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It's Impossible To Break Her

In what seems to be a 5-year plan to ultimately rent her asshole out as an airport hangar, [Isis Diamond] has again pushed the envelope on what I would consider "standard rectology". This time, taking uniquewishes' [entire starting line] straight into the promised land.

786,183 views 12/12/24 Pornbox Gape

Two Reichs Make A Wrong

Here it is. Three minutes of the 2nd most apprehensive plot lines that can escape the human brain during a spirited round of Billy Blanks Tae Bo 3-Pack DVD and resistance bands combo set on sale now at Amazon for Black Friday. Use promo code: BERGHOF

636,661 views 11/18/24 Crazy

Monster's Cock Rampage

Got a bunch of requests on the girl's name. And in early 2000's fashion, there's more of them than quarters in a football game. She's Michaelle aka Michelle aka Vanessa aka Victoria aka Viktoria and after [11 scenes] she hightailed it away from the BBC payroll.

1,329,951 views 08/12/24 Bizarre


“Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve.” — Mary Kay Ash

1,036,443 views 07/22/24 Anal

Saving Sea Life

Watching [girls like this] bait the socially inept into a monthly subscription reminds me of a black widow documentary I once accidentally watched for 2 hours. All that's missing is David Attenboroughs voice and an invigorating supply of Cialis.

829,544 views 05/13/24 Kylie Island Teen

36 Inches, No Fears

If you think that number is talking about hog dimensions, you will be sorely mistaken. It seems this attraction has stricter height limitations than Six Flag's El Toro. You gotta measure less than 4 feet tall, well-versed in THOTology and be next in line for a fight with Jake Paul. Brutal. Part 1 [HERE] Part 2 [HERE] Support [HERE]

1,854,904 views 02/01/24 Mildly Retarded

Pure American Immorality

goon cave [plural goon caves] [Internet slang] An area or room dedicated to long masturbation sessions ["gooning"], often featuring a multi-monitor setup showing multiple pornographic contents simultaneously.

That's what Wikipedia tells you. What it doesn't tell you is some of these level 5 knuckle busting crotch goblins will bulldoze their entire savings account just to "expand their caves". So why are Americans singled out in the title? Because after being assaulted by over 500 photos of these demons, I noticed something; Not 1 Asian, Black, Hispanic or Alaskan Eskimo penis could be identified. Meaning this is yet another one of those spirited hobbies cultivated by the west. Feel free to sandwich it between 40 piece McNuggets and The Kardashians. [SOURCE #1] [SOURCE #2]

1,462,263 views 12/18/23 Gallery

Threesomes: You're Doing it Wrong

Before jimmies start rustling, some actual research went into this group. The girl is [Lola Mai]. [Her BF] as cameraman and notorious punching bag [Katie K] rounds out the trio. This is all [consensual], but the recent uptick in torture porn is a tad concerning. Probably has something to do with that damn high fructose corn syrup again. Support them [here] I guess?

2,345,885 views 05/04/23 Crazy

It's Called Evolution, Ever Heard of it?

Don't let her choice in costars fool you: This is a master at work. We all have a calling in this life, and after someone takes her account away I think we all know what her future holds. » networking.

1,300,563 views 03/16/23 WTF

Anorexic Butthole Destroyed by BBC

What's that old saying? The smaller the girl, the tighter the anal? Yeah, well after seeing this desecration of a corpse I'm not so sure anymore. I'll put it this way; you know the Lex Luther Drop of Doom ride at 6 Flags? She doesn't have to pay a cover charge to experience it. It's that bad.

1,963,599 views 09/12/22 Anal

Black And Blue Butthole

120,651 views 02/08/21 WTF

Horrendous Hookers

The downside of trying to get your nut off on a $7 dollar budget? This. Every fucking second of this video is why you should always save 10% of your sheckles and wait to splurge outside of the Black Friday Mental Hospital Manager's Special of expired street meat. #yick

2,458,441 views 11/24/20 Hookers

The Biggest Cuck on Earth Part 2

[MAKE SURE YOU WATCH PART 1 FIRST] Here it is. A live demonstration of what may be the very first evidence that sexually transmitted diseases are a conspiracy. Freddie Mercury: I'm going to get you the justice you deserve.

1,317,989 views 08/20/20 Cuckold

The Biggest Cuck on Earth Part 1

Don't let the dollar store Botox and short circuiting while trying to multiply 2 numbers together fool you: This 1-wife circus act has paved a new way for women across the the globe. Such as illustrated by her conservative body count of 5-fucking-THOUSAND dicks entering her grease trap, sometimes without as much as a Summer's Breeze minge-rinse in-between victims. Make sure you watch Part 2.

3,040,597 views 08/18/20 Cuckold

Downs with the Sickness

Impressive method acting on his part to be honest. He's got that 'my mother, sister and John Deer push mower are all the same person, so I listen to The Black Eyed Peas on vinyl' look down to a science. Unrelated question: Does gonorrhea cancel itself out if you get it twice? Asking for a friend.

2,388,207 views 04/08/19 Mildly Retarded

How to Seduce a Black Woman

Step 1: Have the genetics of a Ugandan warrior Step 2: The good mustard Step 3: Repeat

1,788,871 views 01/11/19 Strippers

Ultra Beta

This is ridiculous. Not 'haha-ridiculous' like a slab of society identifying as non-binary lesbian toaster strudel. Dude has zero reaction to strangers stuffing his girl like a Walmart ham, and here I am just waiting for David Attenborough's explanation as to why.

4,196,221 views 11/14/18 Cuckold

The Black White Supremacist

Apparently Clayton Bigsby has an extended bloodline we were completely unaware of. Practice what you're about to see here & I promise - those pesky NPC'S will never scream "racism" again.

1,436,794 views 10/29/18 LULZ


187,468 views 10/26/18 LULZ

The Cam Whore Awards [2018 Edition]

It's that special time where we honor the internet's most stand out virtual hookers. These clips highlight the dangers, struggles and accomplishments of a profession that's sure to be a future premise of a black mirror episode.

1,938,627 views 02/10/18 Camwhores
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