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Anally Destroyed French Milf

Another edition of "anal goes wrong", featuring the perforation of a fuckable milf's blown out colon. The city of love probably hasn't seen this much blood since someone made some cartoons last year.

3,126,342 views 11/13/16 Painal

She Quit Porn After This!

A near senile senior citizen has the best day of his life at the expense of aspiring pornstar "Jane Doe", who realizes somewhere after the 2:00 mark, that porn just isn't for her and was never seen again.

3,096,857 views 11/09/16 LULZ

Shit Pornstars Say 2

The most fail dirty talk of all time and other retarded quips from professional cum smugglers.

4,246,217 views 11/03/16 Shit Pornstars Say

Crackhead Hates Anal

Inside an abandoned and/or bombed out building, Alfredo, the HIV immune crackwhore whisperer, has negotiated some condomless butt sex from the neighborhoods most ratchet cum dumpster.

3,556,941 views 10/30/16 Anal

Sexy Triple Amputee Needs Money

She can't finger or fist herself but this hot little monopod is making some extra cash nubbing at her vagina for tokens. FAP FAP FAP

2,443,168 views 10/25/16 Camwhores Camwhores

The Skank Tank

Psychotically perverted Japanese porno directors have constructed a gigantic fish tank made for sexually tormenting cute teenagers.

2,672,688 views 10/21/16 The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography


101 clips of potential children splashing into the faces of bitches that ain't down with it.

4,507,448 views 09/30/16 LULZ

The Biggest Cuck on This Shitty Earth

AKA "How Donald overcame adversity and wifed the biggest whore in town" AKA "YOU GOT CUCKED THE FUCK OUT".

2,618,161 views 09/05/16 Cuckold

18 Year Old Suffers O-Ring Blowout

Don't worry, in a few days she'll be sitting and shitting normally. Just gotta put some icy-hot on her hurt butt and eat a lot of fiber. No worries.

5,819,488 views 08/28/16 Painal


It's too bad they don't do returns or exchanges, because these tits look like fuckin' grocery bags with cabbages in them. UGh...would totes still smash, but holy shit them titties fucked up yo!

2,387,968 views 07/30/16 Kylee Nash Modifications

Pornstar Accidently Pukes on Fellow Actress

The pharyngeal reflex AKA laryngeal spasm AKA gag reflex exists to prevent us from dying, but it also makes it much harder to shove dicks down our throats.

2,920,132 views 07/24/16 EvilAngel Fail

French Mustard: An Anal Sex Fail

"France has neither winter nor summer nor morals and has usually been governed by prostitutes... apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country." - Mark Twain

2,938,468 views 04/26/16 Anal

Accidental Cum Shot

Noob's first and final attempt at porn stardom lands him in a gang bang shoot. He doesn't care, he thinks he's ready for anything... but nothing can prepare you to be a premature ejaculator's innocent bystander. PEW PEW

2,857,778 views 03/04/16 LULZ

Amateur Fail of The Year

Skanky country girl and dopey get real nasty. Either she's on her period or she just can't handle it. Either way she's not bothered at all and licks the bloody snickers bar clean.

3,843,528 views 12/09/15 Amateur

Kim Kardashian's Vagina

eFukt got some exclusive pre-photoshop Kim K vagoo sent in from the make up artist on her recent magazine shoot, and even though I don't usually post stuff like this, I figured fuck it... I give you Kim Kardashians vagina.

3,744,219 views 11/15/14 Famous

American History XXX

2,022,248 views 09/23/14 Bizarre

The Trolling of a Discount Hooker

From the clearance section of comes an escort sporting bed bugs, a wonky titty, and a heart of gold. Her entire scene is just one giant cluster fuck disaster of fail and it's beautiful.

3,699,008 views 09/01/14 Broke Model LULZ

The Ratchet Compilation [2]

Another edition featuring triflin' ass hoes, hood rats of all kinds and a singing crack head with erectile problems. They call him Uncle Jim and he can do any unskilled miscellaneous task for the low-low.

2,773,372 views 07/20/14 LULZ

The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography 3

More insanity from the porno-terrorists known as the Japanese. Screen caps and shitty clips of this have floated around the net for years but I finally got a full HD copy.

2,723,114 views 07/08/14 JAVHD The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography

Prostitute Daughter with Vaginalitis

This little gem won several local awards in Yugoslavia for most realistic plot, best dialogue, and even most influential male and female role model.

2,034,223 views 05/01/14 LULZ
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