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Uncomfortable Moments in Porn II

Somewhere in the next 4 minutes you may ask yourself: What the fuck led to the creation of this? Amphetamines? Mental illness? An unhealthy addiction to masturbating with a Vitamix Explorian [2:20 mark] I don't know but... another sequel is most definitely in the works. [-PART 1-]

1,256,665 views 08/31/23 Fail

Stacked and More Socially Awkward 18-year-old

You clicked the original one so many damn times, I had to dive deeper into her discography. Unfortunately it turns out all her roads lead to this evolutionary cul-de-sac using her as the only form of exercise he's seen since Jock Jams was a thing. Don't look that up. [-PART I-]

1,970,671 views 08/28/23 HeavyOnHotties Awkward Moments In Porn

Unacceptable Devices VII

Irrationally sized flobberweavels, a urethra that's suffered more abuse than whoever the fuck bought Barstool for $500 mil and the recreation of a classic in glorious high(er) definition. Don't think of this as the balanced breakfast you need, think of it as the one you deserve.

1,826,645 views 08/24/23 Unacceptable Devices

Incredible Acts, Depraved Humans 6

One of these days I'm going to edit some OC home videos into this series. A spirited evening behind a Tim Horton's dumpster specifically comes to mind. She had the kind of lips that swung around like a basset hound's ears during a tropical storm. I never looked at recycling the same again. MORE: [-1-] [-2-] [-3-] [-4-] [-5-]

2,060,449 views 08/17/23 Incredible Acts, DEPRAVED HUMANS

Cockasaurus Rex

22,688 views 08/16/23 Crazy

Behind the Scenes at Bangbros

Shorting the lifespan of women nearing menopause isn't the only thing J Mac and friends are going to be known for after today.

1,319,235 views 08/10/23 Bangbros LULZ

Psychotic 18 Year Old Terrorizes Strangers

One of those rare moments where I can overlook the obvious health code violations because the performance is legendary. Be sure to leave them a ★★★★★ Yelp review. Something along the lines of: Service was fast. Getting pubic lice was faster.

1,592,367 views 08/07/23 Crazy

Can't Stop the Cumshots 2

idk what these goofballs were thinking when they decided going public with these acts of treason was a good idea. Something about the return on investment seems a little fucky. Possibly a decision sponsored and brought to you by [Prime™] Energy drinks. [-PART 1-]

2,335,388 views 08/03/23 Premature

Fashion Statement 14

21,559 views 08/02/23 LULZ

The Most Unfuckable Woman on Planet Earth

Every so often I come across an individual that makes me ask: How much tarantula fucking middle aged misguided trailer park moonshine did they drink before this became a good idea? It's like someone took Rosie O'Donnell and made it harder to see her naked.

1,176,752 views 07/31/23 Mildly Retarded

Counts As A Threesome

25,704 views 07/28/23 Asians

Probably Legal in Oklahoma

I could be in the minority here, but Barnum & Bailey should be kept as far away as possible from any and all sexual situations. If I wanted to be repeatedly violated by a clown, I'd pay for a day trading discord. Pretty amazing body tho. [-RELEVANT-]

1,982,864 views 07/24/23 LULZ


I've seen a lot of people do a lot of repulsive shit just to keep their rent paid. But whatever backyard bangcock bumblefuck blownout butthole bullshit is going on in the last clip? That's a level of holistic hemorrhoidal care I hope to never see IRL. Discuss your disgust [-HERE-]

1,892,113 views 07/20/23 CAMTASTROPHES

You Got A Friend In Me

32,672 views 07/19/23 LULZ

More Retarded Moments in Pornography 2023

ex·per·i·menting: [1] to try out new concepts or ways of doing things [2] performing a scientific procedure, to determine something [3] to change the entire demographic for the NERF Elite Strongarm Blaster

999,684 views 07/13/23 Bizarre

Anal Ends Career Before it Begins

Honest. Natural. Doesn't run more filters on herself than an industrial fish tank. Cindy had all the tools to become the next big thing. But 20 seconds into some Sacramento turtlenecking & she's out the door quicker than me watching Fast X. Want to steal his look? [-BUY A SHIRT-]

1,749,842 views 07/10/23 Backroom Casting Couch Mildly Retarded

The Worst of OnlyFanz VII

Alright fellas, [-take a memo on your Newton-]: If girls aren't flocking to your Levi's like 1 star reviews to the newest Disney remake, then this might be in your future. Just keep track of those subscription fees so reality doesn't hit harder than 1996 did to Robert Downey Jr.

1,401,114 views 07/06/23 The Worst of OnlyFanz

Public Degeneracy Volume 9

Today's visuals couldn't get better if you slammed an Ambien cocktail and hit the boardwalk wearing nothing but a smile and Walmart's finest body spray. Speaking of New Jersey, not even [-carl-] himself would be caught $7 dollars deep in whatever spawned in the last clip.

2,804,636 views 06/29/23 Public Degeneracy

Pushed Over the Edge

Zero evidence of her chromosome count, but judging by this performance it's safe to say we're working with a surplus here. Not exactly a stark contrast for this website, but next time I want a female performance to leave me softer than a bowl of cotton candy I'll just turn on Impact Wrestling.

1,512,641 views 06/26/23 Asians
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