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Blame It On The Dildo

98,151 views 01/19/21 Camwhores

Double Anal Downfall

It's like the girl with the super hip mom that totally supports her daughter getting ring-blasted by guys named after sports cars got a pep talk and couldn't wait to bring it on the grid iron. Then gets jobbed out like the 2008 Detroit Lions. A Karen of the Kum world if you will. TY for listening to my cunTED talk.

2,066,945 views 01/18/21 Anal

Cum Hater vs. Gangbang

Much like Tyler Perry going 30 seconds without filming a Medea movie, you can literally see the rage in this chick's eyes. Emphasis on the 0:34 mark with the realization that the $17.50 she just made will barely cover the Clearasil bill.

2,010,620 views 12/29/20 Cum Haters

Santa Is Staying Home This Year

94,621 views 12/25/20 LULZ

The Real Face of Incest

warning: This is a different kind of disturbing than you're used to. Call it a divergence for this site, but sometimes you have to see the authentic side of something the industry as a whole parodies every day... and this interview proves it. [Full Interview]

2,081,215 views 12/22/20 Documentary

Mom's Secret Recipe

The Rectum: Some men never experience contact with it. Others, speed-run it like a 3:00AM trip through the Burger King drive-thru. But judging by this specimen's cornhole pastaroni, I think it's a safe bet she follows Gordon Ramsay on TikTok. Happy Fuckin Holiday(s).

1,555,178 views 12/15/20 Anal Acrobats Anal

The Unluckiest Guy in Russia

You know that feeling: When it's 0600 hours, the sun is shining, and you find yourself 4-inches deep inside the only girl that believed your story about using the same plumber as Zac Efron. In other words: Perfection. That is, unless Lucya "The Wolverine" Chernyshevsky is leader of the neighborhood watch.

2,017,441 views 12/08/20 Public

All Attention On Me

133,932 views 12/07/20

How To Get Men To Ride The Bus

105,002 views 12/04/20 Strippers

The Greatest Live Stream Trainwreck Ever

Over the course of 15 years, I've tried saving the word epic for oddities that truly work for the definition. And let me tell you friends: If an emotional beat down of a daddy-issued ketamine-lifer doesn't earn it, the 4-inch race-rampage in the final act will lol.

3,011,961 views 12/01/20 Jewelrancid Crazy

Calling Home On The Holidays

97,484 views 11/27/20 Asians

Horrendous Hookers

The downside of trying to get your nut off on a $7 dollar budget? This. Every fucking second of this video is why you should always save 10% of your sheckles and wait to splurge outside of the Black Friday Mental Hospital Manager's Special of expired street meat. #yick

2,452,338 views 11/24/20 Hookers

The Girlfriend Experience

And by experience, I mean one man blowing up his beer money on the kind of sexual endeavor that would shell shock a Vietnam war veteran. Speaking of blowing up: The only thing missing from that slaughter house between her legs is someone in the background screaming wUrLstAr and Floyd Mayweather coming out of retirement to fight it.

2,173,435 views 11/18/20 Horror Porn Loose

Its Just Not The Same

105,556 views 11/13/20 Strippers

You Mother Fucker

Imagine reaching a point in your life where incest fantasies just aren't doing it for you anymore, so you unleash an even deeper mental illness and create some sort of hybrid, cabbage patch, mother-daughter serial killer, fuck dance home videos and think not hiding your identity is a good idea. This is that point.

1,869,382 views 11/07/20 Bizarre

The Future of Fucking

One country's quest for sexual satisfaction reaches it's peak, courtesy of a build-a-bear workshop for egg-drop rice boxes. It's hard to turn a blind eye to this actually being possible in 2020, but make sure this technology never makes it's way to Florida and you got yourself an investor.

1,521,932 views 10/23/20 Asians

Shit Pornstars Say 4

I imagine this is what happens when all of your knowledge of the English language comes from Pizza Hut commercials and TikTok. In fact, I may have just uncovered a form of communication so useless that California colleges might start offering 4-year degrees in it.

1,888,427 views 10/13/20 Shit Pornstars Say

Sasha Grey is a Racist

Not the first time I've seen a girl that got me through those awkward high school years trying to erase her past, but it might be the most indisputable. Silly goose, you can't just replace us with Twitch simps and expect us to forget lol

2,492,390 views 10/07/20 Amateur

Societal Decay Episode 1

Classic cases of unbridled overconfidence. If only these creatures put as much effort into velcroing their crotches shut in public, as they did into experimenting with pain medications: Then maybe these permanent marks on their resumes could have been avoided. Yikes and gadzooks.

2,057,652 views 10/01/20 LULZ
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