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Wrong Hole, Charlie Brown!

Persian girl gets an accidental, no-lube blow to the rectum... most likely due to her male counterpart having the gut of a pregnant woman and not being able to see what the fuck he's aiming at. Or in other words... he tried to no-scope it and failed wonderfully.

5,336,678 views 04/26/11 Wrong Holes

Stink Palm

She-beast pulls a scratch n sniff in the middle of class, likely a misguided effort to relive last night's chimichangas. Once is relatively harlmess but a double dipper? Look at her fuckin drool. Lunch break aint till noon ya dirty bitch.

1,929,971 views 02/10/11 LULZ

Big Meaty Balls

He's got a 7 inch penis. You know what that means? He's fuckin John Stamos of the internet. And what better way to assert your superiority than to beat off on camera while talkin dirty in your finest batman voice? You da man.

1,804,039 views 02/10/11 LULZ

Feminist Attacks Cocky Stripper

Dude shoves his junk in the wrong chicks face. First she smacks his cock like a cheap pinata, then follows up with an ashtray to the face. Quite a feisty bitch. I think somebody put their tampon up the wrong hole.

2,500,185 views 09/19/10 Dancing Bear Strippers

Dont Slap The Titties!

This is an outtake from Rough Sex 2 where Regan Starr has a breakdown after some dude goes all Mr. Miyagi on her flapjacks. I absolutely LOVE how her asshole is randomly gaping in the beginning of the scene. Lucky bitch will never know the pains of constipation. NEVER.

2,457,312 views 08/03/10 Fail

Awesome Fail

I dont know whats more fucked up: the fact that he's boning a woman older than jesus or how the enjoyment he gets from it leaves him socially retarded and unable to saying anything more than "AWESOME!". This is what happens when you use Craigslist to get your dick wet you dirty motherfuckers.

3,911,981 views 07/26/10 LULZ

Stripper Pwns Her Audience

Stripper fills her colon up to the brim with some cheap booze and takes aim at all the assholes that didn't tip her. I have to say, as an owner of Super Soaker Aqua Blaster 2000, I'm impressed. Bitch knows how to work it.

2,968,163 views 07/14/10 Strippers

Gay Thugs Ruin Porno Shoot

A fist fight breaks out just before a mass interracial orgy was set to take place. Dolemite subdues one of the offenders by infiltrating his underpants and obtaining a vice-like grip on the dudes cornhole. Technique courtesy of San Quentin state prison.

3,367,893 views 07/01/10 Fights

Earthworm Jim

A parasite most commonly found in dog shit has taken up residence in the cornhole of this Salvadoran hooker. Not much of a step up but what's amazing is how this dumb bitch shits it out in the middle of her pay-per-view camshow without even realizing it. NOE ES BUENO.

2,813,072 views 06/17/10 LULZ

Do Not Want

A car full of Canadian hooligans armed with a VHS camcorder stumble upon a crackwhore that likes to show off the brown eye. Honestly... for someone that hasn't wiped their ass since 1993, her cornhole surprisingly didn't look all that bad.

2,528,761 views 04/12/10 Nasty

Rectal Control Fail

She's in the middle of an all-girl bukkake shoot when her cornhole opens up and gives birth to a raisinette. Not only does this dirty slut pick it up and attempt to hide it, but she then continues to rub her snatch with the same fuckin hand. NICE 1 LADY!

3,254,632 views 03/30/10 Squirt Bukkake Fail

Cornhole Destruction

She screams "ow!" 87 times in the span of 3 minutes. The quality may be crap but you really cant complain with numbers like that.

2,396,773 views 02/22/10 Painal

OOPS! Wrong Hole!

I'd be pretty amazed/disappointed if that didn't at least cause a little internal bleeding. Emphasis on disappointed.

5,557,945 views 11/22/09 Wrong Holes

Anal Creampie From Hell

It's crazy. On the outside, assholes all look the same. But if your rectum was to ever head south & emerge as a pink-sock... you'd quickly find that much like the butt plugs in Oprah Winfrey's sextoy collection, they come in all shapes, sizes and colors. 4 years of running a porn site and that's about all I've learned.

1,853,235 views 11/11/09 Prolapse

The Inside Out Girl

Her asshole resembles the neck of a kid that's just been decapitated. Hmmm. Sounds like fap time if you ask me.

2,145,152 views 10/30/09 Prolapse

A Hole In One

Fuck. I totally left out the headshot.wav file. God damn it.

2,841,744 views 10/17/09 Brazzers Fail

Anal With Constipated Girlfriend

I'm always one step ahead of female biology. When I wanna ass fuck a woman, I simply lace her Cinnamon Toast Crunch with ex-lax. Come night fall, her cornhole is as empty as Tara Reid's head. Works every time.

1,817,064 views 09/09/09 LULZ

Pornstar Quits Over Farting Incident

This is a scene from MEATHOLES, which was basically one of the most extreme porn sites on the web back in 2003-ish. It's funny. This girl can handle a fist up her cunt while the cameraman inquires about her childhood, but let one slip in her face and that's where she draws the line.

2,797,761 views 08/19/09 Meatholes Fail

Sex Ed For Dummies

Usually these type of videos are designed for kids. This one's actually for adults... adults so dumb they can't tell apart their wife's pussy hole from an Arby's Beef N Cheddar. Skip to 3:38 and you'll understand.

1,414,465 views 07/11/09 Documentary

All Girls Love Assholes

Especially fat ones. Dinner time!

3,827,850 views 05/28/09 Amateur
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