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The Result Of A Real Orgasm

Take note kids. If the bitch aint flopping around like a senior citizen mid epileptic seizure, you're doing it wrong!

3,212,215 views 04/12/10 Orgasms

Thugs Harass Interracial Couple

DJ Jackoff ventures into the wrong part of town to land himself a $5 piece of ivory pussy. However, his efforts are thwarted mid-fellatio by a local warlord known as The V-Man (short for Vaginal Master) who's heavily armed with "rocks and sheet". My oh my!

4,381,396 views 03/10/10 LULZ

Porno Accidente

Guess what goes wrong.

4,708,015 views 02/01/10 Fail

OOPS! Wrong Hole!

I'd be pretty amazed/disappointed if that didn't at least cause a little internal bleeding. Emphasis on disappointed.

5,558,291 views 11/22/09 Wrong Holes

Anal Creampie From Hell

It's crazy. On the outside, assholes all look the same. But if your rectum was to ever head south & emerge as a pink-sock... you'd quickly find that much like the butt plugs in Oprah Winfrey's sextoy collection, they come in all shapes, sizes and colors. 4 years of running a porn site and that's about all I've learned.

1,853,368 views 11/11/09 Prolapse

Pornstar Quits Over Farting Incident

This is a scene from MEATHOLES, which was basically one of the most extreme porn sites on the web back in 2003-ish. It's funny. This girl can handle a fist up her cunt while the cameraman inquires about her childhood, but let one slip in her face and that's where she draws the line.

2,797,935 views 08/19/09 Meatholes Fail

All Girls Love Assholes

Especially fat ones. Dinner time!

3,828,849 views 05/28/09 Amateur

Reverse Anal

Now this is a most excellent way to tear that thin piece of skin that separates the inside of the vagina from the poop shoot. Puncture that and your lady friend will be the first woman on earth to space dock herself. Wee! Sounds like eFukt material to me. Any volutneers? Click HERE to see a similar video.

1,757,578 views 01/09/09 Bizarre

Youre Doing It Wrong

Wrong hole? No not quite. More like wrong fucking direction. His cock nearly pierces through the piece of skin seperating her ass from her pussy. Remember the 'chestburster' scene from Alien? Just watch...

1,962,927 views 09/15/08 Bizarre

Big Dick Syndrome

Aye carumba! Nice elephant cock dood! But I forsee 1 little problem... the only creatures with big enough holes for you to fuck are large horses and gay pornstars who've been subjected to olympian gangbangs. Tough break bro!

6,591,097 views 08/26/08 Big Dicks

She Finds The Hidden Camera

No no you're doing it all wrong. You gotta hide the camera in a black t-shirt with the lens poking out through one of the arm holes and be sure to use some black tape to cover up the red LED light. Mom will never notice! hah

2,063,705 views 07/13/08 Voyeur

Assholes Harass Ugly Woman

Ehh what do you expect. It's Lake Havasu and she's like 45. She's practically a grandma compared to everyone else there. If she wants to suck dick without getting booed by the crowd she's gonna have to go to a retirement center.

1,442,959 views 06/24/08 Public

Public Pissing Gone Wrong

There's this faggoty fetish for girls pissing in public. This geezer takes offense to the concept. Would've been funnier if she was shitting. Much funnier.

1,610,701 views 02/15/08 LULZ

Wrong Hole - OOPS!

Pee Wee needs to bring a flashlight next time so that he can better navigate the path to her vagina.

3,380,742 views 01/31/08 Wrong Holes

Painful Pussy Waxing

She also gets rid of the hair on her asshole. There is nothing nasteir than chicks with hairy assholes.

2,607,124 views 07/30/07 Modifications

Anal Sex Gone Wrong

This dude gets some poop on his dick while fuckin a black chick in the ass. Next time use a condom!

4,146,827 views 05/12/07 Fail
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