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Biggest Bitch In Porn

Hemorrhoids and Scabies aside, Tanner Mayes is a pretty hot piece of ass. Too bad she's got an ego the size of Ned Flander's cock (massive). This video is a demonstration of what happens when The Cuntinator doesnt get her way. Crazy bitch is crazy.

4,899,358 views 10/25/11 Fail

Premature Ejaculation... LIKE A BOSS

I've never seen a man so content with having only lasted 24 seconds in the sack. His sexual prowess has the runtime of a Tampax commercial... and all he cares about is using his woman's rump roast as a bongo drum set. Bares some similarities to THIS efukt classic.

3,534,711 views 10/12/11 Premature

Maid Entranced By Gringo Cock

It took 3 years and 117 attempts... but it happened. It finally happened. All he ever wanted was an audience. All she ever intended was to restock toiletries. Somewhere in the middle they found eachother, and from there it was love at first cumshot. Equally amazing video HERE.

3,898,546 views 09/22/11 Exhibition

Cum Dodger FAIL

Hungarian broad tries to bail on the wrong cocksmith - Steve Holmes. Dodge one load, no problem. He can work up another wad of creme brulee instantly. That's right, zro downtime. Watch this motherfucker work his magic.

3,298,749 views 09/19/11 Fail

FAIL: Teacher Attempts Double Anal

Deleted scene from Un-Natural Sex 20 involving an ex-teacher looking to sacrifice the health of her colon in exchange for fame & fortune (aka $728 and maybe, just maybe, a Q&A with Swank magazine). Epic spoiler: things don't go as planned.

4,791,064 views 08/31/11 Fail

Good Idea, Bad Idea

This one's a crowd pleaser. Not only get to see a massive-titted pornstar unwittingly suck a shit covered wang ... but you also to get hear three seconds of my real voice. Boner inducement on all fronts.

2,840,356 views 08/29/11 Fail

Man Of The Year

I fapped.

4,128,539 views 08/22/11 LULZ

Rimjob FAIL

Rimjobs - the quintessential stepping stone to full-blown A2M. Most whores have little trouble making it over to the other side of the rainbow - but odds are they weren't paired up with some asshole that forgot how to wipe, as is this guy.

3,437,061 views 08/17/11 Fail

Sex On The Beach FAIL

He's got a stage 5 boner on a packed beach and straight up does not give a fuck. They flirt, they kiss, they jerk eachother off like they got 15 seconds left to live. Shits going reeeeal good... that is until... well, you'll see.

4,532,827 views 08/15/11 LULZ

She Claims She Fucked Her...

Cousin? Brother? Stepfather? How about all of the above. Not the slightest ounce of shame either. And when it comes to light that her brother/boyfriend did time in the pokey for murdering a person... all she can do is LOL. Definite keeper. Now watch her get DP'ed silly.

3,999,403 views 08/12/11 LULZ

Threesome Gone Bad

James Deen slings his gentleman juice down one mouth too many in this tragic outtake from Tonsil Hockey. Moral of the story is simple. Never leave your piehole agape when you're on the business end of a 12 inch cock. haha.

3,954,763 views 08/10/11 Fail

Goober Crashes Bukkake Party

Bukkake is pretty straight forward. Aim for the face and let the protein shake rip. Easy peasy, unless of course you're a 300 pound ginger named Corn. 40 attempts and the best this gluten can do is make a wet spot in the corner. Fucking hilarious.

3,434,687 views 08/07/11 American Bukkake Mildly Retarded

Double Vadge FAIL

Notice Tom Byron (dude on bottom) does all the thrustin, while the noob on top sits idle? Apparently the sensation of having another man's cock rubbing against your own proved all too much for this 1st timer. He immediately premature busts... and it lands all over Tom Byron's poor cock n balls!

3,057,582 views 06/29/11 Premature

The Single Most Epic Cumshot Fail

Low res versions of this have been floating around the web for some time, so this might be old for some of you. Never the less, efukt has secured the HD version... so you can now watch Sindee Jennings puke her brains out in the absolutely highest quality available.

5,641,144 views 06/19/11 Cum Haters

Jerk Deliberately Cums In Her Ear

Missy Monroe cooks up a nonstop bitchfest after getting blasted in the ear by a bukkake boy. But the bad mood doesnt last. Come the 2 minute mark, she's more concerned with bragging to the camera about the small fortune she just got paid for swallowing the seed of 50+ degenerates. I'm filled with envy.

2,463,292 views 06/18/11 American Bukkake Fail

Costume Fail

KIng Leonidas upstaged by a naked crackhead. What the fuck is the world coming too.

1,052,280 views 06/03/11

Bad Cumshot

Screech Powers soils his jewfro.

2,296,698 views 05/30/11 Fail

Sniffing Her Butt Wont Help

Premature ejaculation is funny. People trying to combat premature ejaculation is funnier. Notable examples: A) pipe squeezer and B) focusing on dog shit. Today we introduce a new, equally fucking retarded method for countering early evac. It's called sniffin your costars asshole. And unless the bitch just shit out 4 baconators, it wont work.

3,695,788 views 05/16/11 Premature

Faces Of Bukkake

Todays learnings: homeless people have yellow semen, 400 pound fluffers are counterproductive, line cutting at bukakke shoots is socially acceptable, and watching female photographers belittle Hispanic participants is strangely erotic. That's that.

2,953,731 views 05/02/11 American Bukkake Fail

Wrong Hole, Charlie Brown!

Persian girl gets an accidental, no-lube blow to the rectum... most likely due to her male counterpart having the gut of a pregnant woman and not being able to see what the fuck he's aiming at. Or in other words... he tried to no-scope it and failed wonderfully.

5,335,090 views 04/26/11 Wrong Holes
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