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Grandma, I Just Got DP'ed!

Congratulations. You just got simutaneously bulldozed up the ass and in the twat for a 1 time payment of $350. What will you ever do? A) 3 day stay at Disneyland. B) shopping spree at ROSS, dress for less or C) scar your grandmother for life. This ones easy.

3,507,230 views 04/19/11 Fail

Squirt Fail 2

Shaft and Gilligan combine forces for the greater good - to quite literally fuck the pudding pop out of a $7.25 Tijuana hooker. And this my friends is why cheap motels always use floral bedding - it's essentially camouflage for shit stains.

3,454,342 views 04/05/11 Fail

Lesbian Porn Gone Bad

Kylie Ireland flips the fuck out after champaign-laced saliva (uh-huh) breaches her meat cave and causes discomfort. With 15+ years experience in the industry... you could likely slip a Mini Cooper up her twat without her even noticing... and yet somehow a single loogie results in a tapout? Looks like menopause came 20 years early.

2,567,189 views 03/24/11 Porn's Most Outrageous Outtakes Fail

The Pink Taco

Up close look at a woman experiencing a clitoral orgasm, followed by some heavy vaginal contractions. Shit, I almost sound like a legitimate doctor. I wonder if anyone would take the bait if I made a craigslist post offering free gyno exams? College girls only.

2,477,395 views 03/12/11 Orgasms

Bukkake Fail

Everyone has a breaking point. Hers is 104 consecutive cumshots to the dome. Spill that much seed and she'll rage-quit your shoot and slam the fuck out of your doors like nobody's business. Some people just cant handle their calories.

2,665,779 views 03/09/11 Porn's Most Outrageous Outtakes Fail

Derpy Derp Orgasmo Girl

Short compilation of Chloe Camilla's most over the top, ear deafening climaxes. I really wanna know... is this shit fake? or is it considered normal to perform half assed Taekwondo mid-orgasm?

3,808,925 views 03/07/11 Orgasms

Damaged Goods

Director gets annoyed after discovering the star of his young/innocent themed porno flick is actually a post-crackwhorian guttertramp with a horrendous tattoo right where it counts. That's like casting Steven Segal in a drama about terminally ill lesbians. Some things you just cant pull off, no matter how big your ponytail is.

3,297,223 views 03/04/11 Porn's Most Outrageous Outtakes Fail

Fuck Me Like You're Mad

Trashy blonde high off Febreeze channels some standard white-woman rape fanatasies through her dearly beloved Cletus, with the help of an industrial strength Afro dildo. But the real trophy here isnt her orgasm. It's his. Herpa derp, double time.

3,763,699 views 03/01/11 Orgasms

Hey Mikey, She HATES It

Curly Sue gets an afternoon snack - one hefty load of farm-fresh cock custard blasted directly into the esophagus, compliments of the house. Let's just say she's less than appreciative.

2,662,136 views 02/23/11 Gag Factor LULZ

Mission Impossible: Dont Cum

Goofy motherfucker works feverishly to prevent his pudding pop from premature eruption, and seemingly succeeds thanks to a few self inflicted cock slaps and more breaks than a Mexican landscaper.

5,379,490 views 02/14/11 Premature

Gangbanged Into Orgasmic Bliss

The sound of interracial lovemaking with Metallica blairing in the backdrop. It's not exactly easy on the ears but if you manage to watch it all the way through... this bitch has a pretty epic chewbaca-like orgasm. just at the end.

3,261,776 views 02/10/11 Orgasms

Guide to Ruining Your Vagina

Is that a miniature propane tank in your pants? or you just happy to see me? Check out her twat in the last pic. Looks like she used a landmine as a tampon. hah.

6,066,005 views 02/10/11 Gallery

Creampie Fail

8 ounces of negro boner brew emptied directly into the cunt gutter. Classy. Problem is.. when time comes to expel the cream filling, an off-menu item plops out along with it. Camerawoman goes completely mute after realizing wtf she's just filmed. Hilarious.

4,100,202 views 01/29/11 Fail

Opposite Day

Shit just got real.

1,476,973 views 01/17/11

Priceless O-Face

Another one of those videos where some pornstar is left flopping around like Terri Schiavo on speed after experiencing the Optimus Prime of all orgasms. This chick takes it a step further, introducing Human Bobblehead Mode at the 1:55 mark. All sorts of awesome.

4,902,935 views 01/09/11 Device Bondage Ridiculous Orgasms

The Art Of Male Stripping

No more vids for a few days. This shit took all week to edit and now I've got a date with my neighbors cleaning lady. She's 18, dont hate. Already got advance tickets to Harry Potter 7. IMAX. Ultimate panty dropper.

2,845,587 views 11/18/10 Strippers

Figging Gone Wrong

Figging is when you insert a piece of ginger root into your anus. It's for those special type of people that like to relive that feeling you get directly after shitting out bad Thai food. Yep, fun stuff but what happens when it gets stuck up your ass? Today you find out.

4,054,417 views 10/21/10 Fucking Machines Fail

38 Years Without Ejaculation

In retrospect, "I Make It Rain" by Lil Wayne would've been a more appropriate soundtrack... but I think you get the idea. Check out more epic ballsack videos @

5,636,779 views 10/18/10 Bizarre

Jabba The Slut

It's too bad they didnt take this a step further and use their crafty CGI to turn her twat into a slab of roast beef the size of a Mini Cooper. Then I couldve actually beat off.

2,109,318 views 10/01/10 Bizarre

Microscope Not Included


529,267 views 09/30/10
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