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I Pwn3d Your Virginity

The skeptics will have a field day with this one.. but try to have faith. It makes for a better fap session. Trust me.

6,367,715 views 01/29/11 Virgins

Money Shot Fail

Dude lets one slip just as he's about to begin blowing his load. This is fucking funny.

4,203,231 views 01/02/11 Fail

Pornstar Cries Over Insult

Lesbo threesome goes sour after the alpha bitch of the group deliberately tries to humiliate the newcomer via repeatedly requesting that she douche - essentially declaring that the noob's twat smells and/or tastes like shit. I laughed.

1,784,718 views 12/27/10 Fail

WOW - Redefining Premature Ejaculation

This is epic. Literally just three pecks on the lips and this dude's load is already more spent than a black man's paycheck. He's the fuckin Prefontaine of premature ejaculation.

4,459,199 views 12/20/10 Kobe Surprise Premature

Bait & Switch

Trio of goobers looking for work get called in to model some piece of shit watch with a stacked broad... who later accuses them of trying to sniff her turd cutter. Bonus at the end.

2,629,226 views 12/05/10 LULZ

Bad Aim

German dude gets blasted in the face by a fat wad of his own man sauce and nearly pukes all over himself. I guess this kinda invalidates that saying "everyone loves their own brand" haha.

2,864,756 views 10/30/10 Fail

Umm... Where's The Condom

This dude is smooth. Real smooth. His technique? Purchasing oversized condoms (Magnums baby) and intentionally letting em slip off during intercourse. As soon as she notices he deploys a familiar line: "your pussy's just too tight". Uh huh.

4,498,426 views 09/22/10 LULZ

Your Pussy Is Too Tight

Dude lasts as long in bed as DMX's acting career. Then tries to blame it on this Hispanic pornstar's supposedly tight pussy. 'Hispanic pornstar' and 'tight pussy'. Two words that really dont belong in the same sentence... but I digress.

4,875,217 views 09/05/10 Bangbros Premature

Happy Ending Fail

Dude tries to land a happy ending at the local Korean massage parlor but has difficulty getting past the language barrier. Even a hilarious visual demonstration fails to get his point across. See his previous attempt HERE.

5,210,606 views 08/17/10 LULZ

Persistance Fail

Cute pornstar gracefully rejects her partners attempts at anal penetration but the dumbfuck doesn't seem to get the message.

3,845,122 views 07/19/10 Fail

Threesome Fail

Dude gets kicked out of a sex club after breaking an unwritten rule against blowing your load on other people's girlfriends. Yep. You can slam fuck her till she screams bloody murder, just dont get any semen on her brah. Shit aint cool.

3,713,311 views 07/12/10 Fail

DP Fail

One in the pink, another in the stink. That was the plan up until Gilligian and his clumsy noodle fucked it all up. You see, his cock fell off course and wandered south, resulting in an unexpected double vadge penetration - a sex move that didn't even exist at the time. Why are the most important discoveries in life always accidental?

2,675,581 views 07/12/10 Fail

Surfer Bro Cums In 30 Seconds!

Stick to riding waves bud. Fucking bitches on camera ain't your thing. #Cowabunga

3,258,092 views 05/18/10 Bang Bus Bang Bus Chronicles

WTF Is That Cum

Lesbo noob is dumbfoudned after her partner lets out a sloppy wet orgasm.

3,400,864 views 04/29/10 Fail

Even Jocks Premature Ejaculate

Contrary to his appearance, endurance really isn't this chumps speciality. His load is spent quicker than a black man's paycheck. To call him a minute-man would be a compliment. But all of that's okay when you have big muscles.

3,037,956 views 04/26/10 Premature

There Goes My Porn Career

Full video available from BangBros.

3,882,757 views 02/06/10 Bangbros Premature

Hung Like Bart Simpson

Dildo Baggins here could've saved himself a lot of embarrassment if he just stayed home and stuck to beating off to reruns of Captain Planet. Now he and his 4 inch celery stick have ended up on the world wide web for all to see and laugh at. Live and learn brooo.

3,860,342 views 11/27/09 FuckTeamFive LULZ

He'll Never Do Porn Again

Failure to achieve erection OR premature ejaculation. Those are the top 2 problems most men face when trying to perform on camera. It's usually one or the other... but in this chumps case - 2 birds are killed with 1 very tiny stone.

3,146,310 views 11/17/09 Premature

Endurance Fail

I like how he straight up bends his cock as a means to halt the ejaculation. It's a penis, not a fucking garden hose. Nice try though!

2,723,029 views 11/02/09 Bangbros Premature

Cumshot Fail

Tojiri "vertigo" Yamamato fumbles at the 3 yard line.

1,808,363 views 09/26/09 Fail
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