the graveyard shift usually sucks Golden Retriever dick, but it's not entirely absent of perks. During my tenure at the 24 hour Rite Aid, I enjoyed a 10% increase in pay and unadulterated access to the ice cream station. But as for complimentary blowjobs from tresspassing prostitutes... that one's all up to this smooth talking Apu.

2,374,230 views 02/19/12 LULZ

Clam Chowder

Check her twat at the 1.55 mark. After no more than 15 seconds of diddling her clit, shit becomes the Niagra Falls of vaginal discharge. Camera dude says it's cum. I have 5 bucks and case of diet Mr. Pibb that says it's forgotten creampie from yesteryear.

5,030,519 views 01/14/12 Bangbros LULZ

Sybian Morphs Crazy Slut Into Crazier Slut

I'm pretty sure I've just uncovered a new dialect. I shall dub it 'crackwhorian'. Much like Spanglish - it cannot be taught, only evoked. Japanese electronics and bull whip required.

5,326,789 views 10/09/11 Orgasms

Creampie Fail

8 ounces of negro boner brew emptied directly into the cunt gutter. Classy. Problem is.. when time comes to expel the cream filling, an off-menu item plops out along with it. Camerawoman goes completely mute after realizing wtf she's just filmed. Hilarious.

4,103,613 views 01/29/11 Fail

Threesome Fail

Dude gets kicked out of a sex club after breaking an unwritten rule against blowing your load on other people's girlfriends. Yep. You can slam fuck her till she screams bloody murder, just dont get any semen on her brah. Shit aint cool.

3,713,444 views 07/12/10 Fail

Pornstars + Crazy = WIN

There's something truly captivating about the tap dancing, bug eyed bitch at the 20 second mark. Her facial expression just screams "butt rape me till I poo blood." Definitely girlfriend material.

4,342,155 views 05/10/10 Party Hardcore LULZ

Cornhole Destruction

She screams "ow!" 87 times in the span of 3 minutes. The quality may be crap but you really cant complain with numbers like that.

2,396,931 views 02/22/10 Painal

Gang Member Of The Year

He's about as good at rapping as I am at convincing fat chicks on Myspace that my semen tastes like Ben & Jerry's cake batter ice cream. Fucking oustanding.

3,443,382 views 12/16/09 LULZ

The Sherminator

Props to the ginger on his pipe laying skills. Honestly haven't heard a woman scream that loud since the time I was caught defecating in front of Blockbuster in protest to late fees accumulated on my rental of The Neverending Story 3 (director's cut). Good times.

1,804,672 views 11/20/09 Orgasms

Anal Creampie From Hell

It's crazy. On the outside, assholes all look the same. But if your rectum was to ever head south & emerge as a pink-sock... you'd quickly find that much like the butt plugs in Oprah Winfrey's sextoy collection, they come in all shapes, sizes and colors. 4 years of running a porn site and that's about all I've learned.

1,853,390 views 11/11/09 Prolapse

Cleanup On Orifice Number 1

This is a fetish known as 'cuckold cleanup'. Usually it involves a closet homosexual who gets off on pimpin his wife out to random strangers. Often the husband will sit in the corner and actually videotape as his significant other gets pounded by foreign cock. Once the creampie has been injected, it's like 'all you can eat' night at Red Lobster. Yum yum eat em up.

1,604,837 views 02/21/09 Cuckold

WTF Vagina

Her twat is shaped perfectly like a sphere, and I spy cream filling. Trim down the forrest and I'd probably have a taste.

826,327 views 11/30/08

The Effects Of Interracial Sex

This dude screams as if his hand just got hacked off Blood Diamond style, either that or he just found out KFC discontinued their awesome $4.99 12 piece honey chicken meal deal. Take your pick. And sorry if this is a repost, I'm short on time. I've got a date with an 19 year old diabetic in 45 minutes. We're gonna watch Jumanji and play truth or dare at my moms house. Jealous? That's what I thought, faggot.

2,583,939 views 11/27/08 Orgasms

The Creampie

Nothing says revenge like like mixing bodily fluids into the foods of others. Think about how much spit, piss, shit and semen you've unwittingly ingested at the hands of motherfuckers like this. Processed food 4 life.

1,787,299 views 10/13/08 Bizarre

He Cums In 5 Seconds Flat

His girlfriend doesn't sound too happy about his poor performance between her legs. They have anesthetic creams that work wonders for premature ejaculation. I'd say buy some.

2,338,563 views 05/20/08 Premature

Creamy Vagina

Look, her pussy is oozing all over his cock. I bet you'd love to lick up that pussy juice you dirty fuck.

2,696,961 views 03/24/08 Amateur

Intense Orgasm

Listen to this dude go. Judging by his scream I'd guess someone stuck a cactus up his ass.

2,295,512 views 12/09/07 Ridiculous Orgasms

Screaming Butt Fuck

Asian slut screams as she gets ass fucked with no lube. Okay enough with the anal videos now.

2,429,221 views 11/29/07 Painal
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