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The 2 Million Scoville Orgasm

Monetizing your vagina only has a few rules: Minimal trips to Home Depot, and keep the clitoris away from all things with the name "Husqvarna" on them. Not a hard list, but this MFC alumni decides to test fate another way, resulting in a semi-rage quit. GGNORE.

2,165,052 views 05/14/19 Camwhores

Jack the Ripper

Some men need oral stimulation to get off. Others, a $20 shopping spree at Buffalo Wild Wings. And then there's this Vlad the Impaler lookin' mother fucker who needs nothing more than basic silverware to send his himself over the big-O rainbow. Hint: May be better enjoyed while listening to this classic piece.

1,289,423 views 03/12/19 Extreme

Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar 5

Volume #5 in a collection of videos that Charlie Sheen would be ashamed to attach his name to. And without even a single appearance from a graduate of the Woodman School of Rectology, that's saying something.

2,244,897 views 03/06/19 Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar

Fan of the Year: You're Doing it RIGHT

Carl Sagan said it couldn't be done. Mythbusters ignored our requests to do an episode on it. But thanks to NEGATIVE DOLL we finally have definitive proof that fan videos can be fucking awesome #REACHFORTHESTARS

2,213,754 views 08/19/18 Teen

My Life Without A Cock

Meet Trent Gates, A self-described 22 year old gay non-binary "null" gender powerbottom twink that runs a website that features helpful how to's, info, videos and even an entire community based around cutting off your genitals,

8,765,174 views 05/13/18 WTF

Blame it on Mother Nature

She's having problems of the ovarian variety and it's about to fuck your day up. My defense? eFukt lacks videos for the female demographic. You already know where this is going.

2,038,235 views 05/05/18 Nasty

Homo Attempts Straight Porn

Steven Daigle is the gay dude that got kicked off "Big Brother 10" and went on to fucking dudes on video for a job. Except for this scene, where he hilariously has an epic hetero pornstar threesome.

3,317,258 views 05/10/16 SG4GE Famous

Million To One Shot

Full Scene Here

131,846 views 12/20/15

She Wanted To Be A Drummer

138,059 views 12/19/15

Chaturbate Threesome Leads to Fight

This self-titled pimp from Arkansas goes by "Mrlongstroke2015" and today he has invited two ratchets over for a threesome show. One problem: the girls just beat him up.

2,410,686 views 12/14/15 Fights

Flipper Boy

He may be mentally challenged and physically deformed to the point of handicap, but he's had a threesome and I haven't. A true inspiration to all and possibly the anti-hero our generation needs.

4,182,911 views 10/15/15 Mildly Retarded

Teacher Of The Millennium

She's junior college educated, has a rack to premature ejaculate for, and isn't afraid to slob on the knob after her partner takes a trip to cornhole city. Superintendent Jackoff & Co can hate all they want, this angel is a keeper. Read the story HERE. See her nastiest videos in the source.

4,756,378 views 03/09/12 LULZ

OOPS! I Accidentally Sodomized You!

If there's one thing that never fails to get a fuckload of clicks - it's videos of unexpected butt love. So here's 8 of em. That's right, EIGHT, as in the number of times I defecated after eating crab wontons at P.F. Changs. Enjoy.

7,372,524 views 01/22/12 Wrong Holes

Threesome Gone Bad

James Deen slings his gentleman juice down one mouth too many in this tragic outtake from Tonsil Hockey. Moral of the story is simple. Never leave your piehole agape when you're on the business end of a 12 inch cock. haha.

3,952,794 views 08/10/11 Fail

Porn Noob Pwns Himself

Big fat curved penis sends a fresh wad of home cooked Twinky filling right back into the face of it's creator. It's not a problem I expect to incur any time soon but I do retain faith in the bottle of Extenze my sister so kindly purchased me last xmas. Similar videos HERE & HERE.

2,837,695 views 04/19/11 Fail

Priceless O-Face

Another one of those videos where some pornstar is left flopping around like Terri Schiavo on speed after experiencing the Optimus Prime of all orgasms. This chick takes it a step further, introducing Human Bobblehead Mode at the 1:55 mark. All sorts of awesome.

4,901,942 views 01/09/11 Device Bondage Ridiculous Orgasms

Pornstar Cries Over Insult

Lesbo threesome goes sour after the alpha bitch of the group deliberately tries to humiliate the newcomer via repeatedly requesting that she douche - essentially declaring that the noob's twat smells and/or tastes like shit. I laughed.

1,783,766 views 12/27/10 Fail

38 Years Without Ejaculation

In retrospect, "I Make It Rain" by Lil Wayne would've been a more appropriate soundtrack... but I think you get the idea. Check out more epic ballsack videos @

5,636,280 views 10/18/10 Bizarre

Exhibitionist Fail

You see all these videos of dudes intentionally getting caught beating off by maids. Jolly good fun. Then you have this sad motherfucker... dressed up like Little Bo Peep and chowing down on a 15 inch rubber cock. Way to kill the trend. Thanks guy.

2,165,464 views 09/16/10 Exhibition
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