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Dont Fuck With Gianna

Raided grandpa's porno war-chest last night, nabbed a copy of Manhandled 3. Halfway in there's an interesting scene where Steve Homles randomly baits Gianna Michaels into slapping him. Well, she delivers... and it aint no fucking love tap. Lets just say Mr. Homles is less than appreciative of Gianna's sense of humor.

4,507,816 views 04/29/11 EvilAngel Fights

Porn Noob Pwns Himself

Big fat curved penis sends a fresh wad of home cooked Twinky filling right back into the face of it's creator. It's not a problem I expect to incur any time soon but I do retain faith in the bottle of Extenze my sister so kindly purchased me last xmas. Similar videos HERE & HERE.

2,838,604 views 04/19/11 Fail

Lesbian Porn Gone Bad

Kylie Ireland flips the fuck out after champaign-laced saliva (uh-huh) breaches her meat cave and causes discomfort. With 15+ years experience in the industry... you could likely slip a Mini Cooper up her twat without her even noticing... and yet somehow a single loogie results in a tapout? Looks like menopause came 20 years early.

2,567,506 views 03/24/11 Porn's Most Outrageous Outtakes Fail

Damaged Goods

Director gets annoyed after discovering the star of his young/innocent themed porno flick is actually a post-crackwhorian guttertramp with a horrendous tattoo right where it counts. That's like casting Steven Segal in a drama about terminally ill lesbians. Some things you just cant pull off, no matter how big your ponytail is.

3,297,629 views 03/04/11 Porn's Most Outrageous Outtakes Fail

Priceless O-Face

Another one of those videos where some pornstar is left flopping around like Terri Schiavo on speed after experiencing the Optimus Prime of all orgasms. This chick takes it a step further, introducing Human Bobblehead Mode at the 1:55 mark. All sorts of awesome.

4,903,420 views 01/09/11 Device Bondage Ridiculous Orgasms

Pornstar Cries Over Insult

Lesbo threesome goes sour after the alpha bitch of the group deliberately tries to humiliate the newcomer via repeatedly requesting that she douche - essentially declaring that the noob's twat smells and/or tastes like shit. I laughed.

1,784,073 views 12/27/10 Fail

The Safe Word

This is a clip from Graphic Sexual Horror - a documentary about the infamous BDSM site It has some really interesting discussion on the abuse of women in porn and the consequences of tappin out. Almost kinda makes you feel guilty for beating off to it. Almost.

3,271,494 views 09/25/10 Documentary

Your Pussy Is Too Tight

Dude lasts as long in bed as DMX's acting career. Then tries to blame it on this Hispanic pornstar's supposedly tight pussy. 'Hispanic pornstar' and 'tight pussy'. Two words that really dont belong in the same sentence... but I digress.

4,874,265 views 09/05/10 Bangbros Premature

Daughter Of The Year 2

Hot ass outtake from Bring Um Young 27 in which a pornstar rings her mom as she takes it up the ass. Check out the full DVD to catch a separate outtake of some crazy bitch making small talk with grandma after getting DP'ed. Good stuff.

5,273,053 views 08/17/10 LULZ

Twig Girl

She's flat broke, has the body of a malnutritioned Ethiopian and travels via duffle bag. If those arent the quintessential ingredients for a Japanese pornstar, I don't know what is. Now save up some yen and buy a fucking happy meal already.

4,182,597 views 07/20/10 JAVHD Asians

Persistance Fail

Cute pornstar gracefully rejects her partners attempts at anal penetration but the dumbfuck doesn't seem to get the message.

3,844,583 views 07/19/10 Fail

The Daughter Of The Year

Pornstar demonstrates her multitasking proskillz by calling up mommy and holding a conversation as she chows down on a can of man-ass. Divided attention really ain't all that bad.

4,386,705 views 07/09/10 LULZ

Gay Thugs Ruin Porno Shoot

A fist fight breaks out just before a mass interracial orgy was set to take place. Dolemite subdues one of the offenders by infiltrating his underpants and obtaining a vice-like grip on the dudes cornhole. Technique courtesy of San Quentin state prison.

3,367,106 views 07/01/10 Fights

She HATES Blowjobs LOL

When you weigh as much as the couch you're nesting on... performing fellatio is practically considered "exercise". Naturally she's not a fan. What's special though is her mock enthusiasm right at the end. You can literally see calories being burned as she imitates the standard pornstar approach to sucking dick. It's mesmerizing.

2,229,090 views 06/27/10 LULZ

Super Mom

This is ex-pornstar Tiffany Million. She exited the adult industry in 1994 to become a Bounty Hunter in Arizona, which was later turned into a reality TV show. Unlike most of the 2 bit whores in the business, Tiffany actually has some personality. She's funny as fuck and has an upbeat attitude to match, which makes beating off to her videos all the more rewarding.

2,936,350 views 05/17/10 LULZ

Girl Got HIV After Doing Anal

This is the story of Lara Roxx - a French Canadian who's career as a hardcore pornstar was derailed before it even began. She contracted HIV just after her first shoot - which involved taking 2 fat cocks up the ass simultaneously... aka "double anal"... aka just beggin for a blood transfusion.

2,892,798 views 05/13/10 Documentary

The Speechless Slut

Some basic questioning by the cameraman renders this pornstar completely brain dead. So bad she cant even remember how to perform her signature move - a rimjob.

3,038,741 views 05/11/10 Meatholes Fail

Pornstars + Crazy = WIN

There's something truly captivating about the tap dancing, bug eyed bitch at the 20 second mark. Her facial expression just screams "butt rape me till I poo blood." Definitely girlfriend material.

4,341,476 views 05/10/10 Party Hardcore LULZ

Blumpkins Really Do Exist

Male pornstar goes where no male pornstar has gone before: to the bathroom... whilst getting his dick sucked. Sounded like a wet one too. Guess this ends the century-long debate that blumpkins are merely an object of fucked up folklore. Another score for modern civilization.

3,054,645 views 05/05/10 Fail

Time To Retire

I cant even imagine how many jackoff sessions came to a halt after this saggy-assed dinosaur stepped in front of the camera. How the fuck are you supposed to beat off when 50% of the screen is devoted to the puckering balloon knot of a gay porn veteran? Honestly...

3,855,074 views 04/25/10 Bizarre
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