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Lexi Belle Has A Breakdown

A scene gets a little too intense for Lexi when her costar bitch slaps the valtrex out of her face. After which her costar turned assailant keeps asking her "are you ok?"

4,211,221 views 08/11/14 Breakdowns

The Best of Naked Protesters

No matter what the cause, there are always attention starved hippies wanting to get naked in support of stuff. Eating meat, women's rights, fur, politics, the environment... No one cares... Everyone's here because some these naked bitches are hot.

1,984,428 views 03/30/14 Public

The Cam Whore Awards: Round Two

Once again we're honoring the best of the worst in the world of webcam modeling. Where cute crazy bitches and really weird dudes are willing to stab at their own kidneys for our amusement and tokens.

2,254,077 views 09/04/13 Camwhores Camwhores

She Fucks Moolionairs

Fangirl shits pinecones after overhearing pornstar Brian Pumper refer to her as a 'bitch'. Blows are exchanged & shit gets ugly, but the real battle is all verbal, with ego-busting insults like "u think i wud tweet about u? I FUCK MOOLIONAIRES NIGGUH". Fucking brutal.

3,047,085 views 05/15/12 LULZ

Gianna PWNS Heckling Hector!

Dont let the bandana fool you. This cholo's 'tough guy' persona is about as real as his pleather jacket. Such is illustrated after Gianna does the unforgivable - an unconsensual snowball attack - which he takes like a total bitch. This is funny as fuck.

4,498,326 views 02/29/12 LULZ

Biggest Bitch In Porn

Hemorrhoids and Scabies aside, Tanner Mayes is a pretty hot piece of ass. Too bad she's got an ego the size of Ned Flander's cock (massive). This video is a demonstration of what happens when The Cuntinator doesnt get her way. Crazy bitch is crazy.

4,898,404 views 10/25/11 Fail

Pornstar Loses Her Shit

Ariana Jollee gets a tad bit emo on the set of Neo Pornographia 2 after receiving a bitchslap 'one million times harder' that what she was expecting. This quote sums it up pretty well: "this is sex, this isnt fucking beating people". I think she's on to something here.

2,163,086 views 07/05/11 Fail

Jerk Deliberately Cums In Her Ear

Missy Monroe cooks up a nonstop bitchfest after getting blasted in the ear by a bukkake boy. But the bad mood doesnt last. Come the 2 minute mark, she's more concerned with bragging to the camera about the small fortune she just got paid for swallowing the seed of 50+ degenerates. I'm filled with envy.

2,462,347 views 06/18/11 American Bukkake Fail

Sniffing Her Butt Wont Help

Premature ejaculation is funny. People trying to combat premature ejaculation is funnier. Notable examples: A) pipe squeezer and B) focusing on dog shit. Today we introduce a new, equally fucking retarded method for countering early evac. It's called sniffin your costars asshole. And unless the bitch just shit out 4 baconators, it wont work.

3,694,867 views 05/16/11 Premature

Gangbanged Into Orgasmic Bliss

The sound of interracial lovemaking with Metallica blairing in the backdrop. It's not exactly easy on the ears but if you manage to watch it all the way through... this bitch has a pretty epic chewbaca-like orgasm. just at the end.

3,261,935 views 02/10/11 Orgasms

Stink Palm

She-beast pulls a scratch n sniff in the middle of class, likely a misguided effort to relive last night's chimichangas. Once is relatively harlmess but a double dipper? Look at her fuckin drool. Lunch break aint till noon ya dirty bitch.

1,928,245 views 02/10/11 LULZ

99 Problems

but a bitch aint one.

1,066,071 views 01/29/11 Fail

Intellectual Fail

Dude's boner flatlines after getting bitched out, mid-fuck, by some uppity black slut that cant even handle a love tap. From there on it's a war of words and lemme tell you... this dumbfuck doesnt know many. Literally 2 and a half sentences into it and she's already facepalm'ed the fuck out.

2,793,976 views 01/20/11 Fail

Pornstar Cries Over Insult

Lesbo threesome goes sour after the alpha bitch of the group deliberately tries to humiliate the newcomer via repeatedly requesting that she douche - essentially declaring that the noob's twat smells and/or tastes like shit. I laughed.

1,784,022 views 12/27/10 Fail

College Class On Fisting

Crash course on how to effectively turn your lady friend's choco taco into a permanently gaping meat cave, as illustrated by that sassy bitch from Seinfield. Invaluable information really.

2,746,371 views 11/04/10 Fisting

Balls Deep or GTFO

Buck Williams graciously gives the neighborhood tramp a second chance at riding his 12 inch chewbaca dong. Either her twat eats up every centimeter of his beefy balgonie or the bitch gets 86'ed for life and is replaced by a mythical broad named Jenneifer. Yeeeeep.

4,317,633 views 11/02/10 LULZ

Long Lips

Beefy vaginas are a welcomed delight here on eFukt, but this particular post isn't about the meat curtains. It's about dimensions. Thats right. This bitch's twat measures longer than my own cock and while that might not be saying much, I'm confident you'll be impressed. See more HERE.

3,906,351 views 09/30/10 Gallery

Ghetto Swimsuit

Purple hair and blank CD's. Watch out Beyonce. This bitch is coming up fast.

956,518 views 09/22/10

Feminist Attacks Cocky Stripper

Dude shoves his junk in the wrong chicks face. First she smacks his cock like a cheap pinata, then follows up with an ashtray to the face. Quite a feisty bitch. I think somebody put their tampon up the wrong hole.

2,499,714 views 09/19/10 Dancing Bear Strippers

Pervert Ridiculed By Crowd!

Sleazy New Yorker gets bitched out by Lance Armstrong Jr. for zooming in on the crotch of some leg-spreading attention whore. A verbal battle of douchebaggery ensues. Some seriously amazing dialogue in this one folks. Plus a hot bitch that keeps picking at her twat wedgie.

4,045,818 views 08/30/10 LULZ
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