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Hands Not Needed 3

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100,281 views 09/11/14

Caught Fapping at the Library

Remember the public library? They used to be the go-to place for over-achievers and students. Today, libraries are only frequented by the homeless and cam-whores. Because, you know, free internet.

3,242,580 views 09/11/14 MyFreeCams Camwhores

Camgirl As Venom

Full Scene Here

106,546 views 08/13/14

People are NOT Awesome 2014

Greatness can not exist without inferiority. Actually, maybe a better word could be used for the guy swinging around Mini Cooper in the last video. Either way; this is the side of humanity YouTube forgot to tell you about in their last year-in-review. #gag

2,843,496 views 08/06/14 Extreme

Hands Not Needed 2

Full Scene Here

115,104 views 08/05/14

How To Have Cyber Sex!

Many, many years ago, in the days of old known as 1997, an instructional VHS was forged. Watch and learn how to master the art of one handed typing with post-aspergers Winnie Cooper from the "Wonder Years".

1,418,169 views 07/31/14 LULZ

The Ratchet Compilation [2]

Another edition featuring triflin' ass hoes, hood rats of all kinds and a singing crack head with erectile problems. They call him Uncle Jim and he can do any unskilled miscellaneous task for the low-low.

2,771,314 views 07/20/14 LULZ

Hands Not Needed

116,634 views 07/10/14

The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography 3

More insanity from the porno-terrorists known as the Japanese. Screen caps and shitty clips of this have floated around the net for years but I finally got a full HD copy.

2,720,982 views 07/08/14 JAVHD The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography

INCREDIBLE: 3 Orgasms in 90 Seconds

A truly beautiful ballad about a girl that makes pterodactyl sex noises and a man that pulls off one of the most amazing sexual achievements ever filmed. I think we all wish we had a little Jimmy in us.

4,319,372 views 06/20/14 Porn Fidelity Ridiculous Orgasms

The Most Obnoxious Cameraman in Porno History

To find a man truly worthy of this title we must dig deep into the early days of internet pornography. A time when potato quality was top notch and only took 2 hours to download.

2,578,625 views 06/14/14 Bang Bus Bang Bus Chronicles

Deaf Azn Girl

Meet Kim, the bombshell Azn who can't hear shit. Our genius porn hero guy figures to write down "me want fukky fukky" on paper and away we go. She only makes little soft vowel noises, it's pretty adorable.

3,157,294 views 06/04/14 Backroom Casting Couch Asians

Family of the Year

"She's beautiful!", announces mom in the voice of an angel while watching her daughter masturbate. Then dad comes home, see's mom and daughter naked in the tub on web cam. Shocker: he's totally cool with it.

3,844,492 views 05/19/14 MyFreeCams Bizarre

Luckiest Guy at the Strip Club

In the bowels of Brazil a.k.a. the other other Mexico, a local stripper gives a drunk and weary traveler an experience he'll never forget... if he can remember. He goes home with a dildo souvenir so he'll definitely know something went down that night. #YOLO

3,369,490 views 05/08/14 Public

The Giggliest Girl in Porn Returns

What weighs 95 pounds, likes the look of cock, and gets messy at the Arizona glory hole? Yeah, that chick. Personally she annoys me to death, but some of you fukr's can't get enough.

3,224,262 views 04/07/14 Gloryhole Swallow Gloryhole

How to Ruin Your Vagina

Yeah sure, looks neat now... but wait for the follow up video in a year when the labia is hanging like two flappy pancakes with weird scar-holes looking like some shit outta Hellraiser.

3,204,021 views 04/03/14 Modifications

The Best of Naked Protesters

No matter what the cause, there are always attention starved hippies wanting to get naked in support of stuff. Eating meat, women's rights, fur, politics, the environment... No one cares... Everyone's here because some these naked bitches are hot.

1,986,054 views 03/30/14 Public

11 of the Craziest Orgasms Ever

I think we all know what really happened to that Malaysian airplane, as we've all seen Donnie Darko and know about the government cover up. But hey, all I'm really trying to say is that at least the G-spot is easier to find than Flight 370.

5,870,196 views 03/20/14 Ridiculous Orgasms

Shit Cam Whorez Do

It's funny, after a while you realize they are just like normal people. Only totally insane. Prolly from fapping over and over everyday, hours on end for sophisticated gentlemen like "BigDickRick", "TruckerSteve", and "NarutoFan76".

3,207,860 views 01/08/14 Camwhores Camwhores

The Absurdity Of Japanese Pornography 2

Porn studio treats girl's asshole like a pokeball. Because in Japan, the more psychotic the idea, the better porn it makes. All while censoring the genitals... Cuz ya know, actual sex is just vulgar.

3,817,890 views 12/30/13 JAVHD The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography
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