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Sex Toys Are Not Really Toys WTF

175,412 views 06/29/18 WTF

Hate When That Happens

214,829 views 06/28/18 Fail

Golden Fountain

162,316 views 06/26/18 Nasty

That's Quite The Fetish

170,893 views 06/25/18 Nasty

The Caught Compilation 4

Admittedly these are all pretty standard 'i drank 2 entire Coronas on spring break and had sex with a house plant' plot lines... but dude in the last clip has some explaining to do. Like, this is why I have to wear diapers at 27-years-old kind of explaining.

4,296,614 views 06/25/18 Caught Compilations

To-Go Bag

174,227 views 06/22/18 WTF

Drying Wet Painties In Public

180,643 views 06/21/18 WTF

He Is Done, But She Wants More

189,375 views 06/19/18 Asians

MILF HATES Her Own Vagina

Actually, I lied. She's nothing I'd want to fuck, nor is there legitimate contempt for her peter heater. She's raisawetsx - gifter of original content and cervical prize fighter. Moral of the story: Never underestimate a Russian's pain threshold.

1,586,719 views 06/19/18 Bizarre

The Male Nip Slip

182,460 views 06/15/18 Busted!

"Dad Gave Me Salmonella"

For fuck sakes, there's only 2 things capable of further emasculating a man that is fantasy-banging his meth head daughter. One is knowing you stuck your dick into a family classic, the other is whatever the shit is going on here.

2,524,286 views 06/15/18 WTF

Name That Position 6

171,240 views 06/14/18 Crazy

Casual Friday 3

162,565 views 06/13/18

He Must Taste Funny

167,657 views 06/11/18 LULZ

Local Coop

193,696 views 06/09/18 Camwhores

This Is Art 5

169,263 views 06/08/18 Bizarre

Single Worst Camshow in Russia

FORNICATION: It's pretty basic stuff. But for Goober McAutismo over here it might as well be mission impossible. What you're about to see may quite possibly be the worst excuse for sexual entertainment that's ever made it online... and that's coming from someone who sat through all 74 minutes of Edward Penishands. Twice.

2,273,078 views 06/08/18 Chaturbate Camwhores

Implants Pay For Themselves

168,082 views 06/05/18

Smoke Break

167,535 views 06/04/18
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