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Family of the Year

"She's beautiful!", announces mom in the voice of an angel while watching her daughter masturbate. Then dad comes home, see's mom and daughter naked in the tub on web cam. Shocker: he's totally cool with it.

3,848,508 views 05/19/14 MyFreeCams Bizarre

Mindfucking the Delivery Man

The story of a hungry naked teen, an awkward handshake and a condom full of money. More of the blonde getting railed in the source link.

3,480,333 views 04/25/14 Broke Model Exhibition

The Best of Naked Protesters

No matter what the cause, there are always attention starved hippies wanting to get naked in support of stuff. Eating meat, women's rights, fur, politics, the environment... No one cares... Everyone's here because some these naked bitches are hot.

1,988,539 views 03/30/14 Public

Frat Boys Troll 3 Pornstars Into Quitting

Nothing quite spells EFUKT like a supposed 'Navy Seal' turned male pornstar challenging 80+ CSUN students to a backyard brawl, whilst completely naked and armed with nothing but a slowly deflating boner. HAHA.

4,927,422 views 03/13/12 Fail

Costume Fail

KIng Leonidas upstaged by a naked crackhead. What the fuck is the world coming too.

1,052,367 views 06/03/11

The Craziest Of All Crazy Bitches

Who the fuck refers to stripping butt naked in Grand Central Station as a 'declaration of indviduality'? The same person that dubs themselves a multimedia conceptual performance artist. I believe that's just fancy talk for stupid crackwhore.

2,333,891 views 05/06/10 Exhibition

Girl Gets Publicly Jizzed On

You always gotta be wary of those naked, middle aged men who like to prance about in red face paint. Snapping a few myspace photos with the aforementioned homosexual may seem tempting, but it's important you understand the risks involved. Watch and learn.

1,793,961 views 01/15/09 Public

Cleaning Has Never Been More Fun

Fuck, that's a hell of a way to mop a floor. It's inspiring really. So how exactly would one apply this kind of creativity to cleaning up their bathroom? I've got shit stains on my toilet dating back from 1997 and the only way I'm gonna get off my ass and do something about it is if it involves a naked woman.

2,324,579 views 11/03/08 Bizarre

This Bitch Is Naked

1,077,379 views 10/07/08 Public

Girls Should Never Go To This Club

I wonder how much these male dancers make. Getting paid to strip girls naked sounds like the job I was born for.

3,275,127 views 04/17/08 Groped

Naked White Crackwhore

Her obnoxious voice only accentuates my desire to anally penetrate, no lubricant of course.

1,310,173 views 01/30/08 Public

Cop Groped By Naked Chick

If there was no one filming, that cop would've whipped out his cock and fucked her right there.

1,418,442 views 09/04/07 Public

Japanese Cow Gut Porn

Get a camera, a naked chick, and 300 pounds of cow guts and you got yourself Japanese porn!

1,864,198 views 12/27/06 Asians
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