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WTF Vagina

Her twat is shaped perfectly like a sphere, and I spy cream filling. Trim down the forrest and I'd probably have a taste.

826,316 views 11/30/08

Death By Vaginal Cockroach

This is from a Russian film called Philosophy Of A Knife. It's about the Japanese Unit 731... the one that pretty much spent a decade coming up with ridiculous ways to kill people. It's basically just 4 hours of torture. Fun fun fun. While we're on the subject, I'm in preproduction on a post-apocalyptic thriller about punk rock necrophiliacs. Really could use some female talent. Hit me up!

1,907,472 views 11/19/08 Bizarre

You Fucked My Pussy Up

It's not your typical work-related injury, but these things do happen... especially when someone is intentionally thrusting their foot into your vagina. It could've been worse - a flesh wound via jagged toenail... that would've put her out of work for good.

1,554,459 views 10/26/08 Fail

Fattest Pussy Ever

Her vagina looks a lot like a baseball mit, same color too. If you're gonna be 69'ing her with you on bottom, do yourself a favor and bring along a snorkel.

1,618,209 views 10/24/08 Beef Curtains

I Wanna Be A Pornstar

A few tit jobs and a little lipo, and then BAM... her vagina will be generating 7 figures annually before you even know it. It'll also be generating a yellowish discharge, depending on the severity of the Herpes and Gonorrhea that she's bound to contract.

1,592,496 views 10/04/08 Modifications

Nudist Has A Vaginal Problem

It's typical really. Nudists are all about being natural... leave the genitals exposed, armpits unshaven and when you've got a yeast infection... you let it rain.

2,103,768 views 09/24/08 Bizarre

Black Cock Causes Bodily Damage

Not quite a prolapse but it might as well be. Her asshole looks a slice of damaged grapefruit and her vagina... hmmm... I'm gonna go with a cut of ahi tuna - burnt on the edges, raw in the center. Updating this site always makes me hungry.

2,296,851 views 09/20/08 Asians

Shes Gonna Get Vagina Cancer

Guadalupe may be LOL'ing now but that'll quickly change when she finds out her pink taco has emphysema. Tobacco kills!

1,487,031 views 09/03/08 LULZ

Pornstar Gets A New Vagina

Her vagina lips looked like they belonged in an Arbys roast beef sandwhich. This was bad for her career so she set out on a perilous journey to unbeef her pussy and close the gape once and for all.

1,675,373 views 08/17/08 Beef Curtains

Worlds Biggest Cock

God blesses him with a horse cock and what does he do? Turns into a tranny and only fucks men. What a waste... think of all the vaginas he could've decimated with that thing.

5,723,922 views 08/05/08 Big Dicks

The Biggest Vagina In porn

That green football in her pussy has an extremely negative effect on the appearance of her asshole. It vaguely resembles the Star Trek symbol. I'm afraid that is a salad I simply cannot toss.

1,196,680 views 07/26/08 Insertions

Biggest Pussy Ever

When I posted this clip 2 years ago I somehow left out a key component - the scene where he seperately inserts his arms, left leg, and entire head into her vagina. Seeing as this is the most popular video on eFukt, I think it's about time the full version was posted.

12,369,006 views 07/06/08 Bizarre

How To Become A Pornstar

Careful! Rough sex is now the standard in the adult industry. A lengthy career in porn will cost you a prolapsed rectum, torn vagina and a shitload of STD's. I'd stick to becoming a doctor if I was you.

1,910,722 views 06/06/08 Parody

Kung Fu Slut

Today I leanred that a well placed karate chop to the vaginal section can render your opponent paralyzed, giving you ample opportunity to penetrate her most tender regions.

1,926,319 views 06/05/08 Fights

It Wont Go Any Deeper

Alright so last night I was on that Ask Alice site or some shit and it says the average vagina is only 6 inches deep. So I'm dying to know how the fuck does this guy fit a 2 foot balloon in his wifes pussy?

1,509,426 views 05/19/08 Insertions

Light Bulb Pussy

This is probably the most dangerous insertion I've seen yet. If her pussy was just a bit tighter, the pressure would've caused the bulb to shatter and the glass would've shredded her vagina to shit. Yikes!

1,027,739 views 05/17/08 Insertions

Her Load Is Bigger Than Mine

It's probably not really female ejaculate. I bet it's actually puss being drained from her infected vagina.. She probally has internal herpes lolz.

2,236,058 views 04/05/08 Bizarre

Your Vagina Is Leaking

The cameraman is right. It does look like cottage cheese. I think I'm gonna puke.

1,430,277 views 03/31/08 Bizarre

Impaled By Giant Dildo

Look at how tightly her pussy clings to that dildo. I bet you anything that if she retracted really fast her vagina would prolapse. Yikes!!!!!

1,833,998 views 03/27/08 Insertions

Creamy Vagina

Look, her pussy is oozing all over his cock. I bet you'd love to lick up that pussy juice you dirty fuck.

2,696,940 views 03/24/08 Amateur
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