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Can't Stop The Cumshots 5

wow, I haven't seen this kind of perplexity since the days of taking my Canadian nickles on tour of the Craigslists escort section. Think you seen confusion? Try paying a "SBBWGFE-OUTCALL" in a foreign currency, then you can talk to me. MORE PARTS: [-1-] [-2-] [-3-] [-4-]

1,492,521 views 11/07/24 Premature

When Ordering A Prostitute Goes Wrong

Two things you should definitely abandon before agreeing to have sex with total strangers: Self-respect and Beef-a-roni. One of these is more important than the other, and I'm just gonna let you figure out what order they should be in.

1,049,761 views 08/05/24 Hookers

Buy A Daughter, Get the Mom Free: Part 2

The only thing more arousing than a mother renting our her own flesh and blood to the tune of a 2 for 1 BOGO flash sale, is the sequel of a mother renting our her own flesh and blood to the tune of a 2 for 1 BOGO flash sale. I don't know about you but my shrimp roll just got supersized. [PART 1]

1,645,120 views 06/19/23 Asian Sex Diary Hookers

Buy A Daughter, Get the Mom Free

It's pretty unbelievable what kind of deals still exist if you're willing to put in the work and find them. No need to negotiate on price either. Just lay down your $27USD and let the all you can eat vaginitis begin.

1,922,110 views 06/12/23 Asian Sex Diary Hookers

My First 18-year-old Escort

Some real memorable facial expressions in this one. Almost as if she can't believe someone would pay good money to hookup with a person possessing less sexual prowess than a New York City hotdog, and still achieve climax. 4/10; would penetrate again.

2,013,165 views 08/25/22 Ghetto Confessions Teen

Priceless Escort Experience

Hoe Chi Minh's first time at the fish market goes sour after realizing he should have spent the extra $20 at before dartboarding the bargain bin. Her defense for smelling like a Portuguese outhouse? LIterally nothing. She carries on like this is part of the girlfriend experience. I fucking laughed.

1,888,728 views 05/24/21 Amateur

The Special Needs Prostitute

Blue-balled midgets, schizophrenic autists, Miley Cyrus' fan base... this woman's sexual clientele is more well-rounded than IHOP's farmhouse breakfast. Unfortunately there's no visuals of penetration. But what it lacks in nightmares... it makes up for in California's voting pool.

2,189,105 views 10/26/19 Hookers

The Trolling of a Discount Hooker

From the clearance section of comes an escort sporting bed bugs, a wonky titty, and a heart of gold. Her entire scene is just one giant cluster fuck disaster of fail and it's beautiful.

3,699,233 views 09/01/14 Broke Model LULZ

Escort Flips Her Shit On Client

If you we're an emotionally messed up prostitute, I'm sure you would fucking hate talking about your life too. But would you hate it more then sucking the dick of a self-titled "crack whore connoisseur"? More crazy in the source link.

3,107,209 views 09/07/13 Crack Whore Confessions Hookers
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