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Your ASS is Gonna Learn Today

free tip: Don't be fooled by the "i collect exotic toothpastes and I'm saving my g-spot for Sonic the Hedgehog" appearance. She may appear to be innocent, but this is no sex noob. Despite leaking more soft serve than a birthday party at Carvel, she actually did finish the scene.

2,529,020 views 03/31/22 Woodman Casting X Loose

Russian Noob Can't Invade Sex Industry

Nope, not even giving you a participation trophy for this one. I've sat through episodes of The Golden Girls with more enthusiasm. FREE TIP: When geriatric sitcoms produce stiffer erections than ur performance, it might be time rethink the whole iNdEpeNdenT wOmAn thing.

1,426,559 views 03/17/22 Backroom Casting Couch Anal

Accidental Cum Shot

Noob's first and final attempt at porn stardom lands him in a gang bang shoot. He doesn't care, he thinks he's ready for anything... but nothing can prepare you to be a premature ejaculator's innocent bystander. PEW PEW

2,857,533 views 03/04/16 LULZ

Newb Cums in 10 Seconds

This guy's dream came true and the bang bus picked him up. First, he's gonna make out with a professional cock sucker. Then after a whopping 10 seconds inside a vagina, he's totally gonna cum all over himself.

5,831,630 views 11/03/14 Bang Bus Bang Bus Chronicles

Sexually Inexperienced And Terrified

True Blood's Sukki has a ratchet doppelganger that attempted porn and totally hated it. Her debut goes about as smoothly as a psoriasis break out... But unlike psoriasis she never came back and wasn't seen again.

3,966,213 views 12/22/13 Backroom Casting Couch LULZ

Awkward Guy Ruins Porn Shoot

A socially inept goober gets a job getting jerked off by a hottie and manages to fuck it up, dashing his dreams of porn stardom in the process. It's like the movie Rudy, if Rudy was thrown out the game before ever playing and never scored.

2,859,029 views 12/03/13 LULZ

The Socially Awkward Teenager

When it's a girl's first time doing hardcore porn and she's too nervous on camera to put two syllables together, you get what I imagine to be the closest experience to fucking a corpse you can have without taking a trip to the morgue. Luckily the awkwardness only makes me harder.

6,035,729 views 08/13/13 Teen

Crushed Dreams Of Porn Stardom

For the greater good of porn these basement dwelling wannabe's need the Lassie treatment. These guys thinking they have what it takes to be porn stars makes as much sense as the story line for "Sharknado".

3,784,053 views 07/18/13 FuckTeamFive LULZ

The Virgin of All Virgins

The smile this dude gives off whilst getting his first dick-suck is fucking priceless. Worthy of it's own emoticon. Same goes for the someone-just-farted-in-my-face expression he exhibits once he realizes said blowjob has ended. Every 15 frames lies a Kodak moment.

3,756,365 views 05/27/13 Virgins

Shy, Scared & Fucking Beautiful

Hot chicks + social anxiety. It's a phenomenal combination, second only to Mr. Pibb w/ Koala Yummies. Add a degree of sexual inexperience into the mix and you got yourself GF material, provided that they don't first end up in porn like this tard.

9,580,988 views 10/04/12 Favorites

The 24 Year Old FEMALE Virgin

KEY POINTS: she has not and will not fuck - (gypsy's orders), crotch shots are strictly prohbited and vibrators... well, those are as foreign to her as a condom in a Botswana whorehouse. Filmed by the legendary pioneer of gonzo porn - Ed Powers.

7,496,132 views 12/01/11 Ed Powers Virgins

Not Even A Minute Man

7 inch cock? Check. Syphilis free? Probably. Can make a girl cum? Not a fucking chance. Have yourself a hearty LOL as Jose's porn dreams go down the shitter faster than Steven Segal's music career.

4,370,294 views 11/30/11 Fucked Up Handjobs Premature

Goober Finally Loses Bukkake Virginity

Over 40 bukkake shoots and the closest this dude's come to delivering a facial was the time he soiled himself in a dark corner. But today's a game changer. Via the aid of a compassionate fluffer, this orange-haired bastard finally gets a legitimate taste of manhood.

3,748,005 views 11/19/11 American Bukkake Mildly Retarded

The 24 Year Old Virgin

He's socially inept and has B cup titties. How can life possibly get any worse? If you guessed 'make a porno, creep the living fuck out of the girl, blow your load in 4 seconds and end up all over the internet", you just won my inflatable Captain Planet sex doll.

4,472,077 views 10/13/11 Virgins

Cum Dodger FAIL

Hungarian broad tries to bail on the wrong cocksmith - Steve Holmes. Dodge one load, no problem. He can work up another wad of creme brulee instantly. That's right, zro downtime. Watch this motherfucker work his magic.

3,299,892 views 09/19/11 Fail

1st Blowjob - FEELS GOOD MAN

You know it's a hooker cause who else puts on a rubber just for s'ing some d? And you know it's his first time cause... well, just look at his face. Just one touch of his penis and he turns into Quasimoto with Asperger syndrome.

3,343,807 views 09/13/11 LULZ

Double Vadge FAIL

Notice Tom Byron (dude on bottom) does all the thrustin, while the noob on top sits idle? Apparently the sensation of having another man's cock rubbing against your own proved all too much for this 1st timer. He immediately premature busts... and it lands all over Tom Byron's poor cock n balls!

3,058,765 views 06/29/11 Premature

Bad Cumshot

Screech Powers soils his jewfro.

2,297,760 views 05/30/11 Fail

Sniffing Her Butt Wont Help

Premature ejaculation is funny. People trying to combat premature ejaculation is funnier. Notable examples: A) pipe squeezer and B) focusing on dog shit. Today we introduce a new, equally fucking retarded method for countering early evac. It's called sniffin your costars asshole. And unless the bitch just shit out 4 baconators, it wont work.

3,696,838 views 05/16/11 Premature

Porn Noob Pwns Himself

Big fat curved penis sends a fresh wad of home cooked Twinky filling right back into the face of it's creator. It's not a problem I expect to incur any time soon but I do retain faith in the bottle of Extenze my sister so kindly purchased me last xmas. Similar videos HERE & HERE.

2,840,195 views 04/19/11 Fail
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