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BiG Bertha's Pocket Rocket

The name "Big Bertha" comes from a giant Pre-Nazi German war cannon that would lob 1,800 lb explosive shells into shit like France and Belgium. It also happens to look like this bitches dick.

1,940,614 views 02/23/16 Futanaria Bizarre

What Big Eyes You Have

223,466 views 12/12/15 LULZ

The Most Powerful Ass in Brazil

After years of being bullied about her great big ass, Guadalupe finally snapped, embraced it and now uses it as a weapon. Srsly tho, this South American girl's ass has gotta set some sort of world record. BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM

2,145,193 views 12/12/15 Strippers

Saggy But Still Fun

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124,449 views 08/24/15

The Biggest Loser

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118,762 views 07/20/15

How To Fail in Porn [x2+]

A hilarious short story about the prettiest ogre girl from the little village of Mordor... She was looking for her big break but instead she was left with only $250, a butt load of pain and a mouth full of grossness. Me gusta?

11,517,397 views 05/10/15 FAKings Painal

Just Tha Tip

Shane Diesel the type of nigga that gotta stand when he poops or his dick floats in the water. His dick so big he can't even go balls deep on these professional cock smugglers without causing serious internal injuries.

8,408,109 views 04/21/15 Monsters of Cock Favorites

Butt Too Big 2

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107,841 views 03/28/15

Butt Too Big 1

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119,607 views 03/28/15

Rough Sex Accident

This 'top quality' penthouse hotel porn gets awful real fast. Some say his dick is too big, others say her holes are too small. If you were to ask me I would say LOLOLOL.

4,836,636 views 03/27/15 Fail

Big Dick Scare Her

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157,404 views 03/17/15

Radioactive Deepthroat

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114,890 views 03/10/15

Porn Star Goes Ballistic on Modern Feminists

Mercedes Carrera is hot and sucks a mean dick, but she's about to drop a big ass fuckin truth bomb on the problem with feminists, gamergate and all that shit.

2,086,478 views 02/15/15 Camwhores

Porn Newbz Anal Fail

Former ISIS member with gigantic, fake wonky tits does her first porn shoot ever and she's about to learn pornography isn't all smiles and blowjobs. Nope. Sometimes it's about butt-plugs and pain.

9,144,409 views 12/15/14 Mia Khalifa Favorites

Big Tit Birthday Cake

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106,074 views 09/24/14

2 Tits And A Prolapse

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122,667 views 06/11/14

The Biggest Whore In History

For a hooker/pornstar, she honestly seems like one of the nicest people ever. Even if her butthole looks like the queen alien from "Starship Troopers" and possibly carries multiple strains of the same venereal diseases.

3,772,164 views 02/16/14 Ava Devine Hookers

Shit Cam Whorez Do

It's funny, after a while you realize they are just like normal people. Only totally insane. Prolly from fapping over and over everyday, hours on end for sophisticated gentlemen like "BigDickRick", "TruckerSteve", and "NarutoFan76".

3,210,607 views 01/08/14 Camwhores Camwhores

The Man With Two Dicks

Being born with a deformity is horrible, until you consider the possibility of having two big fully functioning cocks. In that case, it's winning the genetic lottery and gaining super human sexual abilities at birth. Finally a hero the internet deserves. Read more here.

3,711,252 views 01/02/14 Gallery

Porn's Biggest Losers

Little engines that just fucking couldn't. If there was a "Special Olympics" for sexual performance, these guys would still be the underdogs of the league. The other retards would prolly bully them.

4,077,369 views 10/30/13 LULZ
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