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Mongloid Gets Some Pussy

A retarded freak finally loses his virginity to some skanky blonde. It's eighties porn at it's finest lol.

1,280,696 views 11/20/07 Bizarre

Family Fuck 1

Eighties porn is the best, anything with incestial themes goes down as a classic in my book.

3,426,189 views 07/19/07 Vintage

Riley Mason Nearly Crushes Dude's Nuts

So Riley Mason has a pee fetish. In this clip she tries to piss on a guy but she fucks up big time.

2,373,936 views 03/11/07 Fail

Japanese Cow Gut Porn

Get a camera, a naked chick, and 300 pounds of cow guts and you got yourself Japanese porn!

1,864,092 views 12/27/06 Asians
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