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Absolutely Ruined At 18 Years Old

Some of you may be asking the question: "How the hell did it take you so long to get something together for [Hannah Hays]? The fuckin story writes itself.". Honestly... it's overwhelming. Her rabbit hole seems to have more alternate endings than Baldur’s Gate 3.

1,864,091 views 09/19/24 Mildly Retarded


We aren't talking about your traditional hole-to-hole, human centipede sausage link simultaneous penetration here. But someone ramming their jelly bean into you immediately after pulling it out of a sibling is just as reprehensible, so it still counts. I've been appointed to the head of this committee and those are the rules I've outlined.

1,672,917 views 09/12/24 Backroom Casting Couch Anal

Public Degeneracy Volume 14

The best part of having less shame than the 2000 Spanish Paralympics Basketball team? Walking around half mast during lunch hours is no longer for the unsuspecting Chinese delivery man to enjoy alone. That last dude clearing two floors and sprinting half naked though? The girl cheating must've had grip harder than Gollum at Mount Doom.

1,924,201 views 09/09/24 Public Degeneracy

Men Without Dicks

We can dance (we can dance)
Everybody's taking the chance (we can dance)
It's safe to dance
It's safety dance

733,739 views 09/04/24 Crazy

Diary of A Sibling Couple

Don't let the plot line(s) fool you. This goofball's bloodline persona is about as real as KFC's employee hand-washing policy. Such as illustrated after her 'brothers' attempt at fucking the hippie out of her. Possibly produced by the Coen brothers.

1,096,420 views 08/19/24 WTF

The Absolute Worst of Pornhub IX

A solid plot line can make up for just about anything: Bad acting, low budgets, the marionette scene in Terrifier 2. But this assortment of genetic defects? They've got digital footprints like Tom Cruise has regressive Aspergers, and I don't know when this fucking ride is gonna end.

1,168,654 views 08/08/24 The Worst of Pornhub

Cum Haters 2024B

Unsuspecting women being seminally disenfranchised: It's a practice older than time itself. But I think the soccer mom in the opening clip is still seeking therapy. I've seen girls performing "The Manchurian Gas Mask" with less animosity in their walk-offs.

1,203,798 views 08/01/24 Cum Haters

Cuckold Rage Quits In 60 Seconds

The unwritten rules of the practicing beta male? #1 Backseating anything related to a bench press #2 Look as much like [JROC] as humanly possible #3 Have the endurance of a geriatric koala. Our boy is batting 3 for 3.

1,965,788 views 07/29/24 FAKings Cuckold


Every day, everywhere you look people are spamming fears of USD collapse and political discourse. While I'm over here waiting for things like this to start happening in Chipotle parking lots during daytime hours again. #boomer #oldfashioned

1,173,155 views 07/25/24 CAMTASTROPHES

"16 Inches? I QUIT!"

We're talking girth here. It's not often you see [siswet] tap out. At one point in time I was convinced this woman's asshole was going to be the solution to New York City's parking shortages. Now I see even the grand canyon itself has a capacity limit. Never meet your heros.

1,656,971 views 07/11/24 Siswet19 Anal

Unacceptable Devices X

The more inbreeding in your bloodline, the further you'll go to seek sexual satisfaction. A simple concept, officially reinforced by whatever director's cut episode of Survivor Man is going on in that last clip. I'll put it this way; in comparison it makes Jeppson's Malort seem like a fucking delicacy. It's that abhorrent.

1,657,409 views 06/24/24 Unacceptable Devices

Objectionable Porn That Shouldn't Exist: 3

I can't imagine what life decisions lead to your obituary being littered with the words "twerking" and "public nuisance" and "30,000 volts". But I'm betting it involves the neighbor's parakeet, and all 16 delicious flavors of Rice-a-Roni. (fuck you Rice Pilaf)

1,345,763 views 06/17/24 Exhibition

The Worst Threesome Ever Filmed?

Of all the story lines you could choose, expedited shipping would be last on my fucking list. Then again, so is paying autistic girls in gift cards to round out your threesome so maybe I don't see the vision. Perhaps decades of inbreeding and limiting toothbrush ownership to 1 per home has carved itself into a niche I can only describe as: Inflation-Friendly Walmart Porn.

1,692,014 views 06/03/24 Bizarre

The Caught Compilation 21

Hiking trails? Elevators? Nursing homes? That's right, all of your most unassuming entertainment venues come at a hidden cost. Just a non-related tip of the day: Steer clear from any dipping sauces that have the word tangy in the name near closing time. Trust me.

1,822,565 views 03/14/24 Caught Compilations

36 Inches, No Fears

If you think that number is talking about hog dimensions, you will be sorely mistaken. It seems this attraction has stricter height limitations than Six Flag's El Toro. You gotta measure less than 4 feet tall, well-versed in THOTology and be next in line for a fight with Jake Paul. Brutal. Part 1 [HERE] Part 2 [HERE] Support [HERE]

1,855,631 views 02/01/24 Mildly Retarded


3:40 is today's highlight. The fact that this behavior generates sustainable income blows my mind. Imagine taking one of those suburban mass shooter interrogation videos and crossbreeding it with Pepto Bismol. Then masturbate with steel wool cause that's the pain I feel watching.

1,728,956 views 01/25/24 CAMTASTROPHES

The Absolute Worst of Pornhub VII

Breaking traditional workout regimes, NASA-sponsored ejaculations and Skynet inching ever closer to harvesting our organs through the channel of A.I. powered sex transformers. If the next 8 minutes doesn't shine a more positive light on your life, nothing will. I'm here to help.

1,374,363 views 01/15/24 The Worst of Pornhub

Objectionable Porn That Shouldn't Exist

Somewhere in between the 493,000 Slavic back alley ganbang videos on the Internet, exists an even more offensive brand of content. Well let me tell you something chumps; Unless you're that fucking jetski level in Battletoads, I am disoriented by no man/frog. You, tho...

1,616,344 views 01/08/24 LULZ

2023 Was Out of Fucking Control

As we head towards the final sunset of a year that gave more than one reason to disembowel our own eyeballs with a stinger missile, it's time we reflected. May 2024 bestow upon us more trolls, deeper holes and finishing it's metamorphosis into Chaturbate.

2,186,418 views 12/28/23 Favorites

Xanex Rookie Humiliates Herself

First impressions are important. Unless of course your name is Kandi Baby and have access to more pharmaceuticals than Liver King. Whoever thought it was a good idea to release this pornographic lobotomy probably saw The Marvels on opening day too.

1,050,892 views 12/04/23 Cum Perfection Crazy
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