Someone somewhere thought it would be really great to make a 70 minute porn film set in the Victorian era about a guy with a dick for a nose. Today we honor men like that and the amazing master-pieces of shit they produce.
For the greater good of porn these basement dwelling wannabe's need the Lassie treatment. These guys thinking they have what it takes to be porn stars makes as much sense as the story line for "Sharknado".
Hot chicks + social anxiety. It's a phenomenal combination, second only to Mr. Pibb w/ Koala Yummies. Add a degree of sexual inexperience into the mix and you got yourself GF material, provided that they don't first end up in porn like this tard.
Whore #3 is quite adorable. She may not understand the consequences, but her facial expressions certainly have a story to tell.. namely "ouch, that hurts", "please hurry up" and "why in the fuck did I quit my job at Hotdog On A Stick for this shit". Live and learn baby.
Undoubtedly the most erotic thing I've seen since the time my 19 y/o housekeeper cried 'no es bueno' after happening upon my unflushed shitter. Day before was Olive Garden night, fuckin Tour Of Italy. To quote Lil Wayne - I made it rain.
B-hole brutally wrecked at the hands of some Italians, likely won't be able to walk straight for a week. No, this isn't my review for the new Parmesan Crusted Steak @ Olive Garden. This is the infamous Rocco vs. Roxy Jezel scene, and you should watch the uncut version via the source link.
She's junior college educated, has a rack to premature ejaculate for, and isn't afraid to slob on the knob after her partner takes a trip to cornhole city. Superintendent Jackoff & Co can hate all they want, this angel is a keeper. Read the story HERE. See her nastiest videos in the source.
UPDATE: this girl actually emailed me, here's the background story - she lives in a KKK-laden town where 12 inch black wangs are the forbidden fruit. Undeterred, she sought salvation on and ultimately bit off more BBC than her vagina could chew.
Shit lady, as much as I loved you in the finale of Army of Darkness, I really think I could've lived without seeing you get fucked cross eyed by Oscar De La Hoya. This shit nearly left my cock inverted.
Over 40 bukkake shoots and the closest this dude's come to delivering a facial was the time he soiled himself in a dark corner. But today's a game changer. Via the aid of a compassionate fluffer, this orange-haired bastard finally gets a legitimate taste of manhood.
It took 3 years and 117 attempts... but it happened. It finally happened. All he ever wanted was an audience. All she ever intended was to restock toiletries. Somewhere in the middle they found eachother, and from there it was love at first cumshot. Equally amazing video HERE.
Rimjobs - the quintessential stepping stone to full-blown A2M. Most whores have little trouble making it over to the other side of the rainbow - but odds are they weren't paired up with some asshole that forgot how to wipe, as is this guy.
He's got a stage 5 boner on a packed beach and straight up does not give a fuck. They flirt, they kiss, they jerk eachother off like they got 15 seconds left to live. Shits going reeeeal good... that is until... well, you'll see.
CBT - it's generally the next step up for closet homosexuals that require more stimulation than what being fucked in the ass with a palm tree has to offer. I dont normally allow this type of material, but it's hard to say no to a video that features darwinism so prominently. Live & learn goober.
Tim Hortons. Some go for the coffee. Others go just to fuck in the parking lot. This couple prefers to do both.. and in opposite order. First the wifey is doused in jizz. Then they hit up the drive thru for burgers and show n' tell - with her face still covered cum of course.
There's only 2 people in the world that cant tell when they're being anally penetrated. Stephen Hawking.. and this girl. She's 19, anti masturbation and dumber than a Billy Goat crossbred with Tila Tequila. She also wants to be a pornstar. God bless.
The one time Japan decides to not censor the genitals... they cast a girl with a Saarlac for a twat. Didn't see Return of the Jedi? Here's an alternative metaphor: Imagine Gene Simmons face, mouth ajar and tongue extended, reincarnated as Yoko Ono's twat. That ought to do it.
This is Holly Hanna. She's 19, hot as fuck, and has a penchant for giving Papa John's employee's epic boners. Today she ups the stakes by not only answering the door butt fuckin nekkid, but with a dildo crammed up her little turd cutter. Pay a visit to her page and show some love.
Raided grandpa's porno war-chest last night, nabbed a copy of Manhandled 3. Halfway in there's an interesting scene where Steve Homles randomly baits Gianna Michaels into slapping him. Well, she delivers... and it aint no fucking love tap. Lets just say Mr. Homles is less than appreciative of Gianna's sense of humor.